The following table describes the fields for each table available in the Report Writer. You can use this information to create your own Call Detail Reports (CDRs).
Table | Field | Description |
Agent | Email | Email address of the agent. |
First_Name | First name of the agent. |
Last_Name | Last name of the agent. |
Logon_Id | Logon ID of the agent. |
Call Monitor | Agent Id | ID of the agent. |
Agent Team Id | ID of the agent team with which the agent is associated. |
Call Service Id | Service ID of the call being monitored. |
Monitor End Time | End time stamp of the monitoring, represented in Eastern Standard Time, 24-hour format (hh:mm:ss). |
Monitor Session Id | Session ID generated for call monitoring. |
Monitor Start Time | Start time stamp of the monitoring, represented in Eastern Standard Time, 24-hour format (hh:mm:ss). |
Monitor Type | Type of monitoring (for example, coach, listen, or barge). |
Supervisor User Id | User ID of the supervisor of the call being monitored. |
Transaction Id | Transaction ID of the call being monitored. |
Call Outcome | Call_Outcome_Id | Custom call outcome ID for mapping the LiveVox Results to your result code. |
Client Id | Master client ID. |
Custom Outcome 1 | Custom result mapping that you have defined. If a result is not mapped, the LiveVox Result is displayed. |
Custom Outcome 2 | Custom result mapping that you have defined. If a result is not mapped, null is displayed. |
Custom Outcome 3 | Custom result mapping that you have defined. If a result is not mapped, the LiveVox Result code is displayed. |
Priority | Priority of a call outcome. A low value indicates a high priority. If the CDR uses the highest priority option, only best results are displayed based on the priority of the call outcome. |
Result Id | LiveVox Result ID. |
Call Transfer | Call Transfer Result | End result of the call being transferred. |
Final Transfer Target | - If a call is transferred to an agent by a phonebook transfer or an agent-to-agent transfer, this field has the ID of the receiving agent stored.
- If a call is transferred to a phone by a phonebook external transfer or a manual transfer, this field has the phone number stored.
- If a call transfer failed, this field is blank.
Leg Number |
Phonebook Transfer Id | Phonebook ID of the call being transferred. |
Phonebook Transfer Type | Phonebook type of the call being transferred Session Id | Session ID of the call being transferred. |
Transfer attempt by the agent (for example, |
Service, Service Group or External).the first attempt by an agent to transfer a call to a phone number is considered leg number 1; the next attempt by the agent to transfer the call to another phone number is considered leg number 2). |
Phonebook Transfer Id | Phonebook ID of the call being transferred. |
Phonebook Transfer Type | Phonebook type of the call being transferred (for example, service, service group, or external). |
Session Id | Session ID of the call being transferred. |
Transaction Id | Transaction ID of the call being transferred. |
Transfer Connect Time | Connect time of the transfer. |
Transfer End Time | End time of the transfer. |
Transfer Hold Duration (Secs) | Duration for which the customer was on hold, represented in seconds. |
Transfer Source | Source of |
the Agentagent). |
Transfer Source Id | ID of the source (for example, if the source is |
Agentagent, the transfer source is the |
Agent agent ID). |
Transfer Start Time | Start time of the transfer. |
Transfer Status | Indicates if the transfer was successful or if it failed: - TRANSFER: Call transferred to the target party, after the source agent left the conference.
- CONFERENCE: Target party left the call after joining the conference.
- JOINING: Target party left the call after joining the call (but was not added to the conference).
- FAILURE: Transfer request failed.
- CANCELED: Transfer request was canceled by the agent.
