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Duplicate Files

By default, files loaded to LiveVox are compared with files previously loaded to assess if the name or content of any campaign files are duplicates. 
As a safeguard, LiveVox protects you against registering a campaign with the same name, to the same service, or with exactly the same content/account information, as a campaign that has dialed or may be dialed within the same day.  In the event duplication is detected, the following error messages may be displayed.

  • Duplicate by filename:

  • Duplicate by content:

Duplicate Accounts and Phones

Individual accounts and phone numbers loaded to a service are checked against other accounts already loaded to the same service to find duplicates. Scrub options include:

  • Default: Duplicate phone numbers ONLY are removed from later-built lists for that day within the service.
  • Remove duplicate phone numbers AND accounts.
  • Remove duplicate accounts ONLY.
  • Extend screen of time for comparison beyond one day.
  • Extend comparison to entire site.
  • DISABLE duplicate check.

These scrub options are controlled from the Client and Service editor, as described in the Duplicate File Check Setup section.