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This topic contains examples of Attempt Supervisor rules.


The examples listed in this topic are for demonstration purposes only.

Example 1

Any contact in the Call Center for the client that is attempted through HCI, Manual, or Outbound channel type 10 times over a period of 3 days is locked for 4 days. 

Example 2

When you attempt to contact a customer in the Call Center, on the phone number in Phone Positions 3, 4, or 5 through the HCI, Manual, or Outbound service, and the zip code or area code indicates that the customer is located in the state of Michigan, it means that the customer can be contacted for a maximum of 2 attempts based on the limit set for the Contact, and a maximum of 1 attempt based on the limit set for the phone number per sliding day.

For information about calendar days and sliding days, see the Rule Duration section in Defining Rules.

Example 3

In this example, you can allow 10 attempts to a phone number in the Call Center, using the HCI, Manual, or Outbound service based on the limit set for the Contact for a 3-day sliding period.

The block takes effect irrespective of whether the phone number is dialed 10 times on a single contact in a specific state and channel type, or 10 times across multiple contacts in a specific state and channel type. Since there is no lock period and the rule duration is sliding, the block expires as soon as the number of contact attempts is less than 10 in any 3-day period.

Example 4

In this example, for zip codes 94102 and 94103, if a customer places an inbound call for an Inbound Channel Type, and the call result is AGENT – PTP Fast Pay, then Attempt Supervisor blocks contact attempts for the next 24 hours for that Contact. The block is applied irrespective of the phone position since inbound calls do not have a phone position. The rule duration is a sliding 24-hour period. However, if you select a 1-day sliding period, the same rule duration is applied as that of the sliding 24-hour period.

Example 5

In this example, if the phone number contains an Alabama area code, and the Channel Type is HCI, Manual, or Outbound, then Attempt Supervisor does not allow more than 12 contact attempts in a 30-day period. This is a sliding rule without a lockout period. If the number of contact attempts is less than 12 in a 30-day period, the block expires and the phone number is available for dialing.

Example 6

In this example, if the zip code or area code indicates that the customer is in Alaska, and the Channel Type is HCI, Manual, or Outbound, then Attempt Supervisor does not allow more than 12 contact attempts to that phone number in a calendar month. Once the limit is reached, the phone number is not available for dialing until the first day of the following month. Once the block is removed, you can contact the phone number up to 12 times before the block is re-applied.

Example 7

In this example, Attempt Supervisor does not allow you to send more than 10 outbound SMSes per phone number in the Call Center for a period of sliding 3 days. Once the limit is reached, the phone number is not available for any additional outbound SMSes and is locked for 4 days

SMS counts are based on unique thread IDs. If the thread ID for individual interactions within the SMS conversation is the same, the conversation is considered as one attempt.

Example 8

In this example, Attempt Supervisor does not allow you to send more than 10 outbound emails outbound per email address in the Call Center for a period of sliding 3 days. Once the limit is reached, the email address is not available for any additional outbound emails and is locked for 4 days

Email counts are based on unique thread IDs. If the thread ID for individual interactions within the email conversation is the same, the conversation is considered as one attempt.

Example 9

In this example, Attempt Supervisor does not allow more than seven contact attempts in a seven-day period. Once the limit is reached, Attempt Supervisor blocks additional attempts for 7 days. 

Example 10

In this example, if an attempt is made through the Manual service and Manual Channel type 10 times over a period of 3 days to a specific Contact, then the Contact is locked for 4 days. 

Example 11

In this example, Attempt Supervisor allows one attempt to the Contact through phone, SMS, or email. Once the limit is reached, Attempt Supervisor blocks further attempts for one day.

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