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This document provides an overview of the new features and enhancements to existing features of the LiveVox User Portal in the LiveVox U12 release. Agent DesktopThe data size of Agent Desktop widgets is increased to accommodate more data.Campaign Management Anchor |
| Contact Lookup - Multi-Channel, Additional-Variable Dips | Contact Lookup - Multi-Channel, Additional-Variable Dips | Contact Lookup - Multi-Channel and Additional-Variable DipsThis feature provides a new Lookup module with Multi-Channel Support (IB SMS, IB Email, IB Chat). The new Lookup module supports both service and contact lookup. The current phone lookup and account lookup modules to be deprecated. To pass pertinent Contact information in Interaction and Transaction tables when there is a valid match. To pass Contact (account number) to ACD (U-CRM) once a valid match CM match is established.
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Contact Manager - Segmentation Preview Enhancement | Contact Manager - Segmentation Preview Enhancement | Contact Manager - Segmentation Preview EnhancementThe Segmentation template preview dialog of Contacts manager reflects the updated changes once the Segmentation template is updated. Previously, users could preview a Contact Segmentation template on Contact Manager. However, whenever they made a change to the Segmentation template that has been previewed for the day, the updated changes did not reflect when previewed again.
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ERTSFACR | ERTSFACR | Enhanced Real-Time Statistics for Append Campaign RecordsYou can now view real-time statistics for appended campaign records in the Voice portal. If the campaign is playing and records have appended, the values for the following fields are updated automatically on the Campaign editor and Monitor panel:
- Completed
- Remaining
- Percent Completed
- Total
- Percent Done
- Uploaded
- Loaded
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HCI restriction for Agent Login | HCI restriction for Agent Login | HCI restriction for Agent LoginWhen the Service Type in LVP is set to HCI, the ACD Mode field is hidden.
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Copy to Clipboard
You can now select standard Contact Manager fields and Call Flow variables in the Copy to Clipboard configuration field on the ScreenPop tab of Agent Desktop.
Dialing NULL Accounts
Agents can now dial (Manual and Scheduled Call Backs) records with a 'NULL' account and Contact Management setting enabled. This means that requiring an account number is only determined by the Account Number Required setting at the desktop level.
The ability to have the Caller ID configurable for Manual Transfers is now available, and you can request it through work order to follow one of the following three settings at the service level:
- Customer phone number (default value).
- Service's Caller ID being either the Outbound CID or Inbound number dialed.
- Fixed Number (as specified by the client).
The Agent Desktop widget data size is now increased to accommodate more characters in the input text to avoid errors when saving the Agent Desktop configuration.
Campaign Management
SMS - , Contact TimingSMS - Support for TimeZone, Zip/Area Mismatch, Contact Timing | SMS - Support for TimeZone, Zip/Area Mismatch, Contact TimingReal-Time Campaign Statistics for Append Records
Now additional real-time campaign statistics are updated to reflect appended campaign records within the Voice portal to include the following within Campaign Monitor panels:
- Completed
- Remaining
- %Completed
- Total
- % Done
- Uploaded
- Loaded
Campaign Level Metrics available via API
Campaign statistics were previously available as an aggregate of campaigns within a Service. This enhancement allows for current day campaign-level statistics for the individual campaigns within a service. Data available to be retrieved via API at the Service ID and/or Campaign ID level include:
- Uploaded
- Loaded
- Completed
- Remaining
- Timezone data
This is only for active campaigns (i.e. playing, paused, loaded, built).
Campaign Name for Appended Records in ReportingFor Appended Records we now store the related Campaign Name to be used with standard reports including the Account Lookup Report and Phone Lookup Report.
The LiveVox Portal users can now modify a Segmentation template for Contact Manager and preview the changes immediately. Previously, any changes to the existing Segmentation template would not reflect in the Preview option until the following day.
This enhancement simplifies the workflow experience for users as it does not require recreating or copying segmentation templates to visualize the changes.
You can now configure the Dialing Profile for the States or Area Codes that you can text. Within each profile, users can define the policies for both Voice or SMS, or both. You can define SMS restrictions based on State, Area Code, Time Zone, and Day similar to Voice call. This is configurable in a new tab called SMS for SMS based policies in the Profile editor.
- SMS tab allows users to specify policies for SMS attempts.
- When adding a policy under the SMS tab, the voice portal provides the same options as for Voice, except for the following:
- Do Not Leave Messages option is no longer available
- Do Not Dial is renamed to Do Not Text
- When launching an SMS campaign, the SMS number attempted adheres to the configured Dialing Profile on the Service based on the policies associated with the SMS tab of the Dialing Profile.
- Users can now define whether SMS attempts initiated by an agent adheres to the assigned Dialing Profile or Zip/Area Mismatch.
- When launching an SMS campaign, if there is a Zip/Area Mismatch logic associated with the Service, the system now applies existing Zip/Area Mismatch logic.
- When launching an SMS campaign on a Service with Contact Timing enabled, the logic of following the sun method applies.
Additional Standard Call Flows for SMS
The following options in the Services editor are renamed.
