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The Check Box question type enables you to provide a list of responses for the agent to choose from. Rather than in a drop-down list or radio button, the list of answers will all be displayed with a selection box before each one. The benefit to this type of question is that the responses are predefined and limited, which helps keep the resulting data standardized and easily reportable. For this type of question, the agent may choose one or more pertinent answers.
To create a check box question, start by clicking on the Add button inside of the Questions menu, and select the Check Box option. This creates an entry in the list of questions.

If you already have items in the list of questions, you can arrange the order by using the Up and Down arrows from the properties toolbar to position the items as you want. The order of the display in this section is the order in which they are presented to the agent, unless you have set the Randomize property in the General Properties tab of the dialog.

Double-click the blank item that was added for the new question. This will enable the manager to add the text for the question. The text will be displayed above the drop-down list that will accept the response from the agent.

There is no theoretical limit to the length of the question. It can be as long as needed to convey the information necessary. The text wraps on the agent screen so that it is readable without having to scroll left and right. The text breaks into a new line, if needed, when a blank character is encountered in the string.

By setting the properties of the Check Box question, you can control how the field is presented and behaves on the agent desktop:

  • Left Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the left side of the screen. This is measured in pixels.
  • Right Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the right side of the screen. This is measured in pixels.
  • Top Spacing: Sets the position of the text, relative to the top of the screen (or below the header)
  • Bottom Spacing: Sets the position of the text “X” number of pixels, above the bottom of the screen (or above the footer)
  • ID: Unique identifier for the field, designated by the system.
  • Columns: For questions with more than one possible answer, this controls the number of columns in which those answered are displayed.
  • Randomize: For questions with more than one possible answer, this controls the randomization of the various available responses.
  • Required: Sets whether this question is required to be answered by the agent.
  • Hidden: Sets whether this question and available answers are hidden, by default.
  • Disabled: Sets whether this question is disabled on the dialog.
  • Question Width: Sets the percentage of the screen available to be used by the question.
  • Add Other Field – enables you to accept a text answer as “other”, if none of the options are suitable answers.

The next step is to provide the available response for the question:

  1. On the Answers tab, click Add.
    A new answer line that you can set up is created.
  2. In the Label column, add the text for the answer.
  3. In the Value column, add the value for the answer. This may be a number or a text value. This value may be used later as part of the navigation or business rules to evaluate the response provided for this question by the agent.
  4. Set the properties for the answers in the Properties area on the right side of the window. These properties will be inherited for each answer for this question. Some of the more important properties are:
    1. Name: Choose a field from the drop-down list for this field. This will be the script field (Data Element) that the response is associated with within the script.
    2. Required: Designates if a response is required for this question.
    3. Required Message: Designates the message that will be displayed to the agent if this question is not answered.
    4. Clear Previous: Designates if the answer for this field should be cleared in the screen if the user moves back through this screen by using the Previous button.
  5. To add additional answers to the list, follow steps 1 and 2 again.
  6. Click Save.
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