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You configure an email from the following locations in the portal. Emails are used in email campaigns, agent desktops, contact flows, and campaign monitoring reports.

SequenceLVP UI NavigationTask

1 a.

Configure > Services > Client > Billing tab

Ensure that the Email Channel is enabled for your client site.

If it is not, contact your LiveVox system administrator.

1 b.

Configure > Services > Client > Settings tab

Ensure that the Advanced Features > Phone DNC Type is set to Dial-Time Phone DNC so that the Email tab appears in the Contacts > DNC settings.

If it is not, contact your LiveVox system administrator.

2 a. 

Configure > Email > Email Channel > General tab

Add the email that will send and receive communication.

For more information, see Email Channel Settings.

2 b.Configure > Email > Email Channel > Services tab

Map the required services to the email address.

For more information, see Email Channel Settings.

3.Configure > Messaging > Messages

Create email message templates to use in email campaigns, automated replies to inbound emails, and agent-customer interactions.

For more information, see Create Messages.

4.Configure > Services > Services > Settings tab

Update the settings for the service that will be used for mass emails:

  1. Select the Agent Desktop that will be used for transactional emails.
  2. Map the respective email templates for Email Opt-in Message and Inbound Email Message.
  3. Select the Email Consent checkbox if applicable.
  4. Enter the IB Email Setting.

For more information, see Services: Settings Tab.

5.Configure > Contacts > Contacts > Channels tab

Confirm that contacts' channel settings allow email campaigns and email consent.

For more information, see Contact Field Descriptions vU15.

6. Configure > Contacts > Contacts > DNC > E-mail tab

Confirm if contacts' DNC settings allow email campaigns.

For more information, see Dial-Time Phone DNC - E-mail Tab.

7.Configure > Contacts > Contacts

Configure email campaigns for mass emails.

For more information, see Copy of Making a Campaign.

8.Configure > Agents > Agents 

Configure agent settings for mass inbound and transactional emails.

For more information, see Creating Agent Profile.

9. Configure > Agents > Agent Desktop

Map message templates to the agent desktop for transactional emails.

For more information, see Agent Desktop - Messagebook Tab.

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