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Types of Pacing Methods Within the Automated Cloud.

Abandon Rate

  • This method sets the line usage based on a calculation of the number of abandoned calls vs. the number of calls connected to the agents.   The system continually determines the optimal line usage to achieve the targeted abandon rate.
    • For example, if the abandon rate throttle is set to 5%, then the target for the number of abandoned calls will be 5%.  

Abandon rate pacing works best with more than 10 agents.

Agent (Lines per agent)

  • This method sets the line usage based on the number of lines dialed for each agent in the Ready status.
    • For example, if the lines per agent throttle is set to 10 lines and 5 agents are in the Ready status, then 50 calls will be launched at that time.

#/Agent (lines per agent) is the recommended pacing method for outbound services, especially when there are 10 or less available agents.


  • This method sets a fixed number of lines to be dialed regardless of the number of agents logged in or Ready.  This is intended for unattended campaigns.
    • For example, if the calls in progress throttle is set to 100, then 100 calls will be launched. 

Max CIP should only be used for unattended services.

Updating Pacing

To update the Pace Method, the Throttle or Max Wait follow these steps.  The service type will dictate the pacing methods available.  

  • From the Service Activity and Pacing widget, select Revise which will open the Revise Limits screen.

  • The Revise Limits screen allows edits to the desired settings.

  • Select the Revise button to save the changes.
  • Select the Change History tab to view the changes.

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