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To create a new input filter:

  1. Go to Configure > Input/Output Input Filter.
  2. Click Add Filter on the General tab. The Filter screen appears:

    LiveVox assigned unique filter identifier code appears as Filter ID, once you create the filter.
  3. Select the target for the new input filter. For more information on targets, see Target Descriptions section below.
    • Select Contact to create a field mapping template for Contact manager import.
    • Select Interaction to create a field mapping template for uploaded campaigns.

  4. Specify a name, target, and description of the filter.
  5. Select the file format from the drop-down list.
  6. Select the Header in file? checkbox if there is a header in the file.
  7. Click Add Mapping.
  8. Specify the position, source columns, and transformation for each column of data, to be stored by LiveVox.
    • Position: Select the position column for the data fields.
    • Columns: Select the field from the default custom fields list. For descriptions of each source column, see the Source Column Descriptions section below.
    • Transformations: Select the transformation to be applied via the input filter and modify the information.
    • Data Type: This is a view-only field displayed for the Contact target type.
  9. Click Ok.
    The new mapping is displayed in the Input Filter editor.
  10. Repeat the steps to add mapping for all information you want to upload.

  11. Once all the changes are made, click Save Filter.

You must apply Transformation in Input filters for ACD usage. Contact Client Services for further assistance regarding source columns and data type.

To edit the input filter, see Edit Input Filter

  • You must create new Input Filter layouts designed for Contact manager imports.
  • Once you create the layout and set the file format, you can import the data to the Contact Manager. See Importing and Exporting Contacts for details on the Contact manager import procedure.
  • Add new custom fields in the Fields editor to store and use a data type for Contact manager imports, that were not displayed previously. For more information on defining data type for custom fields, see Adding and Modifying Custom Fields.

Target Descriptions


The following fields are displayed for Interaction targets:

    • Name: Specify a name for the filter.
    • Description: Enter the description of the filter.
    • Header in file?: Select the checkbox if a header is included in the file.
    • File format: Select the format required when importing contact files or uploading campaign files from the following list:
      • CSV
      • Custom
      • Fixed Fields with Row Delimiters
      • TAB Delimited
    • Filename Pattern: Specify the file name pattern.

      • If more than one input filter is defined, the filename pattern must be set to identify what input filter will be applied. The Pattern must be unique from those used for other filters and must always be included in the input file's name. An asterisk (*) acts as a wildcard at the beginning or end of the pattern. A question mark (?) acts as a character placeholder; it can be any character as long as it has the correct number of characters. The system is not case sensitive. If multiple formats are to be recognized, use a bar | to separate.            
        • Examples:
          • The Filename Pattern *abd means the file needs to end with “abd.”
          • The Filename Pattern ????_* means that it needs to have 4 characters before an underscore at the beginning of a pattern for it to match
          • The Filename Pattern maximum*|minimum*|*NYC applies the filter to any uploaded file with a name starting with maximum or minimum and to any file ending with NYC.
      • In addition to the existing 114 standard fields, LiveVox currently offers 100 additional custom fields for Contact Manager (see Contact Manager Field Storage page for details).


The following fields are displayed for Contact targets:

    • Name: Specify a name for the filter.
    • Description: Enter the description of the filter.
    • Header in file?: Select the checkbox if a header is included in the file.
    • File format: Select the format required when importing contact files or uploading campaign files. Select from the following file formats:
      • CSV
      • Custom
      • Pipe
      • TAB Delimited
    • Allow Empty?: Select to set null values for specified contact columns when importing a file.
    • Truncate?: Select to truncate contact field values if the field length exceeds the size limit.

Source Column Descriptions

The Source Column is the database location where a column of input file data is stored. You can use certain predefined source column values on Agent Desktop, Messaging, and Reports:

Name of the Source Column

ACCOUNTStores the account number for the transaction.
ACCOUNT_TO_SPEAKThe amount to be TTS(text to speak)'d in the IVR/message play an alternate account number.
AMOUNT_TO_SPEAKThe amount to be TTS'd in the IVR/messaging.
AREA_CODE_1...AREA_CODE_10Used if the phone information is in the split format (Area code and phone number).
CLIENT_PRACTICE_IDUsed for storing information about sub-clients belonging to a client. 
CUSTOMCOL1...CUSTOMCOL70Client-specific columns and these columns can be used for segmentation purposes.
CUSTOM_1...CUSTOM_30These columns are used when even more fields are needed.
DATE_CREATED, DATE_DELINQUENT, and DATE_PLACEDStore the data fields from the input file.
DATE_OF_BIRTHAccount holder's Date of Birth.

Stores the date of service and this date will get stored under Extra_12 column.

DISCOUNT_AMOUNT_TO_SPEAKThis is to store the amount and playback, used by legacy clients, unused now, could be used to store extra information.
DISCOUNT_PERCENTAG_TO_SPEAKThis is to playback audio followed by "percent" verbiage,  used by legacy clients, unused now, could be used to store extra information.
EMAILStores an account holder's email.
EXTRA_1All EXTRA_ fields can be displayed in ACD and reports. Used to store agent login ID.
EXTRA_6Stores Agents' extension.
EXTRA_7Defines the Extraction Template ID - Extraction templates are templates without parts and with an extraction filter rule which is used to extract from Account Inventory. 
EXTRA_9Stores additional account information.
EXTRA_11Stores the zip code for the transaction and is used for zip area mismatch.
EXTRA_13Can be used to store values. If coming from an input filter, can be used to generate address-type TTS read back. ex: format for TTS 123 Main St.
EXTRA_14Can be used to store values; if multiple values need to be stored you can separate them with pipes.
EXTRA_15Can be used to store values; if multiple values need to be stored you can separate them with pipes.
FIRST_ID Defines account holder's ZIP code when used for validation by VXML template.
FIRSTNAMEStores the first name of the account holder being called.
FULLNAMEStores the full name of the account holder being called.
LASTNAMEStores the last name of the account holder being called.
GRADENot used.
GUARANTOR_FULL, GUARANTOR_FIRST, and GUARANTOR_LASTNAMEUsed for storing the full name, first name, and last name of the guarantor (or alternate customer name) of the account being called.
INSURANCE_COMPANYUsed to playback the insurance company name by using TTS.
MINIMUM_PAYMENT_AMOUNTLegacy setting used to store extra information.
OPERATOR_PHONERepresents operator phone.
ORIGINAL_ACCOUNT_NUMBERThe original account number for the transaction.
PHONE_1…PHONE_30Stores the phones numbers.
PHONE_1_CHOICE_A and PHONE_1_CHOICE_BMap phone_1 number to store. If both the choices are mapped, then one gets stored. 
PHONE_TYPE_1...PHONE_TYPE_10Stores the phone types e.g. Home, office, etc. 
PRACTICE_CODE Stores sub-client information in the form of codes and this helps in playing the sub-client information in the IVR.
PRACTICE_FAXDisplays the fax number value.
PRACTICE_PHONEDisplays the number that the calls are coming from, to exclude the possibility of forwarding in place.
PRACTICE_PHONE_ALTERNATEDisplays the caller ID value.
PRACTICE_POS_CODEStores sub-client place of service(POS) information in the form of codes and this helps in playing the sub-client information in the IVR.
SSNDefines the Social Security number of the account holder.
TOTAL_DUEThe total amount due.
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