Transfer Target Id | - For SERVICE: Skill ID(s)
- For TEAM: Team ID(s)
- For EXTENSION: Extension(s)
- For MANUAL: 10-digit number
- For PHONE BOOK: Phonebook Contact ID
Transfer Type | Type of transfer made (for example, manual, agent, or phonebook). |
Campaign | Campaign Create Date | Date and time when a campaign |
is was created. |
Campaign End Time | Date and time when a campaign |
endsended. |
Campaign Start Time | Date and time when a campaign |
startsstarted. |
Requeue Level | Number of times that a campaign is requeued. |
CDR Plugins | Address | Value in the Extra 7 field of the Transaction table. |
AgentActionType | Type of termination code. |
AgentSkillName | Skill classification to which the agent is mapped for the call. |
AgentTeamNamePlugin | Team to which the agent belongs. |
AreaCodeState | State that is based on the area code of the dialed number. |
AttemptCallFinishTimeExtractor | Call finish time of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number that you specify in the Extra Info field. |
AttemptCallStartTimeExtractor | Call start time of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number that you specify in the Extra Info field. |
AttemptClientCodeExtractor | Client code of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number that you specify in the Extra Info field. |
AttemptClientOutcome1Extractor | Custom Outcome 1 value of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number specified in the Extra Info field. |
AttemptClientOutcome2Extractor | Custom Outcome 2 value of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number specified in the Extra Info field. |
AttemptCountOfAttempts | Total count of attempts per account/account transaction ID. |
AttemptPhoneDialedExtractor | Phone_Dialed value of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number specified in the Extra Info field. |
AttemptResultExtractor | Tfh_Result value of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number specified in the Extra Info field. |
Bank Account Obfuscated | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Bank routing # Obfuscated | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Call Trace Result | Not used because the field is legacy. |
CallCenterId | Call center ID. |
CallCenterName | Call center name. |
CallConnectTimeCT | Call connect time, represented in Central Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Report Writer. |
CallConnectTimeCTNoNull | Call connect time, represented in Central Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Report Writer. |
CallConnectTimeNoNull | Call connect time, represented in Central Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Report Writer. |
CallConnectTimePST | Call connect time, represented in Pacific Standard Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Report Writer. |
CallConnectTimePSTNoNull | Call connect time, represented in Pacific Standard Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Report Writer. |
CallDirection | Direction of call (for example, inbound or outbound). |
CallDurationNoNull | Not used because this data is stored in the Call_Duration field of the Interaction table. |
CallEndTimeNoNull | Not used because this data is stored in the Call_Finish_Time field of the Interaction table. |
CallStartTimeNoNull | Not used because this data is stored in the Call_Start_Time field of the Interaction table. |
CampaignNoExtension | Campaign name, without an extension such as .csv or .txt. |
CampaignType | Type of campaign (for example, 10DMT, callback, HCI, manual, or outbound). |
CampaignWithDateInserted | Campaign name suffixed with the date inserted in the following format: mmddyyyy. |
City | Value in the Extra 7 field of the Transaction table. |
ClickerAgentNamePlugin | Name of the clicker agent. |
Client Id | Main client ID. |
ClientNamePlugin | Name of the client. |
Contact Notes | Contact notes for a given transaction and session. |
Credit Card # Obfuscation | Not used because the field is obsolete. |
Credit Card Expiration Obfuscated | Not used because the field is obsolete. |
Custom SQL Expression | Custom SQL, which is put in the Extra Info column of the Report Writer. For example, you can reference fields from the Interaction and Transaction tables by using acct_transaction.input_id as the syntax. |
CustomOutcomesWithCustomDefault | Not used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 1 field of the Call Outcome table. |
Empty | Empty string in the CDR. |
Filler | Padding characters used for fillers in the CDR (for example, LIVEVOX, N/A, ***). |
FirstNameSpaceLast | First name of the customer, followed by a space and then the last name. |
GetUSTimeZone | US time zone for the number. |
IVRDuration | Unrounded IVR duration, calculated as the difference between the Call Duration and Transfer Duration values of the Transaction table. |
InteractionType | Type of interaction (for example, chat, email, or SMS). |
LCID Package ID | LCID package ID for the call. |
LanguageIs2ToS | Indicates if the language is Spanish for an interaction (yes: S). |
LastNameCommaFirst | Last name of the customer, followed by a comma and then the first name (without space) in quotation marks (" "). |
OpTransferFiller | Not used because the field is legacy. |
OperatorTransferDuration | Operator Transfer time, calculated as the difference between the Extra 4 and Transfer Duration values of the Transaction table. |
PPhone1Or2CallOutcome | Use the Custom SQL Expression field. |
PPhone1Or2CallOutcomeWithDefault | Use the Custom SQL Expression field. |
PatientPhone1 | Primary number of the transaction. |
Phone2 | Secondary number of the transaction. |
PhoneDialedDefaultPhone1 | Dialed number of an attempted call. If a call is not made, this field contains the Phone1 value of the Transaction table. |
PhonePosition | Position of the phone number in the campaign. |
ServiceType | Type of service (for example, outbound call, inbound SMS, or inbound chat). |
SkillName | Name of the service. |
State | Value in the Extra 7 field of the Transaction table. |
TerminationCategoryName | Category of the termination code specified by an agent when wrapping up the interaction. |
TerminationCodeName | Termination code for the interaction. |
TimezoneOfCallPlugin | Time zone of a call, identified by the first three digits of the dialed number. |
TotalRoundedDuration | Sum of rounded IVR duration and rounded Operator Transfer duration. |
Transaction Type | Type of transaction (for example, inbound, outbound, or SMS). |
Transaction Sub-type | Sub-type of an interaction, containing the following values: - OUTBOUND_WHATSAPP (parent category: OUTBOUND_MESSAGING)
Zip | Value in the Extra 11 field of the Transaction table. |
