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Segmentation allows the contacts within a campaign to be filtered into separate sub-campaigns based on data provided within contact fields. You can define the segmentation templates by source and use them against Contact manager or individual campaign uploads.

The following terminologies are used in the Segmentation tool:

  • Segmentation - Segments used for segmenting campaigns into smaller sub-campaigns
  • Segment - Grouping rules, attached to a Segmentation
  • Rule - Parameters through which contact records are filtered into a Segment
  • Criteria - Specified fields from an input filter through which a rule is defined

Navigate to Segmentation tool by selecting Configure > Campaigns > Segmentation from the navigation panel.

Managing and Defining Criteria

Before you establish rules, you must define the criteria.

  1. Click the Manage Criteria button in the lower right of the Segmentation panel to manage, edit, and create criteria. The Manage Criteria screen appears. This screen displays the fields specified in Fields editor. You can identify the source, field, and values within Segmentation editor and LiveVox automatically defines the conditions that are available for that field when creating a segment.

    • For existing transaction based Segmentation Templates, Customcol field criteria is available in Fields editor. For any new Customcol field based criteria, these must be created first in Fields editor.
    • For additional information on adding custom fields and defining data types, refer to the Adding and Modifying Custom Fields section.
  2. Click the Add Criteria button in the lower right of the Manage Criteria screen to define a new Criteria.
  3. The Criteria screen appears. You can configure the following options on the criteria screen:
      • Source - The entity source of the criteria that is defined for the segmentation template. The Segmentation editor allows you to select the source only when when creating new templates. You can select from the following options:
        • Transaction - Campaign based fields (criteria) that are associated to records within a campaign
        • Contact -  Fields (criteria) that are associated to a specific record in Contacts manager
      • Field - Designated field from which a criteria pulls the data
      • Display Name - Display name of the criteria within the Segmentation tool

  4. To use a criteria, you must specify the possible values. Click the Add Value button to specify a Value and a Display Name. The Value screen appears.

Once you define the values, you can use the criteria to setup a rule for a Segment. Click the Save button to complete defining a value.

Creating a new Segmentation

After you define a criteria, you can setup a new Segmentation. To setup a new Segmentation, follow the procedure below:

  1. Click Add button in the bottom left corner of the Segmentation panel window. The Add Segmentation screen appears.

  2. Specify a Segmentation name in the Name field.

  3. Specify a filename to apply the Segmentation to a specific file in the Filename Format field. The asterisk character acts as a wildcard for a filename. 
    • For example, a filename format set as active* applies to any file uploaded with active in the beginning of the campaign's filename. During the upload process you are notified if the campaign filename matches the Filename Format field and the Segmentation is automatically selected.

  4. Click the Required checkbox if you want a Filename Format define.
    • If enabled, the Segmentation only applies to campaigns uploaded with the matching filename format
    • If disabled, the Segmentation can be applied to any uploaded campaign

  5. Click the Add Segment button at the bottom left of the Add Segmentation screen to set up a Segmentation. The Segment screen appears.

    You can use the Copy Segment button to recreate the Segments, if you want to use existing Segment rules.

  6. Define the Name and Description of the Segment.

    You can use the following variables in the Segment name:

    • [FN] – file name without extension
    • [EXT] – file name extension (ex:.txt)
    • [YYYY] – 4 digit year
    • [YY] – 2 digit year
    • [MM] – 2 digit month
    • [DD] – 2 digit day
  7. Select the appropriate disposition from the Disposition drop-down menu to define whether records should be split or excluded. Excluded records remain with the original campaign.

  8. Click the Add Rule button at the bottom left of the Segment screen to add a rule that defines the condition by which contacts are filtered. The Add Rule screen appears.

  9. You can configure the following options to define the filter conditions in the Add Rule screen:

    • Logical Operator - Select the logical operator (AND/OR).
    • Not - This option negates the specified Logical Operator.
    • Field - Select a contact field from the Field drop-down menu to define the condition. These fields are configured through the Fields editor.
    • Comparison - Select the relational operator for the rule. The options presented, depend on the data type specified for the field
        • In
        • Not In
        • Starts With
        • Contains
        • Regex or Regular Expression
          • When basic matches do not work, you can write a regular expression. Regular expressions (regex or regexp) are extremely useful in extracting information from any text by searching for one or more matches of a specific search pattern (i.e. a specific sequence of ASCII or unicode characters).
        • Equal to
        • Ends With
        • Is Null
        • Is Not Null
        • > Greater than
        • Less than
        • Equal
        • >= Greater or equal
        • <= Less or equal
        • != Not equal
        • Is Null
        • Is Not Null
    • Not - This option negates the specified comparison relational operator.
    • Value - Corresponding values configured for the selected criteria.
    • Description Displays the logical description of the rule.
  10. Click OK to save the Rule.
  11. Setup schedules that are applied to the Segment within the Configuration tab of Segment screen. The functionality of the Configuration tab closely mirrors that of Campaign Templates. For scheduling instructions, see Campaign Templates.

  12. Configure the schedule(s) for the Segment and click OK to complete the set up.
  13. Click the Save button on the Segmentation tool to save the Segmentation. 

Editing and Managing Segmentation

Segmentation is prioritized by the order in which they are listed. You can change this order by selecting a row and using the green arrow buttons on the right side to move specific Segmentation up or down in the list. Click the Save button when the correct order is set.

To edit an existing Segmentation, double-click its row within the Segmentation tool. The Segmentation window appears.

Click the name of a Segment. The Segment highlights with a dotted green line indicating the selection for next action such as edit, delete or copy.

  • Previous - Navigates to the previous Segment of the Segmentation
  • Next - Navigates to the next Segment of the Segmentation
  • Add Segment - Opens the Segment editor where you can add your rule and configuration
  • Delete Segment - Highlights the Segment in red indicating deletion upon save
  • Copy - Highlights the Segment in green indicating addition upon save
  • Save - Saves the changes
  • Cancel - Cancels the changes

When you add new Segmentation, you can update the existing Segmentation by adding, deleting, or copying Segments. You can view the list of Segments within the Segmentation, their description and applied rules from the Segments tab.

The Segments tab also allows you to search for specific Segments by using single or the combination of available filters such as searching with text for a Segment's name, service, or rule as well as by applying filters of Voice, AM Option, Schedule or Wireless scrub option:

Hover over the rule to view the set rule:

Double-click a Segment row to access the Segment editor.

Navigate to or between the General and Configuration tab of the Segments window to view the configured campaign elements.

Copying Segments

You can copy Segments within a Segmentation using the Copy button in the Segmentation tool.

All the rules within the Segment are copied. This tool is useful when repeating similar Segments within a Segmentation.

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