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  • Provides the details of all access logs and changes of recording events. You can view the details of action taken by the user or agent interacting with the recording.
  • To access the Recording Events Report click on the Recording Events Report link from the Review tab of Navigation Panel. This takes you to the Recording Events Reports Search tool to choose the parameters for the report.

This report may only be generated with a start and end time frame no greater than 90 days. Data can be generated from up to 730 days back.

  • Date Range – Enables you to type in dates or choose them using the calendar buttons. The calendar allows you to select the start and end date range.
    • Advanced Date Configuration – Clicking on the link next to the calendar button will open the Advanced Date Configuration selection interface. 
    • Multiple sequential or non-sequential dates can be selected using the Multiple option. You may enter dates in the format of MM/DD/YYYY or select them using the calendar button.
  • Actor Type - Agent or User who interacted with an audio or screen recording. Select your option from the drop down.
  • Actor - Based on the selected Actor Type, choose a specific Agent or User from the drop down.
  • Playback Events - User playback events include Streamed, Downloaded and Deleted recordings. You are able to select which user events you want included on the report.
  • Agent Events - Agent call control events include Pause, Resume and Stop recording from Agent Desktop. You are able to select which agent events you want included on the report.
  • User Role - This field is available only if the value of Actor Type field is selected as a User. Select a user role from the drop down.
  • Call Center – Select a call center with a drop down. Multi-Call Center Selection can be performed by using the link next to Call Center drop down.
    • Multiple Call Center Selection – Clicking on the link next to Call Center drop down will open the multiple call center selection window.
      • Multiple Call Centers can be easily chosen by holding down the CTRL key when making selections.
      • You may sort call centers in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header. Navigate using the scroll bar along with the page buttons located both on the side and on the bottom of the selection criteria window.
      • Use the arrow buttons to move the selection to the right-hand box. You may choose to move one call center at a time using the single arrow buttons or all call centers with the multiple arrow buttons.
  • Service – A particular service can be selected using the service drop down box.  If a particular call center is selected prior to selecting a service, services only available for that particular call center will appear.
    • Multiple Service Selection – Clicking on the link next to Service drop down will open the multiple service selection window:  
      • Multiple services can be easily chosen by holding down the CTRL key when making selections.
      • You may sort services in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header. Navigate using the scroll bar along with the page buttons located both on the side and on the bottom of the selection criteria window.
      • Use the arrow buttons to move the selection to the right-hand box. You may choose to move one service at a time using the single arrow buttons or all services with the multiple arrow buttons.
  • Recording Type - Select the type of recording event captured from the available drop down (Call Recording/Screen Recording).
  • Phone Dialed - Enter the phone number of the caller that was dialed when the recording was performed (if available).
  • Account -   Enter the account number of the caller (if available).
  • Generate Report – After your selection parameters are chosen, you can generate the report by clicking on Generate Report button located at the bottom of the page. This takes you to the report below.

Actor - Specifies the name of the Agent or User who interacted with the recording

Actor Type - Specifies if Actor is an Agent or User

Name - Displays the name of the contact

Service: Service name on which the account was attempted (or on which the inbound call was received)

Account: Account number for the record

Phone:  Phone number used to contact the account, or the inbound call's caller ID

Agent: The agent who recorded the session

Session: Displays the session ID for screen recording and Object ID for call recordings

Date:  Date when the call or screen recording was performed

Transfer Connect: Actual time the call was connected to the agent in Hours: Minutes: Seconds

Transfer End: End time of the call in Hours: Minutes: Seconds

Transfer Connect Duration: Total time of the recorded conversation in seconds (This metric is calculated as Transfer duration – Transfer hold duration)

Campaign:  he name of the campaign the recording is associated to

Outcome: The LiveVox result code assigned to the call

Action - Action taken by the user or agent interacting with the screen or audio recording

Recording Type - The type of recording that was accessed

Action Time - The date and time of the interaction.

 Additional Links located in the top right corner of the generated report:

  • Export to: PDF or Excel – Provides you the ability to export report and data to another file type.
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