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To view existing users, navigate to the User editor by selecting Configure > System > User from the Navigation Panel of the LiveVox Portal (LVP).

Only Sysadmin and Superuser role types have access to the User editor.

The User editor allows you to add new users or update current users. Permissions for each type of user are defined in User Roles and Permissions.

To filter results by role:

  1. Select a role from the Role drop-down list and click the magnifying glass icon. You can also enter a specific role in the Search field.
  2. Double-click a user to edit the user information. 

  3. Click the profile picture to update the picture. Click the Upload a file button or select the profile picture from the available avatars.

    The password must be a minimum of 8 characters, must contain at least 1 digit, and it must be different from any of the previous four passwords.

  4. In the Info tab, update the following fields: 
  • User ID: Displays the user ID number (You cannot update it).
  • User Name: The user name of the selected user.
  • Role: The role type of the selected user.
  • First Name: The first name of the user.
  • Last Name: The last name of the user.
  • Email Address: The email of the selected user.
  • Mobile Number: The mobile number of the selected user.
  • Last IP: Displays the last IP used by the user.
  • Last Login:  Displays the user's last login date and time.

See Password Management Infosheet under Product Documentation > Quick Reference Documents for detailed information.

Optional Powers

Superusers, Managers, Report admins, Auditors, Client Auditors, and Sysadmin user roles have optional powers to expand or limit their abilities.  These powers are enabled from the Optional Powers tab. 


The Details tab displays custom fields added for your users. You can create up to 20 custom fields from the Configure > System > Fields window.

Audit History 

The Audit History tab provides logs that track changes made across the LVP by the selected user.

Change History 

The Change History tab provides changes made to the user account.