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Questions enable you to create and manage the content of a script quickly. Its primary function is to create multiple questions or text strings on the desktop, without having to create tables and formatting individual elements on the main dialog. In addition, it provides CATI (Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing) features, such as the ability to randomize questions that are being displayed.
You can access the content builder through the Questions button to create and manage the content for a dialog. Adding content with the content builder involves selecting the type of content that you want to add from the Questions tab of the dialog properties and providing the required information. The content can be questions with associated answers or a simple text. You can add the following types of content:

  • Text Field: Enables you to display or collect simple text contained within a single line.
  • Text Area: Enables you to display or collect large areas of text that may require multiple lines.
  • Drop-down: Enables you to select a value from a list.
  • Radio Button: Enables you to select a single answer from multiple options.
  • Check Box: Enables you to select multiple answers from a list of options.

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