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The variable_assignment module allows you to assign a value to a variable based on the response from an external service, and perform different functions based on the value of these variables. 

Here are some scenarios where you can use this module:

  • Build a simple counter function in the contact flow that controls how many times a particular part of the contact flow loops before taking a different branch.
  • Assign the value of the current day or current time to a contact flow variable, and then branch the logic of the contact flow in different directions based on the value of that variable.
  • Update the value of certain reporting fields (system variables) that are available when you build CDR reports.
  • Update the value of the system variable that controls whether the ACD will record the call or not - your contact flow can then dynamically control call recording based on the menu selection.
Message PropertiesDefinition
Assignment Expression Define the variable assignment expression.

Assigning a value to a variable using the Expression Builder:

  1. Double-click the Value field in the Assignment Expression row of the variable_assignment module.
  2. In the Variable Assignment window that appears, select the custom contact flow variable that you want to assign the value to.

  3. Use the Expressions section to define a condition or function. 
  4. Click OK to save the variable assignment.
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