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Message PropertiesDefinition
Get Account Number PhraseThe prompt played at beginning of the module to ask for entering an account number.
Get Account Number No Match PhraseThe prompt played if user entered an invalid account number.
Get Account Number No Input PhraseThe prompt played if user did not enter any number.
Get SSN PhraseThe prompt played to ask for entering SSN.
Account Lookup Max RetriesThe maximum number of retries system allows for lookup.
Lookup SourcePrompts UI to associate OB services to an IB service for ANI match.
Lookup ListPrompts UI to associate OB services to an IB service for ANI match.

Advanced PropertiesDefinition
Get Account Number Max No Match PhraseThe prompt played if the user entered enough invalid account numbers to reach the max retries limit.
Get Account Number Max No Input PhraseThe prompt played if the user did not enter any number enough times to reach the max retries limit.
Get SSN No Match Phrase

The prompt played if the user entered an invalid SSN.

Get SSN No Input PhraseThe prompt played if the user did not enter any number when prompted for SSN.
Get SSN Max No Match PhraseThe prompt played if the user entered enough invalid SSNs to reach the max retries limit.
Get SSN Max No Input PhraseThe prompt played if the user did not enter any number enough times to reach the max retries limit.
Account Lookup Prompt PhraseThe prompt played before doing the account lookup.
Account Lookup Failed Prompt PhraseThe prompt played if account lookup did not match any record in DB.
Account Lookup Retry Prompt PhraseThe prompt played if account lookup failed and flow is configured to retry the lookup.
Account Lookup Account Number Min LengthThe minimum length of an account number that must be entered.
Account Lookup Account Number Max LengthThe maximum length of account number allowed to be entered.
Account Lookup SSN Min LengthThe minimum length of SSN that must be entered.
Account Lookup SSN Max LengthThe maximum length of SSN allowed to be entered.
Account Lookup Input TimeoutThe time out value that the system will wait for user to begin entering the requested number.
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