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A keyword list is a searchable list of words and phrases grouped by a topic. You can categorize and group the keywords into a keyword list, based on the meaning and use of the keywords. 

Accessing the Keyword Lists 

To access the keyword lists configuration window, othe WFO tab, click SpeechIQ > Configuration > Keyword Lists.
The Keyword Lists window with the configured keyword lists is displayed. 

  • To search for a specific keyword list, use the Filter field. 
  • To view information about only active keyword lists, select the Active Only checkbox.
  • To delete a keyword list, select the keyword list and click Delete
  • To customize the table columns view, see the instructions in the Customizing a Table section in SpeechIQ Reporting.
  • To refresh the list, click the Refresh icon ().

Creating a New Keyword List

To create a new keyword list: 

  1. In the Keyword Lists window, click New
    The New Keyword List popup window appears.
  2. Specify a name for the keyword list. 
  3. Click Save
    The new keyword list appears in the Keyword Lists window.
  4. Double-click the new keyword list that you added, and then click the Settings tab.
  5. Select the Active checkbox to make the status of the keyword list active.
  6. Select the In Word Cloud checkbox to make the keyword list available to consider for generating the word cloud.
  7. Click Save.
    The new keyword list appears on the table. Once you created a new keyword list, you can add keywords to the list. 

Adding Keywords into a Keyword List

You can add unlimited keywords to a keyword list.

To add keywords into a keyword list:

  1. In the Keyword Lists window, double-click the required keyword list.
  2. On the Keywords tab of the keyword list details page, click New
  3. Enter the new keywords that you want to add to the keyword list.
  4. Click Save.

  • To search for a specific keyword, use the Filter field. 
  • To modify a keyword, select the keyword that you want to modify and click Edit, or double-click the keyword, and make the changes in the Edit Keyword popup window.
  • To delete a keyword, select the keyword and click Delete.
  • To refresh the list of keywords, click the Refresh icon ().

The History tab displays the change history of the selected scorecard keyword list. The table shows the description of the changes made, the name of the user, and the date and time of all changes. The timestamp in the Changed On column is represented in Eastern Time.

Modifying a Keyword List

To modify a keyword list:

  1. In the Keyword List window, select the keyword list that you want to modify and click Edit. Alternatively, in the Keyword List window, double-click the keyword list that you want to modify.
    The Settings tab appears.

  2. You can:
    1. Change the name of the keyword list.
    2. Make the status of the keyword list active, by selecting the Active checkbox.
    3. Select the In Word Cloud checkbox to make the keyword list available to consider for generating the word cloud.
  3. Click the Keywords tab and then click New
  4. Enter the new keywords that you want to add to the keyword list.
  5. Click Save.
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