ZipCodeState | State to which the ZIP code belongs. |
Contact | Account | Account number of the contact. |
Account Due Date | Due date. |
Account To Speak | Value in the Account field. This field can contain an alternate account number to be used by the IVR. |
Address 1 | Primary address of the contact. |
Address 2 | Secondary address of the contact. |
Amount To Speak | Amount required to speak. |
B Active | Indicates if the contact is active (active: 1; inactive: 0). |
Call Attempts Life Time | Number of call attempts that can be made on the contact in a lifetime. |
Call Attempts Today | Number of call attempts that can be made on the contact in a day. |
City | City of the contact. |
Client ID | Client ID. |
Country ID | ID of the country to which the contact belongs. |
Create Date | Date and time when the contact record is created. |
Create User | ID of the user who created the contact record. |
Department | Department of the contact. |
Description | Description of the contact. |
DOB | Date of birth of the contact. |
Do Not Contact | Indicates if the contact can be contacted (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Do Not Contact Today | Indicates if the contact can be contacted on the current day (yes: 1; no: 0). The value is reset when the day ends. |
Email Address | Email address of the contact. |
First Name | First name of the contact. |
Group ID | ID of the contact Group. |
Guarantor First Name | First name of the guarantor of the contact. |
Guarantor Last Name | Last name of the guarantor of the contact. |
Initial Load Campaign ID | ID of the campaign that is loaded first. |
Initial Load Date | Date and time when the contact is first loaded. |
Last Load Campaign ID | ID of the campaign that is loaded last. |
Last Load Date | Date and time when the contact is last loaded. |
Last Name | Last name of the contact. |
LV Account ID | LiveVox account ID of the contact. |
Modify Date | Date and time when the contact is modified. |
Modify User | Name of the user who modified the contact. |
Original Account Number | Original account number of the contact. |
Payment Balance | Payment balance of the contact. |
Phone 1 | Phone number in the first position in the contact. When the campaign is run, this field uses the number that is last dialed. |
Phone 2 through Phone 10 | Phone number in the |
tenth respective position in the contact. |
Phone indicates the phone number in the second position in the contact. |
Phone 3 | Zip/Postal Code | ZIP/postal code of the |
Phone number in the third position in the Phone 4 | Phone number in the fourth position in Phone 5 | SSN | Social Security Number of |
Phone number in the fifth position in Phone 6 | Phone number in the sixth position in Phone 7 | Phone number in the seventh position in Phone 8 | Phone number in the eighth position in the contact. |
Phone 9 | Phone number in the ninth position in the contact. |
Zip/Postal Code | ZIP/postal code of the contact. |
Salutation | Salutation for the contact. |
SSN | Social Security Number of the contact. |
State | State to which the contact belongs. |
Title | Title for the contact. |
Col1 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col10 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col100 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col11 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col12 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col13 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col14 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col15 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col16 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col17 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col18 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col19 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col2 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col20 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col21 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col22 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col23 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col24 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col25 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col26 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col27 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col28 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col29 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col3 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col30 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col31 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col32 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col33 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col34 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col35 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col36 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col37 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col38 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col39 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col4 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col40 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col41 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col42 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col43 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col44 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col45 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col46 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col47 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col48 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col49 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col5 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col50 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col51 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col52 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col53 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col54 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col55 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col56 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col57 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col58 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col59 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col6 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col60 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col61 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col62 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col63 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col64 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col65 