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titleCreating and Managing Shifts

titleCreating Shifts

The Shifts tab allows you to create, copy and edit shift details. To create shifts:

  1. In the Shifts tab, click New.
    The Create Shift window appears.
  2. Specify the Shift Name.
  3. Enter a description in the Create Shift window. Click Save.
    The shift gets created and a window appears.
  4. Verify the shift name in the Shift name window.
  5. Select the Manager for approvals from the drop-down menu to approve tasks for the shift.
  6. Verify the description of the shift.
  7. Select the Call Center from the drop-down menu to associate the shift to a specific call center.
  8. Select the Number of slots you want to allocate for the shift.
  9. Select the Work Area for the shift in the Area field. You can choose the area that you created on the Config tab.
  10. Select the Start time of the shift.
  11. Select the End time of the shift.
  12. You can choose to assign a color to a shift to distinguish between multiple shifts.
  13. Select the Required skills for the shift you are creating. Select the skills from the Available column and move to the Selected column.
  14. Select the Allow break checkbox to define the break time duration for the shift. You can configure the break duration in increments of 5 minutes.
    1. Select the Break duration from the drop-down menu.
  15. Define the Schedule of the Shift:
    1. Select the Start date and End date.
    2. Select specific days of the week.

  • You must configure the work area, Time Off Category, shift duration, break duration before creating a shift schedule. See the Agent Scheduling Settings section for more information on Time Off Category, Work Area, and General shift settings.
  • For information about Scheduling Constraints, see the Configuring Scheduling Constraints section in Configuring Work Areas for the Schedule Agent Scheduler Settings.
  • You can also copy the shift details of an existing shift using the Copy option on the Shift Details tab.

titleEditing Shift Details

You can edit shift details from the Schedule tab.

  1. Select the shift you want to edit and click Edit.
  2. Modify the required fields.
  3. Click Save.

titleAssigning Shifts

You can assign shifts by drag and drop.

  1. From the Assign drop-down menu, click By Drag & Drop.
  2. In the Shift column, double-click the first cell select a shift. The available shifts appear in the drop-down.
  3. Select a shift from the drop-down menu. 
    In the first row, the shift and the shift timings appear. 
  4. From the first row, drag the shift and drop it in the corresponding agent cell to assign the shift.
  5. You can do this for the number of slots available for the respective shift. After all the slots are filled, you cannot apply that shift to other agents.
  6. Click Publish to save all the changes and make the schedule available for the agents and other managers.

You can assign agents to multiple shifts per day and schedule multiple breaks per shift.

titleModifying the Assigned Shift

You can change the hours for the shift and breaks per shift.

  1. Double-click the shift you want to modify for an agent in the Agents section. The Modify Edit Assignment pop-up window appears.
  2. Click the + (plus) icon for the required shift.
  3. Modify required options. You can modify Start time, End time, add or delete breaks. You can also add comments.
  4. Click the Save button.

You can select multiple shift parameters such as shift time, break time, comments and modify these parameters. Go to Schedules > Agents > Select & Edit Assignments. You can select multiple shifts and update the parameters.

You can also assign not ready reasons to agents. To assign not ready reasons:

  1. Double-click the shift you want to modify for an agent in the Agents section. The Edit Assignment pop-up window appears.
  2. Select a reason from the list. 
    Image Added
  3. Click Save.


If non-active time or published shifts are modified for an agent, a notification is sent to the agent in the Work Queue.

titleAssigning Shifts in Bulk
  1. From the Assign drop-down menu, click In Bulk.
  2. Select the Scope to assign the shift for a specific time.
  3. You can Filter the list of Available Agents by:
    1. Agent Name
    2. Call Center
    3. Agent Team
    4. Agent Skills
  4. Select one or multiple agents (hold CTRL to select multiple) from the Agents available column and move them to Agents to schedule column.
  5. Click Save to save the shift assignment.
  6. Click the Publish button on the bottom-right corner of the Agent Scheduler to save all the changes and make the schedule available for the agents and other managers.

titleAssigning Shifts by Copying Across Dates
  1. From the Assign drop-down menu, click By Copying Across Dates.
  2. Select Source and Target date range.
  3. Select the list of Agents to assign the shift.
  4. Click the Copy button and the Publish button.

titleAssigning Shifts from the Shifts Tab
  1. Click the Schedules tab and then click the By Shift tab.
  2. From the Shift drop-down menu, select the shift.
  3. Click the +Assign Available Slots option. The Assign Available Slots window appears.
  4. From the Agent drop-down list, select the agent to whom you want to assign the shift.
  5. In the Available Slot to Assign column, double-click on the cell to select a slot.
  6. From the drop-down list, select a slot.
  7. Click Assign to save the changes.

titleAssigning Shifts from the Available Slots Tab
  1. Click the Schedules tab and then click the Available Slots tab.
  2. Click Auto Schedule. The Auto Schedule window appears.
  3. From the Select a published forecast drop-down, select a published forecast.
  4. From the Select a shift option, select a shift to which you want to assign agents. If you want to create a new shift, click Or Create a new shift option and then create a new shift.
  5. From the Assign Agent section, select one of the options and then click OK.
