Page tree

(Unable to access/view the Admin menu on any environment. Content here taken from QAE test cases)


  1. Navigate to Admin/Companies
  2. Click Add Company.
  3. Enter the Name of the company
  4. Select the Time Zone from the dropdown for the company.
  5. Click Save Company.

The company is created successfully.


1.Navigate to Admin/Domain
2.Click on Add Domain
3.Enter the Name using the pattern: (e.g.
4.Select the description  for  the domain
5.Select the region from the dopdown
6. Click on save domain

Domain  should be successfully created
Note: The relation is 1 domain to 1 client

1.Navigate to  Admin/Domain
2.Click on any existing domain
3.Click on the delete button on the page
4.Confirm the delete when it is prompted

Domain should get deleted successfully

Admin/911 Notifications

Admin/Sub Accounts

Admin/Security Groups

  1. Navigate to Admin/Security Group.
  2. Click Add Security Group.
  3. Enter the Security Group Name for the group.
  4. Select the required permission for the group by checking the checkbox.
  5. Click Save Security Group.

The security group is successfully created.

Managing the permissions from the security group

1.Navigate to Admin/Security Group
2.Click on Add security group
3. Click on Manage Permissions
4.Click on Add permission
5. Page should redirect to Admin/Permission
5. Enter the Permission Name and Description
6. Click on save permission

New permission should be successfully added and should be able to assign to any security group


1.Navigate to Admin/Permissions
2. Click on Manage Permissions
3.Click on Add permission
4. Enter the Permission Name and Description
6. Click on save permission

New permission should be successfully added and should be able to assign to any security group

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