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col66 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col67 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col68 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col69 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col7 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col70 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col71 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col72 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col73 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col74 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col75 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col76 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col77 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col78 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col79 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col8 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col80 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col81 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col82 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col83 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col84 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col85 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col86 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col87 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col88 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col89 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col9 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col90 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col91 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col92 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col93 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col94 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col95 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col96 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col97 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col98 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Col99 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Interaction | Account | Account number of the customer involved in the interaction. |
Acct_Transaction_Id | Account transaction ID for the interaction. |
Agent Skill Id | Skill ID of the agent involved in the interaction (for example, English or Spanish). |
Agent_Id | ID of the agent involved in the interaction. |
Agent_Team_Id | ID of the agent team to which the agent involved in the interaction belongs. |
Answer_Type | Type of answer (for example, agent-initiated or system-generated). |
Attachment ID 1 | ID of the attachment associated with the interaction. |
Attachment ID 2 | ID of the attachment associated with the interaction. |
Attachment ID 3 | ID of the attachment associated with the interaction. |
Attachment ID 4 | ID of the attachment associated with the interaction. |
Attachment ID 5 | ID of the attachment associated with the interaction. |
COL1 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL10 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL11 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL12 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL13 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL14 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL15 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL16 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL17 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL18 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL19 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL2 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL20 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL21 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL22 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL23 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL24 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL25 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL26 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL27 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL28 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL29 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL3 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL30 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL31 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL32 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL33 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL34 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL35 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL36 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL37 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL38 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL39 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL4 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL40 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL41 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL42 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL43 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL44 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL45 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL46 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL47 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL48 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL49 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL5 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL50 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL6 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL7 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL8 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
COL9 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
Call Termination Code | Termination code for the call. |
Call_Connect_Time | Time at which the call connects. |
Call_Duration | Duration of the call. |
Call_Finish_Time | Time at which the call ends. |
Call_Recorded | Indicates if the call is recorded (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Call_Start_Time | Time at which the call is answered. |
Call_Type | Type of call (for example, manual or preview). |
Campaign_Id | ID of the loaded campaign. |
Carrier | Carrier used for the interaction/interaction attempt. |
Carrier 2 | Secondary carrier used for the interaction/interaction attempt. |
Clicker Agent ID | ID of the Clicker Agent involved in the interaction. |
Client_Filename | Name of the uploaded campaign that is run. The value in this field is the same as that in the Extra 10 field of the Transaction table. |
