This document provides an overview of new features and enhancements to existing features of the LiveVox User Portal in the LiveVox U14 release.
New Features
This section describes the new features in the following product categories.
Feature 1
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Feature 2
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Data Management
Support for Customized Export Format in Contact Manager
Previously, you can only configure Agents export fromat through Export Format editor. Now, you can also configure export format for contact export. This allows you to export contacts using this configured export format in a text file from Contact manager.
This section describes the enhancements in the following product categories.
Feature 1
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Feature 2
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Data Management
Renaming Call Flow Editor
The Call Flow Editor is now renamed Contact Flow Engine to reflect the multiple channels of communication offered by LiveVox.
Generating SMS Through Ticket Workflow
You can now generate an SMS based on an event (for example, status change) through a Ticket Workflow.
You can now generate an SMS based on an event (for example, status change) through a Ticket Workflow. To facilitate this enhancement, in the Ticketing Config window, on the Design subtab of the Workflows tab, in the Action Type drop-down list box, the Send SMS option is added.
The Ticketing Config window appears when you go to Ticketing > Tickets Config on the Configure tab.
Email and SMS ChannelsYou can now view the following information about your email and SMS channels in the Email Channel and SMS Channel windows, respectively:
- Configured email addresses, long codes, and short codes
- Agents who have access to the channels
- Email and SMS settings for the services
You can access the Email Channel and SMS Channel windows through the Email and SMS sections of the Configure tab.
Merging Agent and Call Center Monitor Dashboards
The monitor dashboard for call centers now also includes data pertaining to agents.
Enhancing Voice Monitor Dashboard
The monitor dashboard for the voice channel is now enhanced to include charts and enable you to manually switch among the inbound, outbound, and blended modes.
Merging Agent and Call Center Monitor Dashboards
The monitor dashboard for call centers now also includes data pertaining to agents. As a result, the menu on the Monitor tab now contains only the Call Centers and Service Groups options.
Voice Monitor Dashboard
The Voice section of the monitor dashboard is now enhanced as follows:
You can manually switch among the inbound, outbound, and blended modes through the respective tabs.
The default view is still based on the number of calls per direction.
- The Monitor and Agents subsections display information in graphical view regardless of the number of assigned Call Centers or Services. You can also switch to the tabular view.
The data on the Agent Detail tab of the Agent Detail window is categorized into General and Charts sections.
The Agent Detail window appears when you double-click a row in the Agents subsection.
- The Service Monitor subsection displays charts that represent the daily inbound statistics for the service. You can also switch to the tabular view.
- In the Activity subsection:
- The Revise button, which was used to revise limits, is replaced with the Revise icon ( ).
- The Revise Limit window contains only the Voice and SMS tabs.
- A Change History icon ( ) is added for viewing the changes made to pacing.
- The Revise button, which was used to revise limits, is replaced with the Revise icon ( ).
- The Outcomes & Costs subsection is split into two sections (Outcomes and Costs).
- In the Campaigns subsection, the filtering options (Today's, Active, and Playing) appear in a drop-down list box.
- The various subsections are scrollable, eliminating the need to resize or drag them.>