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The Time Distribution widget gives the agent a visual view of their productivity for the day. Select Time Distribution from the available widgets section and click Add. You will be presented with Add - Agent Time Distribution screen.

  • Window Title - Enter the widget name.

  • Enabled - Click the checkbox to enable the widget on extended panel of Agent Desktop.
  • Chart Enabled - Select to enable the charts on the agent desktop.
    • Type - Select the chart type from the drop down. Available options are Pie, Bar, and Donut. 
  • Table Enabled - Select to enable the tables on the agent desktop.
  • Event - Select the event which will activate the widget. The available events are as given below:
    • On Ready - If selected, the widget appears when the agent switches to Ready state. 
    • On Not Ready - If selected, the widget appears when the agent switches to Not Ready state. 
    • On Call - If selected, the widget appears once the agent gets connected to the call.
  • Click OK to save the changes.
  • Click Cancel to discard the changes.
  • Click Save Agent Desktop button from the bottom of the screen to save all the changes.
  • No labels