Client_Id | Service ID. |
Client_Record_Info_1 | First 50 characters in the Extra 15 field of the Transaction table. |
Client_Record_Info_2 | Client code. |
Confirm_Alternate_Number | Number provided by the customer during the interaction. |
Confirm_Approval_Code | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Confirm_Credit_Card_Exp_Date | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Confirm_Credit_Card_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Confirm_Fax_Phone_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Confirm_First_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Confirm_Payment_Amount | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Confirm_Second_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Custom_Code1 | Not used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 1 field of the Call Outcome table. |
Custom_Code2 | Not used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 2 field of the Call Outcome table. |
Custom_Code3 | Not used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 3 field of the Call Outcome table. |
Email Subject | Subject line of the email. |
Final_State | Final status of the call (for example, failed). |
From Number 2 | Caller ID. The value in this field is the same as that in the From_Number 1 field. |
From_Number1 | Caller ID for the interaction attempt. |
Input_Alternate_Fax | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Alternate_Phone | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Approval_Code | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Bank_Account_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Input_Bank_Account_Type | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Input_Bank_Routing_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Input_Credit_Card_Exp_Date | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Input_Credit_Card_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Input_Credit_Card_Sec_Code | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Input_Dob | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Dynamic_Menu1 | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Dynamic_Menu2 | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Dynamic_Menu3Col1 through Col 100 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Interaction | Account | Account number of the customer involved in the interaction. |
Acct_Transaction_Id | Account transaction ID for the interaction. |
Agent Skill Id | Skill ID of the agent involved in the interaction (for example, English or Spanish). |
Agent_Id | ID of the agent involved in the interaction. |
Agent_Team_Id | ID of the agent team to which the agent involved in the interaction belongs. |
Answer_Type | Type of answer (for example, agent-initiated or system-generated). |
Attachment ID 1 through Attachment ID 5 | ID of the attachment associated with the interaction. |
COL1 through COL50 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. |
Call Termination Code | Termination code for the call. |
Call_Connect_Time | Time at which the call connects. |
Call_Duration | Duration of the call. |
Call_Finish_Time | Time at which the call ends. |
Call_Recorded | Indicates if the call is recorded (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Call_Start_Time | Time at which the call is answered. |
Call_Type | Type of call (for example, manual or preview). |
Campaign_Id | ID of the loaded campaign. |
Carrier | Carrier used for the interaction/interaction attempt. |
Carrier 2 | Secondary carrier used for the interaction/interaction attempt. |
Clicker Agent ID | ID of the Clicker Agent involved in the interaction. |
Client_Filename | Name of the uploaded campaign that is run. The value in this field is the same as that in the Extra 10 field of the Transaction table. |
Client_Id | Service ID. |
Client_Record_Info_1 | First 50 characters in the Extra 15 field of the Transaction table. |
Client_Record_Info_2 | Client code. |
Confirm_Alternate_Number | Number provided by the customer during the interaction. |
Confirm_Approval_Code | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_First_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Last_Dtmf_Pressed | Last input specified by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Not_AvailableConfirm_Credit_Card_Exp_Date | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Confirm_Credit_Card_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Confirm_Fax_Phone_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Confirm_First_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
InputConfirm_Payment_Amount | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
InputConfirm_Second_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
InputSsnInput provided by the customer through IVR. | Code1 | Not used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 1 field of the Call Outcome table. |
Custom_Code2 | Not used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 2 field of the Call Outcome table. |
Custom_Code3 |
Interaction Text | Text messages of an interaction (for example, chat or SMS). |
Load_Date | Not used because this data is stored in the |
Last Load Date Custome Outcome 3 field of the |
Contact Lv_Call_Type_Id | Type of service associated with the interaction (for example, manual or preview). |
Lvtransaction_Type | Type of transaction (for example, callback, outbound, or SMS). |
Operator_Phone | Operator phone number assigned to the interaction. |
Original_Account_Number | Alternate account number of the customer. |
Phone_Dialed | Dialed number. |
Reserved1 | Voice talent used at the time of call. |
Reserved10 | Unknown (null for all calls). |
Reserved2 | Language ID. |
Reserved3 | Failure SIP status. |
Reserved4 | Logon ID of the agent. |
Reserved5 | Result from the carrier for SMS transactions. |
Reserved6 | Unknown (null for all calls). |
Reserved7 | Unknown (null for all calls). |
Reserved8 | Same as that in the Lvtransaction_Type field, for SMS transactions (empty for non-SMS transactions). |
Reserved9 | Date from a SIP header to show the cause of disconnected call (similar to the Sip_Failure_Reason_Header field). |
Rounded_Ivr_Duration | Total rounded IVR duration of the interaction. |
Rounded_Op_Duration | Rounded Operator Transfer duration. |
SMS Short Code | SMS short code used for the interaction. |
Screen Recorded | Indicates if the screen is recorded (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Sentiment | Not used; reserved for future use. |
Session_Id | Session ID for the interaction. |
Sip_Failure_Dial_Timeout | Indicates if a SIP failure is due to a dial timeout. |
Sip_Failure_Reason_Header | Reason for disconnection, calls not found, calling errors, or incomplete calls. |
