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The following table describes the fields for each table available in the Report Writer. You can use this information to create your own Call Detail Reports (CDRs).

AgentEmailEmail address of the agent.
First_NameFirst name of the agent.
Last_NameLast name of the agent.
Logon_IdLogon ID of the agent.
Call OutcomeCall_Outcome_IdCustom call outcome ID for mapping the LiveVox Results to your result code.
Client IdMaster client ID.
Custom Outcome 1Custom result mapping that you have defined. If a result is not mapped, the LiveVox Result is displayed.
Custom Outcome 2Custom result mapping that you have defined. If a result is not mapped, null is displayed.
Custom Outcome 3Custom result mapping that you have defined. If a result is not mapped, the LiveVox Result code is displayed.
PriorityPriority of a call outcome. A low value indicates a high priority. If the CDR uses the highest priority option, only best results are displayed based on the priority of the call outcome.
Result IdLiveVox Result ID.
CampaignCampaign Create DateDate and time when a campaign is created.
Campaign End TimeDate and time when a campaign ends.
Campaign Start TimeDate and time when a campaign starts.
Requeue LevelNumber of times that a campaign is requeued.
CDR PluginsAddressValue in the Extra 7 field of the Transaction table.
AgentActionTypeType of termination code.
AgentSkillNameSkill classification to which the agent is mapped for the call.
AgentTeamNamePluginTeam to which the agent belongs.
AreaCodeStateState that is based on the area code of the dialed number.
AttemptCallFinishTimeExtractorCall finish time of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number that you specify in the Extra Info field.
AttemptCallStartTimeExtractorCall start time of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number that you specify in the Extra Info field.
AttemptClientCodeExtractorClient code of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number that you specify in the Extra Info field.
AttemptClientOutcome1ExtractorCustom Outcome 1 value of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number specified in the Extra Info field.
AttemptClientOutcome2ExtractorCustom Outcome 2 value of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number specified in the Extra Info field.
AttemptCountOfAttemptsTotal count of attempts per account/account transaction ID.
AttemptPhoneDialedExtractorPhone_Dialed value of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number specified in the Extra Info field.
AttemptResultExtractorTfh_Result value of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number specified in the Extra Info field.
Bank Account ObfuscatedNot used because the field is legacy.
Bank routing # ObfuscatedNot used because the field is legacy.
Call Trace ResultNot used because the field is legacy.
CallCenterIdCall center ID.
CallCenterNameCall center name.
CallConnectTimeCTCall connect time, represented in Central Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Report Writer.
CallConnectTimeCTNoNullCall connect time, represented in Central Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Report Writer.
CallConnectTimeNoNullCall connect time, represented in Central Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Report Writer.
CallConnectTimePSTCall connect time, represented in Pacific Standard Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Report Writer.
CallConnectTimePSTNoNullCall connect time, represented in Pacific Standard Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Report Writer.
CallDirectionDirection of call (for example, inbound or outbound).
CallDurationNoNullNot used because this data is stored in the Call_Duration field of the Interaction table.
CallEndTimeNoNullNot used because this data is stored in the Call_Finish_Time field of the Interaction table.
CallStartTimeNoNullNot used because this data is stored in the Call_Start_Time field of the Interaction table.
CampaignNoExtensionCampaign name, without an extension such as .csv or .txt.
CampaignTypeType of campaign (for example, 10DMT, callback, HCI, manual, or outbound).
CampaignWithDateInsertedCampaign name suffixed with the date inserted in the following format: mmddyyyy.
CityValue in the Extra 7 field of the Transaction table.
ClickerAgentNamePluginName of the clicker agent.
ClientNamePluginName of the client.
Contact NotesContact notes for a given transaction and session.
Credit Card # ObfuscationNot used because the field is obsolete.
Credit Card Expiration ObfuscatedNot used because the field is obsolete.
Custom SQL ExpressionCustom SQL, which is put in the Extra Info column of the Report Writer. For example, you can reference fields from the Interaction and Transaction tables by using acct_transaction.input_id as the syntax.
CustomOutcomesWithCustomDefaultNot used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 1 field of the Call Outcome table.
EmptyEmpty string in the CDR.
FillerPadding characters used for fillers in the CDR (for example, LIVEVOX, N/A, ***).
FirstNameSpaceLastFirst name of the customer, followed by a space and then the last name.
GetUSTimeZoneUS time zone for the number.
IVRDurationUnrounded IVR duration, calculated as the difference between the Call Duration and Transfer Duration values of the Transaction table.
InteractionTypeType of interaction (for example, chat, email, or SMS).
LCID Package IDLCID package ID for the call.

