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Navigate to the Message editor by selecting Configure > Messaging > Messages from the Navigation Panel of the LiveVox Portal (LVP).

The Messages editor main screen offers the following tabs and buttons:

  • Tabs
    • Visual - A visual representation of the message.
    • General – Displays a list of all the messages available in the LVP.
    • Associated Services – Displays a list of the associated services to the selected message.
    • Change History – View all recent adjustments made using the Message Editor.
    • Raw Format – Displays the raw format on all of the messages available.

  • Buttons
    • Add Message – Creates a completely new message. For more information, please see Create Messages section.
    • Add Messagebook Entry – Creates a new Messagebook entry by specifying the message name and description. For more information, please see Adding and Associating Messagebook Entry section.
    • Copy Message – Copies the selected message.
    • Delete – Deletes the selected message. 
    • Listen – Allows you to listen to the selected message using any one of the voices available.
    • Validate – Confirms that all of the prompt files being used with the selected voice are available.
    • Deploy – Builds the template to be set for deployment and deploys the message for the LVP to be able to use it.
    • Test Call – Launches a test call widget. The test call widget allows users to select a service and add a contact number to generate a test call.
    • Save – Saves all updates to the selected message.
    • Cancel – Discards any changes made to the selected message.
    • Visualize this message - The multi-color button in the upper-right of the screen that allows you to see the messaging put into a Contact Flow (this is a reflection of the verbiage in the Contact Flow message after the last save).

You can view the properties of a selected module on the right side.

  • For more information on confirmation of the current messaging using Listen, Validate and Visualize buttons, see Confirm Current Messaging section.
  • For more information on editing existing messages, see the Edit Messages section.