Sip_Ringing_Received | Indicates if a ringing is heard when the number is dialed. |
Tfh_Result | LiveVox Result. |
Thread ID | ID of the interaction thread. |
Total_Agent_Hold_Count | Total number of times that an agent placed the call on hold during the interaction. |
Total_Agent_Hold_Duration | Total hold duration for the interaction. |
Total_Talk_Duration | Total talk duration of the interactiion. |
Total_Wrapup_Duration | Time taken by the agent to change the status after ending the interaction. |
Transfer Bridge Duration | Duration between a transfer attempt and the end of the transferred call. |
Transfer_Bridge_Time | Date and time when an audio connection is established between the agent and the customer. The time stamp is the same as that for the Transfer_Connect_Time value. |
Transfer_Call_Result | Result of a call transfer. |
Transfer_Connect_Time | Date and time when an audio connection is established between the agent and the customer. The time stamp is the same as that for the Transfer_Connect_Time value. |
Transfer_Duration | Duration between a transfer attempt and the end of the transferred call. |
Transfer_Finish_Time | Time at which the transfer ends. |
Transfer_Hold_Duration | Duration between the Transfer Hold Start Time and the Transfer Hold End Time. Transfer Hold Start Time is the time at which the first agent team-based routing is initialized (after pre-hold prompts). Transfer Hold End Time is one of the following: a. Transfer_Connect_Time value, if a bridge attempt is made. b. Time at which the hold result is OperatorNoAnswer. c. Time at which the call ends. |
Transfer_Start_Time | Time at which the transfer is initialized (before pre-hold prompts). |
Validation_No_Match | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Livevox Result | Live Answer | Indicates if the result is Live Answer (yes: 1; no: 0) |
Not Connected | Indicates if the result is Not Connected (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Not Made | Indicates if the result is Not Made (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Operator Transfer | Indicates if the result is Operator Transfer (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Operator Transfer Successful | Indicates if the result is Operator Transfer Successful (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Result | Result of the call. |
Result Code | LiveVox Result code. |
Result Id | LiveVox Result ID. |
Schedule Callback | Active | Indicates if the scheduled callback is not made (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Agent Id | ID of the agent assigned to the scheduled callback. |
Agent Skill Id | Skill ID of the agent assigned to the scheduled callback. |
Agent Team IDs | ID of the agent team to which the agent assigned to the scheduled callback belongs. |
Call Priority | Priority of the scheduled callback. |
Callback Phone Number | Phone number for which the callback is scheduled. |
Created Date | Date and time when the callback is scheduled (that is, when a Scheduled Callback entry is added). |
Scheduled Callback Time | Time for which the callback is scheduled. |
Scheduled Callback Timezone | Time zone for the number for which the callback is scheduled. |
Status | Indicates if the scheduled callback is completed (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Transaction | Account | Account number for the transaction. |
Account To Speak | Same as the account number of your customer (that is, the value in the Account field). This field can contain an alternate account number to be used by the IVR. |
Acct Transaction Id | ID to identify the transaction for the account within the campaign. |
Alt Language 1 | Alternate language specified by the customer through the IVR. |
Alt Language 2 | Alternate language specified by the customer through the IVR. |
Alt Language 3 | Alternate language specified by the customer through the IVR. |
Amount 1 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Amount 2 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Amount 3 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Amount 4 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Amount 5 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Amount 6 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Amount To Speak | Alternate number/dollar amount used in the IVR. |
Attempt | Total number of attempts made to contact the customer. This value is the same as the total number of interactions in the Transaction table. |
Billing | Not used because the field is legacy. |
B Active | Indicates if the transaction is active (active: 1; inactive: 0). |
Call Connect Time | Same as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table. |
Call Duration | Duration of the call. |
Call Finish Time | Same as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table. |
Call Start Time | Same as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table. |
Campaign Id | ID of the loaded campaign. |
Client Id | Service ID associated with the call. |
Client Practice Id | Information about your subclients. |
Confirm Fax Phone Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Confirm Other Phone Number | Alternate number provided by the customer to identify them. |
Confirm Payment Amount | Amount confirmed to be paid by the customer. |
Date Modified | Date and time when the campaign is last modified. |
Days Due 1 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Days Due 2 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Days Due 3 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Days Due 4 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Days Due 5 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Days Due 6 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Days To Speak | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Discount Amount To Speak | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Discount Percentage To Speak | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Extra 1 | Logon ID of the agent. |
Extra 10 | Name of the uploaded/requeued campaign. |
Extra 11 | First five digits of the ZIP code for the transaction, used to determine the safe dialing hours based on the ZIP code-area code mismatch logic (if enabled by LiveVox). |
Extra 12 | Date of service. This field supports only a date-formatted value. |
Extra 13 | Address of the customer. |
Extra 14 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Extra 15 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Extra 16Email Subject | Subject line of the email. |
Final_State | Final status of the call (for example, failed). |
From Number 2 | Caller ID. The value in this field is the same as that in the From_Number 1 field. |
