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Jobs is a tool responsible for viewing your specific automated processes. Many custom automated processes performed by the platform are defined within the Jobs settings. A Job is the combination of automated steps to achieve a certain objective. Your view of Jobs is read-only and can only be adjusted by the platform. However, understanding the general criteria for each reporting Job as well as the ability to view them within the Jobs settings on the platform can help you interpret your Jobs' functions and potential errors. 

  • Use the Filter field to search for specific jobs. 
  • To include disabled jobs, select the Show disabled checkbox.

The Jobs window displays the following tabs and buttons:

In Jobs window, all fields are read-only. 


Displays the automated steps for a selected job in sequential order along with the step's Name, Type, Next Success Step (what happens if the step works), and Next Failure Step (what happens if the step does not work).

 The Trigger Type field is a view-only field that describes the trigger for the job:

  • Campaign: Indicates whether the job requirement is to generate the reporting job for every campaign. The job runs when a campaign ends (EOC).
  • Scheduled: Indicates whether the job requirement is to post the reports every day (EOD), hourly, weekly or monthly.
  • FTPin: If you are using the platform SFTP site to upload the campaign files, the FTPin job and this type of trigger are set up by default to ensure a file is moved once it is posted to your SFTP site.

You can have as many Scheduled jobs as you want, but only one Campaign and one FTPin job.

      • Double-click a step's row to view the detailed settings involved with the step.
        • An Email step defines who receives the generated email.
        • An FTPOutCopy step defines where the file is copied to.
        • A Copy to Cloud Object Storage defines the transfer of files into/from your S3 storage.
Schedules Displays the job schedules, enabled time, and the next scheduled execution.
Job HistoryDisplays the change history of the selected job, such as the last execution of each job step. See Success/Failure Notifications for further information on the Job History tab.
Refresh Refreshes the information in the table.

Cancels the search and returns to the previous window.

With the wide range of configurable options, it is necessary to have very specific information including the type, scope, frequency, and delivery method desired before initiating a job setup request. Here are your options:

  • Desired report type selected from the available Reporting Suite categories
    • Inbound Reports
    • Call Reports
    • Campaign Reports
    • Agent Reports
    • Billing Reports
  • The scope of the report
    • Client
    • CallCenter
  • Delivery frequency
    • End of campaign (EOC)
    • Scheduled for intermittent delivery
    • End of day (EOD)
  • Delivery method
    • E-mail
    • SFTP

Automated jobs for all standard reports can be scheduled through Jobs tool. Contact your Customer Care Team to request and create these jobs.

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