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titleGeneral Tab

titleService Group Attributes

The list of service groups is available in the General tab. Each service group can represent a call center, book of business, or custom routing logic you have designed. The attributes of a service group include:

  • ID: A unique system-assigned number. 
  • Name: The description assigned to the SG, which is used to identify it from other SGs.
  • Distribution: This indicates the interaction channel type. For example, 'Call' is for voice interactions.
  • Type: Each SG can have one type assigned that, in combination with the agent skill system, further determines how calls are prioritized agent-over-agent. Types include:
    • LONGEST_AVAILABLE_AGENT: If no agents with the required skill set are available, the call is transferred to the most senior available agent in the same service group regardless of skill. Once the configured Service Max Wait Time is reached, the call is routed to the exit or failure path, as configured in the message template.
    • STRICT_CLASSIFICATION: If no agents with the required skill set are available, the call is routed to the exit or failure path, as configured in the message template. Also, once the configured Service Max Wait Time is reached, the call is routed to the exit or failure path, as configured in the message template.
    • STRICT_OVERFLOW: If no agents with the required skill set are available to take the call, it is placed on hold until the maximum hold time (configured in the template) is reached. You can configure the ACD Max Wait Time Proficiency (1-10) in the message template. This parameter controls how long a call remains on hold, while waiting for an agent to become available with the corresponding skill set. After the required wait time, the system expands the target selection to include all agents in the service group, regardless of skill set and the call is bridged to the most senior available agent. If no agents are available, the system continues searching until an agent becomes available (not considering the max hold time).
    • UNIFORM_DISTRIBUTION: Clicker Agents assigned to Strict HCI or 10DMT services that are configured with this type of service group can initiate outbound calls on Strict HCI or 10DMT services. A maximum of 10 services are recommended for optimal performance with this service group type.
  • Enabled: Sets the service group as enabled (routing rules defined in the SG are applied) or disabled (routing rules not applied).

titleMapping by Service

Mapping by service establishes which services an agent can be logged into to receive the service group's generated inbound or outbound traffic.   

titleAdjusting a Service Group

All of a service group's attributes, aside from the ID, can be adjusted. For an explanation of the attributes see Service Group Attributes above. To adjust the attributes:

  1. Double-click anywhere in the SG's row. The Edit Service Group pop-up appears.
  2. Update the Name, Type, Is Enabled, and Assigned service.
  3. Click the Save button

The Change History tab displays the changes you made.

titleAdding a Service Group
  1. From the General tab, click the Add button  from the lower-right corner.
  2. Enter the required attributes. See the Service Group Attributes section above for more information.
  3. Click the Save button .

titleDeleting a Service Group


Because a deleted SG cannot be restored and must be re-built, only those without associated Inbound or Outbound services can be removed.

  1. From the General tab, hover on the SG to be deleted. You can view the Delete icon.
  2. Click the Delete icon.
  3. Confirm your deletion by clicking the Yes button .
  4. If successful, a notification message appears.