From_Number1 | Caller ID for the interaction attempt. |
Input_Alternate_Fax | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Alternate_Phone | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Approval_Code | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Bank_Account_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Input_Bank_Account_Type | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Input_Bank_Routing_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Input_Credit_Card_Exp_Date | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Input_Credit_Card_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Input_Credit_Card_Sec_Code | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Input_Dob | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Dynamic_Menu1 | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Dynamic_Menu2 | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Dynamic_Menu3 | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_First_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Last_Dtmf_Pressed | Last input specified by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Not_Available | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Payment_Amount | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Second_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Input_Ssn | Input provided by the customer through IVR. |
Interaction Text | Text messages of an interaction (for example, chat or SMS). |
Load_Date | Not used because this data is stored in the Last Load Date field of the Contact table. |
Lv_Call_Type_Id | Type of service associated with the interaction (for example, manual or preview). |
Lvtransaction_Type | Type of transaction (for example, callback, outbound, or SMS). |
Operator_Phone | Operator phone number assigned to the interaction. |
Original_Account_Number | Alternate account number of the customer. |
Phone_Dialed | Dialed number. |
Reserved1 | Voice talent used at the time of call. |
Reserved10 | Unknown (null for all calls). |
Reserved2 | Language ID. |
Reserved3 | Failure SIP status. |
Reserved4 | Logon ID of the agent. |
Reserved5 | Result from the carrier for SMS transactions. |
Reserved6 | Unknown (null for all calls). |
Reserved7 | Unknown (null for all calls). |
Reserved8 | Same as that in the Lvtransaction_Type field, for SMS transactions (empty for non-SMS transactions). |
Reserved9 | Date from a SIP header to show the cause of disconnected call (similar to the Sip_Failure_Reason_Header field). |
Rounded_Ivr_Duration | Total rounded IVR duration of the interaction. |
Rounded_Op_Duration | Rounded Operator Transfer duration. |
SMS Short Code | SMS short code used for the interaction. |
Screen Recorded | Indicates if the screen is recorded (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Sentiment | Not used; reserved for future use. |
Session_Id | Session ID for the interaction. |
Sip_Failure_Dial_Timeout | Indicates if a SIP failure is due to a dial timeout. |
Sip_Failure_Reason_Header | Reason for disconnection, calls not found, calling errors, or incomplete calls. |
Sip_Ringing_Received | Indicates if a ringing is heard when the number is dialed. |
Tfh_Result | LiveVox Result. |
Thread ID | ID of the interaction thread. |
Total_Agent_Hold_Count | Total number of times that an agent placed the call on hold during the interaction. |
Total_Agent_Hold_Duration | Total hold duration for the interaction. |
Total_Talk_Duration | Total talk duration of the interactiion. |
Total_Wrapup_Duration | Time taken by the agent to change the status after ending the interaction. |
Transfer Bridge Duration | Duration between a transfer attempt and the end of the transferred call. |
Transfer_Bridge_Time | Date and time when an audio connection is established between the agent and the customer. The time stamp is the same as that for the Transfer_Connect_Time value. |
Transfer_Call_Result | Result of a call transfer. |
Transfer_Connect_Time | Date and time when an audio connection is established between the agent and the customer. The time stamp is the same as that for the Transfer_Connect_Time value. |
Transfer_Duration | Duration between a transfer attempt and the end of the transferred call. |
Transfer_Finish_Time | Time at which the transfer ends. |
Transfer_Hold_Duration | Duration between the Transfer Hold Start Time and the Transfer Hold End Time. Transfer Hold Start Time is the time at which the first agent team-based routing is initialized (after pre-hold prompts). Transfer Hold End Time is one of the following:
- Transfer_Connect_Time value, if a bridge attempt is made.
- Time at which the hold result is OperatorNoAnswer.
- Time at which the call ends.
Transfer_Start_Time | Time at which the transfer is initialized (before pre-hold prompts). |
Validation_No_Match | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Livevox Result | Live Answer | Indicates if the result is Live Answer (yes: 1; no: 0) |
Not Connected | Indicates if the result is Not Connected (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Not Made | Indicates if the result is Not Made (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Operator Transfer | Indicates if the result is Operator Transfer (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Operator Transfer Successful | Indicates if the result is Operator Transfer Successful (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Result | Result of the call. |
Result Code | LiveVox Result code. |
Result Id | LiveVox Result ID. |
Schedule Callback | Active | Indicates if the scheduled callback is not made (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Agent Id | ID of the agent assigned to the scheduled callback. |
Agent Skill Id | Skill ID of the agent assigned to the scheduled callback. |
Agent Team IDs | ID of the agent team to which the agent assigned to the scheduled callback belongs. |
Call Priority | Priority of the scheduled callback. |
Callback Phone Number | Phone number for which the callback is scheduled. |
Created Date | Date and time when the callback is scheduled (that is, when a Scheduled Callback entry is added). |
Scheduled Callback Time | Time for which the callback is scheduled. |
Scheduled Callback Timezone | Time zone for the number for which the callback is scheduled. |
Status | Indicates if the scheduled callback is completed (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Transaction | Account | Account number for the transaction. |
Account To Speak | Same as the account number of your customer (that is, the value in the Account field). This field can contain an alternate account number to be used by the IVR. |
Acct Transaction Id | ID to identify the transaction for the account within the campaign. |
