Page tree

The Panel menu contains a table of all panels for the dashboard that you have selected on the Dashboard menu. The panels are grouped into the following categories:

  1. Upper area: Represents a panel that appears in the upper area on a wallboard.
  2. Middle area: Represents a panel that appears in the middle area on a wallboard.
  3. Lower area: Represents a panel that appears in the lower area on a wallboard.

You can change the area of a panel by dragging it to the area where you want it, within the table. 


The table displays the following columns:

  • Panel: Name of a panel.
  • Type: Type of view for a panel (for example, grid or array).
  • Subject: Subject used for the panel (for example, agents or services).
  • Statistics: Type of statistics used for the panel (for example, historical or real-time).
  • Interval: Interval used for the panel (for example, last hour or last 15 minutes) if the statistic type of the panel is historical.
  • Sort: Type of sorting used for the entries in the panel (for example, ascending or descending order).


The table displays the following icons:

  • Add a panel to the selected dashboard Create a New Dashboard icon: Creates a panel for the dashboard that you have selected on the Dashboard menu.
  • Rename the selected panel Rename the selected dashboard icon: Renames a panel.
  • Duplicate the selected panel Duplicate the selected dashboard icon: Copies a panel.
  • Delete the selected panel Delete the selected dashboard icon: Deletes a panel.

    Before you rename, copy, or delete a panel, ensure that you have selected the panel on the Panel menu.

  • No labels