Indicates if the language is Spanish for an interaction (yes: S).

LastNameCommaFirstLast name of the customer, followed by a comma and then the first name (without space) in quotation marks (" ").
OpTransferFillerNot used because the field is legacy.
OperatorTransferDurationOperator Transfer time, calculated as the difference between the Extra 4 and Transfer Duration values of the Transaction table.
PPhone1Or2CallOutcomeUse the Custom SQL Expression field.
PPhone1Or2CallOutcomeWithDefaultUse the Custom SQL Expression field.
PatientPhone1Primary number of the transaction.
Phone2Secondary number of the transaction.
PhoneDialedDefaultPhone1Dialed number of an attempted call. If a call is not made, this field contains the Phone1 value of the Transaction table.
PhonePositionPosition of the phone number in the campaign.
ServiceTypeType of service (for example, outbound call, inbound SMS, or inbound chat).
SkillNameName of the service.
StateValue in the Extra 7 field of the Transaction table.
TerminationCategoryNameCategory of the termination code specified by an agent when wrapping up the interaction.
TerminationCodeNameTermination code for the interaction.
TimezoneOfCallPluginTime zone of a call, identified by the first three digits of the dialed number. 
TotalRoundedDurationSum of rounded IVR duration and rounded Operator Transfer duration.
ZipValue in the Extra 11 field of the Transaction table.
ZipCodeStateState to which the ZIP code belongs.
ContactAccountAccount number of the contact.
Account Due DateDue date.
Account To SpeakValue in the Account field. This field can contain an alternate account number to be used by the IVR.
Address 1Primary address of the contact.
Address 2Secondary address of the contact.
Amount To SpeakAmount required to speak.
B ActiveIndicates if the contact is active (active: 1; inactive: 0).
Call Attempts Life TimeNumber of call attempts that can be made on the contact in a lifetime.
Call Attempts TodayNumber of call attempts that can be made on the contact in a day.
CityCity of the contact.
Client IDClient ID.
Country IDID of the country to which the contact belongs.
Create DateDate and time when the contact record is created.
Create UserID of the user who created the contact record.
DepartmentDepartment of the contact.
DescriptionDescription of the contact.
DOBDate of birth of the contact.
Do Not ContactIndicates if the contact can be contacted (yes: 1; no: 0).
Do Not Contact TodayIndicates if the contact can be contacted on the current day (yes: 1; no: 0). The value is reset when the day ends.
Email AddressEmail address of the contact.
First NameFirst name of the contact.
Group IDID of the contact Group.
Guarantor First NameFirst name of the guarantor of the contact.
Guarantor Last NameLast name of the guarantor of the contact.
Initial Load Campaign IDID of the campaign that is loaded first.
Initial Load DateDate and time when the contact is first loaded.
Last Load Campaign IDID of the campaign that is loaded last.
Last Load DateDate and time when the contact is last loaded.
Last NameLast name of the contact.
LV Account IDLiveVox account ID of the contact.
Modify DateDate and time when the contact is modified.
Modify UserName of the user who modified the contact.
Original Account NumberOriginal account number of the contact.
Payment BalancePayment balance of the contact.
Phone 1Phone number in the first position in the contact. When the campaign is run, this field uses the number that is last dialed.
Phone 10Phone number in the tenth position in the contact.
Phone 2Phone number in the second position in the contact.
Phone 3Phone number in the third  position in the contact.
Phone 4Phone number in the fourth position in the contact.
Phone 5Phone number in the fifth position in the contact.
Phone 6Phone number in the sixth position in the contact.
Phone 7Phone number in the seventh position in the contact.
Phone 8Phone number in the eighth position in the contact.
Phone 9Phone number in the ninth position in the contact.
Zip/Postal CodeZIP/postal code of the contact.
SalutationSalutation for the contact.
SSNSocial Security Number of the contact.
StateState to which the contact belongs.
TitleTitle for the contact.
Col1Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col10Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col100Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col11Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col12Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col13Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col14Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col15Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col16Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col17Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col18Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col19Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col2Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col20Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col21Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col22Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col23Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col24Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col25Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col26Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col27Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col28Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col29Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col3Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col30Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col31Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col32Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col33Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col34Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col35Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col36Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col37Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col38Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col39Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col4Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col40Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col41Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col42Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col43Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col44Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col45Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col46Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col47Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col48Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col49Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col5Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col50Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col51Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col52Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col53Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col54Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col55Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col56Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col57Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col58Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col59Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col6Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col60Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col61Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col62Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col63Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col64Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col65Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col66Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col67Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col68Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col69Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col7Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col70Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col71Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col72Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col73Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col74Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col75Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col76Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col77Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col78Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col79Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col8Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col80Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col81Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col82Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col83Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col84Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col85Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col86Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col87Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col88Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col89Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col9Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col90Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col91Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col92Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col93Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col94Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col95Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col96Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col97Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col98Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Col99Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
