Page tree

The summary of replies report contains a breakdown of the responses that the customers provided to the nodes in the bot for each published version of the bot.

Viewing the Report

To view the summary of replies report:

  1. In the left pane, hover over Analytics, and then click Bots.
    The Activity window displaying the Bots tab appears.
  2. In the second section (where a list of bots appears), in the section displaying the bot whose summary of replies report you want to view, click View Report.
    A window displaying the summary of replies report for the last published version of the bot appears. The report contains bot statistics and statistics for the nodes in the bot. 

    • You can view the report for a different version of the bot by clicking the value in the Last published field and then clicking the required version in the Version history section. For more information about the Version history section, see Versions.
    • You can view the statistics based on the period by using the All time menu.
    • You can modify the bot by clicking Edit. For more information, see Building a Bot.
    • You can preview and test the bot by clicking the full-screen icon .

For information about bot statistics, see Bot Analytics (the Bot Statistics section).

Node Statistics

The second section of the summary of replies report displays the nodes in descending order of the number of responses they received. Each node contains the following statistics:

  • Number and percentage of customers who responded to the node.
  • Number of customers who did not respond to the node.
  • If the node is Multiple Choice:
    • Number and percentage of customers who selected a particular option in response to the node, along with a pie chart.
    • Number of responses received for the node.
  • If the node is Free Text, the responses entered by customers for the node.

For information about nodes, see Nodes.

  • You can search for a node by entering its partial or full name in the Search bot nodes box.
  • You can modify a node by clicking Edit node in the space displaying the node. For more information, see Building a Bot.
  • You can filter the nodes by using the All node types menu, which appears next to the All time menu.
  • No labels