Old Name | New Name |
SMS Optin Message | SMS Opt-In Message |
Email Optin Message | Email Opt-In Message |
The SMS Opt-In Message drop-down menu provides the following additional standard call flows:
- SMS Blast
- SMS UAD Opt-In
- SMS UAD Widget
The above call flows are also available as standard templates when creating an SMS campaign from Campaigns editor or Contact manager.
You can now use the following Do Not Contact options for SMS and Email channels:
SMS Channel
- Do Not Contact
- Do Not Contact Today
- Account+Phone Do Not Contact
- Account+Phone Do Not Contact Today
Email Channel
- Do Not Contact
- Do Not Contact Today
Increased SMS Throughput
You can now send 1000 messages/second for in a single SMS instance. If the SMS volume need is more, you can add multiple SMS gateways to scale up.
Note |
Contact your account manager to add multiple SMS gateways. |
Routing Non-Outbound Triggered Inbound SMS
You can now route any SMS shortcode or long code. Previously, the system would route Inbound (IB) SMS only if there was an Outbound (OB) SMS made against that shortcode or long code in the past.
Viewing and Downloading Email Attachments
You can now view and download any email associated attachments from the interaction on any Email history lookup (Interactions tab in Contact manager, Account Lookup report, and Phone Lookup Report).
A new Web Widget feature is now available on the Config tab of the Voice Portal. Chat, Knowledge Base, and Ticketing options are embedded in a single Web widget.
Note |
Web Widget is only available if Chat, Knowledge Base, or Ticketing is enabled on the Billing tab. |
Data Management
The new Contact Lookup module includes the following features:
- Supports multiple channels such as Inbound SMS, Email, and Chat to associate inbound interactions to the relevant Contact
- Enables users to add modules to CallFlows and define variables to associate interactions with Contact Manager
- Enables users to define the variables that can be used against the Contact Manager for identity validation
- Populates the relevant fields for a Contact based on the match in Contact Manager
- Enables Contact Manager to associate contact numbers matched from multiple channels to ACD and Designer
Updates to Consent Module
The SMS consent module now contains the following two new properties:
- Keywords to opt in the Service (comma separated): This property contains the keywords to opt-in the service. The default values are START, BEGIN, CONFIRM, SUBSCRIBE, and CONTINUE.
- Keywords to opt out the Service (comma separated): This property contains the keywords to opt-out of the service. The default values are CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE, and STOP.
The consent module also allows adding up to 20 additional keywords in both opt-in and opt-out properties. The additional keywords must be alphanumeric without any space and unique.
Modifying the Designer Desktop
In U10 and later versions of the LiveVox Portal (LVP), you cannot modify the Designer Desktops that were created in U9.
Note |
You must recreate such Designer Desktops by using the Designer tool. |
Call Recording Replay
You can enable call recordings replays in the Interactions tab of the Designer Desktop.
This feature provides the ability to configure in the Dialing Profile what States or Area Codes you can text. Within each Profile, users have to ability to define the policies for both Voice or SMS, or both. For SMS restrictions are based on State, Area Code, Time and Day. This is configurable with a new tab called SMS for SMS based policies in the Profile editor.
- The SMS tab allows users to specify policies for SMS attempts.
- When adding a policy under the SMS tab the voice portal provides the same options as for Voice except for the following:
- Remove the 'Do Not Leave Messages' flag
- Re-label the 'Do Not Dial' to 'Do Not Text'
- Entries in the Voice tab do not affect entries in the SMS tab or vice versa.
- When launching an SMS campaign, the SMS number attempted adheres to the configured Dialing Profile on the Service based on the policies associated with the SMS tab of the Dialing Profile.
- Users can now define on the Service whether SMS attempts initiated by an agent adheres to the assigned Dialing Profile or Zip/Area Mismatch.
- When launching an SMS campaign and there is a Zip/Area Mismatch logic associated with the Service the system now applies existing Zip/Area Mismatch logic.
- When launching an SMS campaign on a Service with Contact Timing enabled, the logic of following the sun method applies.
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ALVSCFFS | ALVSCFFS | Additional Standard Call Flows for SMSThe following options in the Services editor are now renamed.
Old Name | New Name |
SMS Optin Message | SMS Opt-In Message |
Email Optin Message | Email Opt-In Message |
The SMS Opt-In Message drop-down menu provides the following additional standard call flows:
- SMS Blast
- SMS UAD Opt-In
- SMS UAD Widget
The above call flows are also available as standard templates when creating an SMS campaign from Campaigns editor or Contact manager.
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DNCOFSEC | DNCOFSEC | Do Not Contact for SMS and Email ChannelsYou can now apply Do Not Contact options on Voice (Outbound attempts) and SMS channels. For the email channel, the system allows you to apply Do Not Contact and Do Not Contact Today options.
- Do Not Contact
- Do Not Contact Today
- Account+Phone Do Not Contact
- Account+Phone Do Not Contact Today
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RNOTIS | RNOTIS | Routing Non-Outbound Triggered Inbound SMSPreviously, the system would route Inbound (IB) SMS only if there was a previous Outbound (OB) SMS made against that shortcode or longcode. This version allows you to route any SMS shortcode or longcode.
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VADEA | VADEA | