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The LiveVox Voice platform provides a range of features that can be used to manage and optimize voice communications, such as call routing, Automatic Call Distribution (ACD), call recording, and real-time call monitoring. It also supports advanced features such as Interactive Voice Response (IVR), call queuing, and call scripting, which can be used to automate and streamline customer interactions. Managers are provided with the tools they need to monitor and improve the performance of the contact center.


  • The Phone Numbers editor allows you to view all phone numbers within the LiveVox portal and easily identify, assign, modify, and disassociate phone numbers from one service to another. For more information, see Phone Numbers Editor.
  • The Profiles editor supports compliance policies for dialing and messaging. For more information, see Profile Editor.
  • The Contact Timing editor allows you to prioritize or restrict the dialing of accounts within a campaign that falls into the specified windows by Time Zone. For more information, see Contact Timing.
  • The Strategy editor allows you to create phone order, next number, outcome attempt logic, and requeue dialing strategies which you would apply to your outbound voice campaigns. For more information, see the Dialing Strategies section.
  • The CID (Caller ID) Package contains a list of toll-free numbers, and local caller ID numbers, either one of which (depending on geography) is displayed on a call recipient’s caller ID. For more information, see CID Package.
  • The Block Caller ID editor allows you to create and manage entries to block inbound unwanted callers. For more information, see Block Caller ID.
  • The inbound routing tools allow users to manage inbound service configuration, call distribution, hours of operation, and messaging. For more information, see Inbound Routing.
  • The voice monitor dashboard provides real-time statistics for outbound, blended, and inbound call types for the current day. For more information, see Voice Monitor Dashboard.
  • The Review tab allows to generate and view reports. For more information, see Reports.

For information about the roles and permissions associated with Voice, see User Roles and Permissions in the Product Documentation Library.

Accessing the Voice Section

Navigate to the Voice section by selecting Configure > Voice > any of the required sub-sections from the navigation panel.

The following topics are covered in this section:

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