InteractionAccountAccount number of the customer involved in the interaction.
Acct_Transaction_IdAccount transaction ID for the interaction.
Agent Skill IdSkill ID of the agent involved in the interaction (for example, English or Spanish).
Agent_IdID of the agent involved in the interaction.
Agent_Team_IdID of the agent team to which the agent involved in the interaction belongs.
Answer_TypeType of answer (for example, agent-initiated or system-generated).
Attachment ID 1ID of the attachment associated with the interaction.
Attachment ID 2ID of the attachment associated with the interaction.
Attachment ID 3ID of the attachment associated with the interaction.
Attachment ID 4ID of the attachment associated with the interaction.
Attachment ID 5ID of the attachment associated with the interaction.
COL1Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL10Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL11Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL12Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL13Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL14Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL15Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL16Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL17Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL18Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL19Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL2Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL20Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL21Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL22Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL23Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL24Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL25Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL26Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL27Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL28Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL29Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL3Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL30Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL31Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL32Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL33Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL34Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL35Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL36Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL37Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL38Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL39Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL4Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL40Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL41Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL42Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL43Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL44Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL45Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL46Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL47Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL48Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL49Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL5Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL50Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL6Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL7Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL8Value in the respective field of the contact table.
COL9Value in the respective field of the contact table.
Call Termination CodeTermination code for the call.
Call_Connect_TimeTime at which the call connects.
Call_DurationDuration of the call.
Call_Finish_TimeTime at which the call ends.
Call_RecordedIndicates if the call is recorded (yes: 1; no: 0).
Call_Start_TimeTime at which the call is answered.
Call_TypeType of call (for example, manual or preview).
Campaign_IdID of the loaded campaign.
CarrierCarrier used for the interaction/interaction attempt.
Carrier 2Secondary carrier used for the interaction/interaction attempt.
Clicker Agent IDID of the Clicker Agent involved in the interaction.
Client_FilenameName of the uploaded campaign that is run. The value in this field is the same as that in the Extra 10 field of the Transaction table.
Client_IdService ID.
Client_Record_Info_1First 50 characters in the Extra 15 field of the Transaction table.
Client_Record_Info_2Client code.
Confirm_Alternate_NumberNumber provided by the customer during the interaction.
Confirm_Approval_CodeInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Confirm_Credit_Card_Exp_DateNot used because the field is legacy.
Confirm_Credit_Card_NumberNot used because the field is legacy.
Confirm_Fax_Phone_NumberNot used because the field is legacy.
Confirm_First_IdInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Confirm_Payment_AmountInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Confirm_Second_IdInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Custom_Code1Not used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 1 field of the Call Outcome table.
Custom_Code2Not used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 2 field of the Call Outcome table.
Custom_Code3Not used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 3 field of the Call Outcome table.
Email SubjectSubject line of the email.
Final_StateFinal status of the call (for example, failed).
From Number 2Caller ID. The value in this field is the same as that in the From_Number 1 field.
From_Number1Caller ID for the interaction attempt.
Input_Alternate_FaxInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Input_Alternate_PhoneInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Input_Approval_CodeInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Input_Bank_Account_NumberNot used because the field is legacy.
Input_Bank_Account_TypeNot used because the field is legacy.
Input_Bank_Routing_NumberNot used because the field is legacy.
Input_Credit_Card_Exp_DateNot used because the field is legacy.
Input_Credit_Card_NumberNot used because the field is legacy.
Input_Credit_Card_Sec_CodeNot used because the field is legacy.
Input_DobInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Input_Dynamic_Menu1Input provided by the customer through IVR.
Input_Dynamic_Menu2Input provided by the customer through IVR.
Input_Dynamic_Menu3Input provided by the customer through IVR.
Input_First_IdInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Input_IdInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Input_Last_Dtmf_PressedLast input specified by the customer through IVR.
Input_Not_AvailableInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Input_Payment_AmountInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Input_Second_IdInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Input_SsnInput provided by the customer through IVR.
Interaction TextText messages of an interaction (for example, chat or SMS).
Load_DateNot used because this data is stored in the Last Load Date field of the Contact table.
Lv_Call_Type_IdType of service associated with the interaction (for example, manual or preview).
Lvtransaction_TypeType of transaction (for example, callback, outbound, or SMS).
Operator_PhoneOperator phone number assigned to the interaction.
Original_Account_NumberAlternate account number of the customer.
Phone_DialedDialed number.
Reserved1Voice talent used at the time of call.
Reserved10Unknown (null for all calls).
Reserved2Language ID.
Reserved3Failure SIP status.
Reserved4Logon ID of the agent.

