Page tree

Module NameMessage PropertiesAdvanced PropertiesCall Flow PropertiesEvent Connectors
alt_languageAlt Language Main Prompt PhraseN/ABargeinKey Press

Default Language

No Input

Alternative Language

No Match
billingtree_checkRequest Parameter MappingN/AN/ASuccess

Response Variables Mapping

billingtree_creditcardRequest Parameter MappingN/AN/ASuccess

Response Variables Mapping

checkCheck Routing Number Prompt PhraseCheck Routing Number Max No Input PhraseBargeinSuccess

Check Routing Number No Input PhraseCheck Routing Number Max No Match Phrase
No Match

Check Routing Number No Match PhraseCheck Account Number Max No Input Phrase
No Input

Check Account Number Prompt PhraseCheck Account Number Max No Match Phrase

Check Account Number No Input PhraseCheck Number Max No Input Phrase

Check Account Number No Match PhraseCheck Number Max No Match Phrase

Check Number Prompt PhraseConfirm Routing Number Prompt Phrase

Check Number No Input PhraseConfirm Routing Number No Input Phrase

Check Number No Match PhraseConfirm Routing Number No Match Phrase

Check Input Max RetriesConfirm Routing Number Max No Input Phrase

Acount Number Input Max RetriesConfirm Routing Number Max No Match Phrase

Check Number Input Max RetriesConfirm Account Number Prompt Phrase

Confirm Account Number No Input Phrase

Confirm Account Number No Match Phrase

Confirm Account Number Max No Input Phrase

Confirm Account Number Max No Match Phrase

Confirm Check Number Prompt Phrase

Confirm Check Number No Input Phrase

Confirm Check Number No Match Phrase

Confirm Check Number Max No Input Phrase

Confirm Check Number Max No Match Phrase

Bank Routing Number Length

Check Input Timeout

Variable to store bank routing number

Variable to store bank account number

Variable to store check number

check_agentN/AN/AN/AAgent Available

Agent Not Available

Agent Not Logged In
check_call_centerN/AN/AN/ACall Center Open

Call Center Close
conference_roomMax ParticipantsConference Room PINN/Apending

Record Conference

conditionCondition ExpressionN/AN/ASuccess

credit_cardCredit Card Number Prompt PhraseCredit Card Number Max No Input PhraseBargeinSuccess

Credit Card Number No Input PhraseCredit Card Number Max No Match Phrase
No Match

Credit Card Number No Match PhraseCredit Card Expiration Date Max No Input Phrase
No Input

Credit Card Expiration Date Prompt PhraseCredit Card Expiration Date Max No Match Phrase

Credit Card Expiration Date No Input PhraseCredit Card Security Code Max No Input Phrase

Credit Card Expiration Date No Match PhraseCredit Card Security Code Max No Match Phrase

Credit Card Security Code Prompt PhraseConfirm Credit Card Number Prompt Phrase

Credit Card Security Code No Input PhraseConfirm Credit Card Number No Input Phrase

Credit Card Security Code No Match PhraseConfirm Credit Card Number No Match Phrase

Credit Card Number Input Max RetriesConfirm Credit Card Number Max No Input Phrase

Expiration Date Input Max RetriesConfirm Credit Card Number Max No Match Phrase

Security Code Input Max RetriesConfirm Expiration Date Prompt Phrase

Variable to store credit card numberConfirm Expiration Date No Input Phrase

Variable to store credit card expiration dateConfirm Expiration Date No Match Phrase

Variable to store credit card security codeConfirm Expiration Date Max No Input Phrase

Confirm Expiration Date Max No Match Phrase

Confirm Credit Card Security Code Prompt Phrase

Confirm Credit Card Security Code No Input Phrase

Confirm Credit Card Security Code No Match Phrase

Confirm Credit Card Security Code Max No Input Phrase

Confirm Credit Card Security Code Max No Match Phrase

Credit Card Timeout

To Accept VISA Card or Not

To Accept MASTER Card or Not

To Accept DISCOVER Card or Not

To Accept AMEX Card or Not

entering_digitsGet Number Prompt PhraseNumber Minimum LengthBargeinSuccess

Get Number Invalid PhraseNumber Maximum Length
No Match

Get Number No Input Phrase

No Input

Get Number Max Retries

Variable to Store the Number

extension_transferExtension Prompt PhraseExtension Max Nomatch PhraseBargeinAgent Not Available

Extension Invalid PhraseExtension Max Noinput Phrase

Extension NoInput PhraseExtension Max Retries

Operator Transfer Prehold Prompt PhraseNumber Minimum Length

Operator Transfer Hold PhraseNumber Maximum Length

Variable to Store the Number

Contact Type for Screen Pop

Agent Hold Prompt Phrase

Hold Menu Main Prompt Phrase

Hold Menu Invalid Prompt Phrase

Hold Menu Noinput Prompt Phrase

Hold Menu Max Error Prompt Phrase

Call Recording Menu Prompt Phrase

Hold Menu Start Time (in seconds)

