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The Work Queue Config option under Work Queue in the WFO tab lists all the scheduling, Elearning, coaching, and acknowledgment tasks and their related information. This option enables you to capture information regarding Task Type, Task Subtype, Subject, Priority, Duration Days, Auto Approval, Auto Rejection, Days For Approval, and Days For Rejection

To access Work Queue Config, navigate to the WFO tab and click Work Queue > Work Queue Config.

Modifying a Task Type

You can modify the Subject, Priority, and Duration Days for a Task Type. To make the modifications:

    1. On the WFO tab, click Work Queue > Work Queue Config.
      The Work Queue Config window appears.
    2. Double-click the task type you want to edit.
      The Task Settings dialog box appears.
    3. Modify the values in the following fields, as required:
      • Subject: Indicates the subject of the task.
      • Priority: Indicates the priority of the task. Default options are High, Medium, and Low.
      • Duration Days: Indicates the duration (in days) for the selected task type.
    4. Click Save.


      The Auto Approve and Reject options are currently available only for the Scheduling task type.

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