Result from the carrier for SMS transactions.

Reserved6Unknown (null for all calls).
Reserved7Unknown (null for all calls).

Same as that in the Lvtransaction_Type field, for SMS transactions (empty for non-SMS transactions).


Date from a SIP header to show the cause of disconnected call (similar to the Sip_Failure_Reason_Header field).

Rounded_Ivr_DurationTotal rounded IVR duration of the interaction.
Rounded_Op_DurationRounded Operator Transfer duration.
SMS Short CodeSMS short code used for the interaction.
Screen RecordedIndicates if the screen is recorded (yes: 1; no: 0).
SentimentNot used; reserved for future use.
Session_IdSession ID for the interaction.
Sip_Failure_Dial_TimeoutIndicates if a SIP failure is due to a dial timeout.
Sip_Failure_Reason_HeaderReason for disconnection, calls not found, calling errors, or incomplete calls.
Sip_Ringing_ReceivedIndicates if a ringing is heard when the number is dialed.
Tfh_ResultLiveVox Result.
Thread IDID of the interaction thread.
Total_Agent_Hold_CountTotal number of times that an agent placed the call on hold during the interaction.
Total_Agent_Hold_DurationTotal hold duration for the interaction.
Total_Talk_DurationTotal talk duration of the interaction.
Total_Wrapup_DurationTime taken by the agent to change the status after ending the interaction.
Transfer Bridge DurationDuration between a transfer attempt and the end of the transferred call.
Transfer_Bridge_TimeDate and time when an audio connection is established between the agent and the customer. The time stamp is the same as that for the Transfer_Connect_Time value.
Transfer_Call_ResultResult of a call transfer.
Transfer_Connect_TimeDate and time when an audio connection is established between the agent and the customer. The time stamp is the same as that for the Transfer_Connect_Time value.
Transfer_DurationDuration between a transfer attempt and the end of the transferred call.
Transfer_Finish_TimeTime at which the transfer ends.
Transfer_Hold_DurationDuration between the Transfer Hold Start Time and the Transfer Hold End Time. Transfer Hold Start Time is the time at which the first agent team-based routing is initialized (after pre-hold prompts). Transfer Hold End Time is one of the following:
a. Transfer_Connect_Time value, if a bridge attempt is made.
b. Time at which the hold result is OperatorNoAnswer.
c. Time at which the call ends.
Transfer_Start_TimeTime at which the transfer is initialized (before pre-hold prompts).
Validation_No_MatchNot used because the field is legacy.
Livevox ResultLive AnswerIndicates if the result is Live Answer (yes: 1; no: 0)
Not ConnectedIndicates if the result is Not Connected (yes: 1; no: 0).
Not MadeIndicates if the result is Not Made (yes: 1; no: 0).
Operator TransferIndicates if the result is Operator Transfer (yes: 1; no: 0).
Operator Transfer SuccessfulIndicates if the result is Operator Transfer Successful (yes: 1; no: 0).
ResultResult of the call.
Result CodeLiveVox Result code.
Result IdLiveVox Result ID.
Schedule CallbackActiveIndicates if the scheduled callback is not made (yes: 1; no: 0).
Agent IdID of the agent assigned to the scheduled callback.
Agent Skill IdSkill ID of the agent assigned to the scheduled callback.
Agent Team IDsID of the agent team to which the agent assigned to the scheduled callback belongs.
Call PriorityPriority of the scheduled callback.
Callback Phone NumberPhone number for which the callback is scheduled.
Created DateDate and time when the callback is scheduled (that is, when a Scheduled Callback entry is added).
Scheduled Callback TimeTime for which the callback is scheduled.
Scheduled Callback TimezoneTime zone for the number for which the callback is scheduled.
StatusIndicates if the scheduled callback is completed (yes: 1; no: 0).
TransactionAccountAccount number for the transaction.
Account To SpeakSame as the account number of your customer (that is, the value in the Account field). This field can contain an alternate account number to be used by the IVR.
