In the Designer window, click the Scripts tab. You can see the SCRIPTS tab. The tab shows the following fields:
ID | Name | Description | Lockedby | Created By | Created Date |
Unique Script ID is generated automatically | Displays script name | Displays the description | If the script is opened and used by anyone, the script shows a locked state | Displays the name of the person who created the script. | Shows the script created dated. |
Using the Script tab you can create, modify, import, export, copy, delete, or view a script. The following table describes the subtabs that appear on the Scripts tab.
Subtab | Description |
SCRIPTS | Enables you to view and manage scripts and assign scripts to services. |
Page=> | |
Design | Enables you to design a script page, including its layout. |
Properties | Enables you to specify the properties of a script page. |
Style | Enables you to specify a style for the script page. |
Events | Enables you to define actions or events for the script page. |
Director | Enables you to create and manage events for use within the script. The ability to create and manage events is vital to providing a flexible and dynamic workspace for agents. |
Javascript | Enables you to define or embed custom JavaScript code to be used at the script-page level. |
Preview | Enables you to preview and test the script page from an agent's perspective. |
Script=> | |
Data | Enables you to define a new variable to be used within the script and import screenpop variables from the LiveVox platform. |
Javascript | Enables you to define or embed custom JavaScript code to be used at the script-page level. |
Theme | Enables you to change the style of the elements within a script. You cannot edit the default theme; however, you can create a new theme and apply it to the following elements:
Report Config | Enables you to retrieve information stored in the database that is collected during a call. |
Change History | Enables you to view all the changes made to the script. |