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The Term Code Distribution widget gives the agent a visual view of their current work day’s call results.

To add a widget:

  1. Select Term Code Distribution from the Available Widgets section.
  2. Click Add. The Add - Agent Term Code Distribution screen appears.
    • Window Title - Enter the widget name.

    • Enabled - Select the checkbox to enable the widget on extended panel of Agent Desktop.
    • Chart Enabled - Select to enable the charts on the agent desktop.
      • Type - Select the chart type from the drop down. Available options are Pie, Bar, and Donut. 
    • Table Enabled - Select to enable the tables on the agent desktop.
    • Event - Select the event which will activate the widget. The available events are as given below:
      • On Ready - Widget appears when the agent switches to Ready state
      • On Not Ready - Widget appears when the agent switches to Not Ready state
      • On Call - Widget appears once the agent gets connected to the call

        Event option is not available if the Stateless Panel option is enabled.

  3. Click OK to save the changes.
  4. Click Save Agent Desktop button from the bottom of the screen to save all the changes.
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