Acct Transaction IdID to identify the transaction for the account within the campaign.
Alt Language 1Alternate language specified by the customer through the IVR.
Alt Language 2Alternate language specified by the customer through the IVR.
Alt Language 3Alternate language specified by the customer through the IVR.
Amount 1Not used because the field is legacy.
Amount 2Not used because the field is legacy.
Amount 3Not used because the field is legacy.
Amount 4Not used because the field is legacy.
Amount 5Not used because the field is legacy.
Amount 6Not used because the field is legacy.
Amount To SpeakAlternate number/dollar amount used in the IVR.
AttemptTotal number of attempts made to contact the customer. This value is the same as the total number of interactions in the Transaction table.
BillingNot used because the field is legacy.
B ActiveIndicates if the transaction is active (active: 1; inactive: 0).
Call Connect TimeSame as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table.
Call DurationDuration of the call.
Call Finish TimeSame as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table.
Call Start TimeSame as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table.
Campaign IdID of the loaded campaign.
Client IdService ID associated with the call.
Client Practice IdInformation about your subclients.
Confirm Fax Phone NumberNot used because the field is legacy.
Confirm Other Phone NumberAlternate number provided by the customer to identify them.
Confirm Payment AmountAmount confirmed to be paid by the customer.
Date ModifiedDate and time when the campaign is last modified.
Days Due 1Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Days Due 2Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Days Due 3Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Days Due 4Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Days Due 5Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Days Due 6Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Days To SpeakAdditional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Discount Amount To SpeakNot used because the field is legacy.
Discount Percentage To SpeakNot used because the field is legacy.
Extra 1Logon ID of the agent.
Extra 10Name of the uploaded/requeued campaign.
Extra 11First five digits of the ZIP code for the transaction, used to determine the safe dialing hours based on the ZIP code-area code mismatch logic (if enabled by LiveVox).
Extra 12Date of service. This field supports only a date-formatted value.
Extra 13Address of the customer.
Extra 14Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Extra 15Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Extra 16Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Extra 17Area code for the primary phone number.
Extra 18Date and time when the campaign is selected for reporting (post processing). 
Extra 19Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Extra 2Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Extra 20Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Extra 3Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Extra 4Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Extra 5Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Extra 6Extension of the agent.
Extra 7Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Extra 8Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location).
Extra 9Time for the scheduled call back, represented in HH:MM:SS.
Guarantor FirstnameFirst name of the guarantor of the customer who is called, or alternate name of the customer who is called.
Guarantor LastnameLast name of the guarantor of the customer who is called, or alternate name of the customer who is called.
Input Other Phone NumberAlternate number provided by the customer through the IVR.
Insurance CompanyAdditional information for Text-to-Speech (TTS) purpose.
Insurance TypeNot used because the field is legacy.
LanguageVoice talent code for the IVR.
Language Callback 1Not used because the field is legacy.
Language Callback 2Not used because the field is legacy.