Hold Menu Repeat Interval (in seconds)

Hold Menu Max Retries

Classification ID

Agent ID Value

Agent Logon ID Value


Agent VM Number

VM Transfer Prehold Message

VM Transfer Hold Message

httpService URLAuthentication ModeBargeinSuccess

Request MethodAuthentication User Name

Request Parameter MappingAuthentication Password

Response Variables MappingConnection Timeout

Read Timeout

Request Header Mapping

Request Type (Content-Type)

Response Type (Accept)

Internal ACD Request

payment_amountMain Prompt PhraseMax No Input Prompt PhraseBargeinSuccess

No Input Prompt PhraseMax No Match Phrase
No Match

No Match Prompt PhraseConfirmation Required or Not
No Input

Max RetriesConfirmation Main Prompt Phrase

Variable for Amount EnteredConfirmation No Input Prompt Phrase

Confirmation No Match Prompt Phrase

Confirmation Max No Input Prompt Phrase

Confirmation Max No Match Phrase

Minimum Payment Amount

Maximum Payment Amount

qc_amd_transferOperator Transfer Prehold Prompt PhraseN/ABargeinAgent End Call

Operator Transfer Hold Phrase


Agent Hold Prompt Phrase

Agent Not Available

Agent Skill

Is Answering Machine?

Agent ID Value


Agent Logon ID Value


schedule_callbackCallback to Other Phone No Match Prompt PhraseCallback to Current Phone Max No Input Prompt PhraseBargeinSuccess

Callback to Other Phone Max RetriesCallback to Current Phone Max No Match Phrase

Callback Time Main Prompt PhraseCallback to Current Phone Valid keys
No Input

Callback Time No Input Prompt PhraseCallback to Other Phone Max No Input Prompt Phrase
No Match

Callback Time No Match Prompt PhraseCallback to Other Phone Max No Match Phrase

Callback Time Max RetriesCallback to Other Phone Timeout

Callback AM or PM Main Prompt PhraseCallback Time Max No Input Prompt Phrase

Callback AM or PM No Input Prompt PhraseCallback Time Max No Match Phrase

Callback AM or PM No Match Prompt PhraseCallback Time Timeout

Callback AM or PM Max RetriesCallback AM or PM Max No Input Prompt Phrase

Confirmation Main Prompt PhraseCallback AM or PM Max No Match Phrase

Confirmation No Input Prompt PhraseCallback AM or PM Valid Keys

Confirmation No Match Prompt PhraseCallback AM or PM Timeout

Confirmation Max RetriesConfirmation Max No Input Prompt Phrase

Invalid Callback Time PhraseConfirmation Max No Match Phrase

Invalid Callback Time Max RetriesConfirmation Valid Keys

Enable callback by orderConfirmation Timeout

Play back estimated callback time Main Prompt PhraseVariable for Phone Number Entered

Play back estimated callback time NoInputPrompt PhraseVariable for Time Entered

Play back estimated callback time NoMatch Prompt Phrase

Play back estimated callback time Max No Input Prompt Phrase

Play back estimated callback time Max No Match Phrase

silence_detectionPrompt Played Back for Monitored Party.N/ASilence Detection Threshold (milliseconds)Success
smsSMS messageSMS phone positionN/ASuccess

SMS short codeSMS service id
speakText to speakN/ABargeinSuccess

speech_recognitionPrompt to start speech recognitionTimeout to stop recognition in secondsBargeinSuccess

Prompt played when no voice for recognitionPlay beep prior to recognition
No Input

Prompt played when recognition failedEnd speaking on key press
No Match

Prompt played when reaching max no inputRecognition Engine Vendor

Prompt played when reaching max no match

Max length of the speech in seconds

Max recognition retries

The mapping of the recognition response and variables

Grammar used by recognition

RecordMessage to play before recordingTimeout to stop recordingBargeinSuccess

Recording prefix messagePlay beep prior to recording
No Input

Max length (secs) of recordingEnd Recording on key press

variable_assignmentAssignment ExpressionN/ADebugSuccess

virtual_assistantBOT Name

BOT Provider




Response Mapping

BOT Initialization

Initialization Data Mapping

Authorization / Project Key

verificationValidation Main Prompt PhraseValidation Max No Input Prompt PhraseBargeinSuccess

Validation No Input Prompt PhraseValidation Max Invalid Prompt Phrase

Validation Invalid Prompt PhraseVariable to Store the Input
No Match

Validation Max Retries

No Input

Variable for validation

wait_for_patientWait for Customer Prompt PhraseN/ABargeinKey Press

Wait for Customer Max Retries

No Match

No Input
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