The Knowledge Base Content Manager window contains all the articles used in the KB portal. You can use the window to upload, modify, view, download, publish, filter, and delete articles.
The articles appear in a table containing the following columns:
- Name: Contains the name of the article.
- Edit: Contains the pencil icon to modify the article.
- Del: Contains the close icon to delete the article.
- Description: Contains the description of the article.
- Category: Contains the category of the article.
- Section: Contains the section of the article.
- Public: Indicates if the article is public.
- Status: Contains the status of the article.
- Status Reason: Contains the reason for a given status, if applicable.
- File Type: Contains the type of the article file, if applicable.
- File Size: Contains the size of the article file, if applicable.
- Last Modified: Contains the date and time that the article was last modified, in your time zone.