Language Callback 3Not used because the field is legacy.
Last Payment DateAdditional date information.
Lead 1Not used because the field is legacy.
Lead 2Not used because the field is legacy.
Lead 3Not used because the field is legacy.
Lead 4Not used because the field is legacy.
Lead 5Not used because the field is legacy.
Lead 6Not used because the field is legacy.
Lead Credit Card NumberNot used because the field is legacy.
Lead Other Fax NumberNot used because the field is legacy.
Lead Other Phone NumberNot used because the field is legacy.
Live PersonNot used because the field is legacy.
Lvtransaction TypeType of call (for example, inbound or outbound).
MachineNot used because the field is legacy.
Minimum Payment AmountNot used because the field is legacy.
Not AvailableNot used because the field is legacy.
No InputNot used because the field is legacy.
Operator PhoneOperator phone number. For a manual service, this field uses the caller ID.
Original Account NumberOriginal account number for the transaction.
OutcomeOutcome of the attempts (for example, passed or failed).
Patient DobDate of birth of the customer.
Patient EmailEmail address of the customer.
Patient FirstnameFirst name of the customer who is called.
Patient First IdZIP code of the customer who is called.
Patient LastnameLast name of the customer who is called.
Patient Phone1Primary phone number associated with the account.
Patient Phone2Additional phone numbers associated with the account, separated by the pipe character.
Patient Second IdZIP code of the guarantor.
Patient SsnSocial Security Number of the customer.
Phone DialedNumber that is dialed as the last successful/unsuccessful attempt.
Phone Update0 if the transaction is from an outbound campaign; null for inbound and manual transactions. 
Place Of Service IdSubclient locations, used in conjunction with the Client Practice Id value.
Practice FaxFax number.
Practice IdSubclient ID.
Practice PhoneCallback phone number.
Practice Phone AlternateCaller ID.
QueuedUsed for internal purpose.
Requeue IdRequeue ID.
Result1Default carrier; also indicates that a call is being placed and has not been reported yet.
Result2Result of transaction (for example, successful or not made).
Session IdSession ID for the transaction.
Template IdTemplate ID of the matching campaign.
Tfh ResultResult of the call as defined by LiveVox.
Total AmountAmount owed by the customer.
Transaction UpdateUsed for internal purpose.
Transfer Connect TimeSame as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table.
Transfer DurationSame as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table.

LiveVox Customer Care Contacts

24 Hour Customer Care Line: (888) 477-3448
LiveVox Customer Care Email:
This document is an unpublished work protected by the United States copyright laws and is proprietary to LiveVox, Inc. (“LiveVox”).  Disclosure, copying, reproduction, merger, translation, modification, enhancement, or use by anyone other than authorized employees, clients or licensees of LiveVox, and its affiliate companies, without the prior written consent of LiveVox, is prohibited.  This document is intended as a guide to assist users of systems provided by LiveVox, and does not constitute the provision by LiveVox of any legal or compliance advice.  Compliance by authorized clients or licensees of LiveVox with all applicable local, state, federal, or foreign laws and regulations is the sole responsibility of those authorized clients or licensees.  Further, features and services that rely on third party performance are subject to the errors and omissions of those third parties, over which LiveVox has no control.  LiveVox therefore disclaims all liability resulting from or arising out of any services supplied by or through any third-party vendor or any acts or omissions of the applicable third party vendor.  Additionally, LiveVox makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy of content supplied by parties other than LiveVox. 

For Internal and Client Use Only

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