Alt Language 1 through Alt Language 3 | Alternate language specified by the customer through the IVR. |
Amount 1 through Amount 6 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Amount To Speak | Alternate number/dollar amount used in the IVR. |
Attempt | Total number of attempts made to contact the customer. This value is the same as the total number of interactions in the Transaction table. |
Billing | Not used because the field is legacy. |
B Active | Indicates if the transaction is active (active: 1; inactive: 0). |
Call Connect Time | Same as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table. |
Call Duration | Duration of the call. |
Call Finish Time | Same as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table. |
Call Start Time | Same as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table. |
Campaign Id | ID of the loaded campaign. |
Client Id | Service ID associated with the call. |
Client Practice Id | Information about your subclients. |
Confirm Fax Phone Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Confirm Other Phone Number | Alternate number provided by the customer to identify them. |
Confirm Payment Amount | Amount confirmed to be paid by the customer. |
Date Modified | Date and time when the campaign is last modified. |
Days Due 1 through Days Due 6 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Extra 17 | Area code for the primary phone number. |
Extra 18 | Date and time when the campaign is selected for reporting (post processing). |
Extra 19Days To Speak | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Discount Amount To Speak | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Discount Percentage To Speak | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Extra 1 | Logon ID of the agent. |
Extra 2 through Extra 5 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Extra |
206 | Extension of the agent. |
Extra 7 through Extra 8 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location |
)). |
Extra 9 | Time for the scheduled call back, represented in HH:MM:SS. |
Extra 10 | Name of the uploaded/requeued campaign. |
Extra |
3Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location11 | First five digits of the ZIP code for the transaction, used to determine the safe dialing hours based on the ZIP code-area code mismatch logic (if enabled by LiveVox). |
Extra |
4Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). | 12 | Date of service. This field supports only a date-formatted value. |
Extra 13 | Address of the customer. |
Extra 14 through Extra 16 |
Extra 5 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). |
Extra |
617 | Area code for the primary phone number |
Extension of the agent 7Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). | 18 | Date and time when the campaign is selected for reporting (post processing). |
Extra 19 through Extra 20 |
Extra 8 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or |
service location).Extra 9 | Time for the scheduled call back, represented in HH:MM:SSservice location). |
Guarantor Firstname | First name of the guarantor of the customer who is called, or alternate name of the customer who is called. |
Guarantor Lastname | Last name of the guarantor of the customer who is called, or alternate name of the customer who is called. |
Input Other Phone Number | Alternate number provided by the customer through the IVR. |
Insurance Company | Additional information for Text-to-Speech (TTS) purpose. |
Insurance Type | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Language | Voice talent code for the IVR. |
Language Callback 1 |
Not used because the field is legacy. | Language Callback 2 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Language through Language Callback 3 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Last Payment Date | Additional date information. |
Lead 1 |
Not used because the field is legacy. | Lead 2 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Lead 3 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Lead 4 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Lead 5 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Lead through Lead 6 | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Lead Credit Card Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Lead Other Fax Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Lead Other Phone Number | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Live Person | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Lvtransaction Type | Type of call (for example, inbound or outbound). |
Machine | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Minimum Payment Amount | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Not Available | Not used because the field is legacy. |
No Input | Not used because the field is legacy. |
Operator Phone | Operator phone number. For a manual service, this field uses the caller ID. |
Original Account Number | Original account number for the transaction. |
Outcome | Outcome of the attempts (for example, passed or failed). |
Patient Dob | Date of birth of the customer. |
Patient Email | Email address of the customer. |
Patient Firstname | First name of the customer who is called. |
Patient First Id | ZIP code of the customer who is called. |
Patient Lastname | Last name of the customer who is called. |
Patient Phone1 | Primary phone number associated with the account. |
Patient Phone2 | Additional phone numbers associated with the account, separated by the pipe character. |
Patient Second Id | ZIP code of the guarantor. |
Patient Ssn | Social Security Number of the customer. |
Phone Dialed | Number that is dialed as the last successful/unsuccessful attempt. |
Phone Update | 0 if the transaction is from an outbound campaign; null for inbound and manual transactions. |
Place Of Service Id | Subclient locations, used in conjunction with the Client Practice Id value. |
Practice Fax | Fax number. |
Practice Id | Subclient ID. |
Practice Phone | Callback phone number. |
Practice Phone Alternate | Caller ID. |
Queued | Used for internal purpose. |
Requeue Id | Requeue ID. |
Result1 | Default carrier; also indicates that a call is being placed and has not been reported yet. |
Result2 | Result of transaction (for example, successful or not made). |
Session Id | Session ID for the transaction. |
Template Id | Template ID of the matching campaign. |
Tfh Result | Result of the call as defined by LiveVox. |
Total Amount | Amount owed by the customer. |
Transaction Update | Used for internal purpose. |
Transfer Connect Time | Same as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table. |
Transfer Duration | Same as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table. |