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In the SMS Channel window, you can view the following information about your SMS settings:

  • Codes
    • SMS code used to send SMSes to your customers, along with its name and description.
  • Agents
    • Logon ID of the agent who can access the SMS channel.

    • First and last names of the agent.

    • Date and time when the agent last logged on to their Agent Desktop.

    • Checkmarks to indicate that the agent is active and can access the SMS and voice channels.

    • Checkmarks to indicate if the agent can access the email and chat channels.

  • Services
    • ID and name of the service associated with the SMS channel.

    • Short code or long code for routing inbound SMSes to the service.

    • Message displayed in the SMS when an SMS campaign is launched for the service.

    • Inbound message template for inbound SMSes.

    • Checkmark to indicate if the SMSes sent to customers comply with the policies in the profile assigned to the service.

    • Checkmark to indicate if the customer's consent is required for sending SMSes to them.

If you want to modify the information, contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team.

You can assign an SMS code to specific services so that only the assigned code is available to the agents who are signed in to those services when the agents send an SMS (transactional). 

To assign an SMS code to services:

  1. On the Codes tab, double-click the row displaying the SMS code that you want to assign to services.
    The SMS Channel window for the selected code appears.
  2. In the Available section, select the services to which you want to assign the code, and then click Save.

    You can select all services together by clicking Assign All in the Available section.

    The SMS code is assigned to the selected services.

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