Password Expiration
Depending on the security settings, your password may expire on your first login, after a certain number of days, or when changed by your manager. When your password expires, you are prompted to change your password.
- If you are logging on to the LiveVox Portal (LVP) for the first time, you are provided with a temporary password. After you attempt to log on to LVP with the temporary password, you are prompted to change the password.
- The time period by which you or an agent's password expires can be configured on the Security tab of the Client window. The default period is 90 days.
- The password must be a minimum of eight characters, contain at least one digit, and not match any of your last four passwords.
Changing Your Password
To change your password:
- On LVP, click your avatar, and then click Edit User.
The User window appears. In the Password and Confirm Password fields, enter your new password.
The password must be a minimum of eight characters, contain at least one digit, and not match any of your last four passwords.
- Click Save.
Your password is changed.