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This module bridges a call to an external 10-digit number that can include a:

  • Client-controlled external system
  • Voicemail
  • IVR
  • Call center
  • LiveVox voicemail (indicated by a number that ends with *2)

Message Properties

Display NameDescription
External Phone Number

The phone number calls will be transferred to. The default variable here is operator_phone.

You must enclose group voicemail numbers in quotes.  For example:   \'xxxxxxxxxx*2\'
Correct: external_transfer_number = \'4156716000*2\'
Incorrect: external_transfer_number = 4156716000*2

external_transfer_livevox_voicemail should be "yes" for personal agent voicemail transfers only.  For group voicemail transfers and transfer numbers outside of LiveVox, external_transfer_livevox_voicemail should be “no”.

External Transfer Prehold Prompt PhrasePrompt to be played back before the transfer hold; will be played in its entirety.
External Transfer Hold PhrasePrompt to be played back during transfer hold.
Record the transfer or notAllows call recording on transferred calls.

Advanced Properties

Display Name

Whisper Phrase Before Transfer AcceptedWhisper phrase to be played back to an agent before the transfer is accepted.
Whisper Phrase After Transfer AcceptedWhisper phrase to be played back to the agent after a transfer is accepted.
Whisper Phrase Language (1: English 2: Spanish)Whisper phrase language selection
IVR NavigationIVR navigation string to be used during the transfer.
Timeout Value for Whisper Transfer (in seconds)Wait time value for looking up an agent's availability (in seconds) (for ACD transfer)
Times of Whisper Message to be Played Back

Contact Flow Properties

Display Name



Yes (default) indicates that the customer can press a key when a message is playing.

No indicates that pressing a key when a message is playing will not stop the message.


For information on the module connectors, see Call Flow Editor Connectors.

  • No labels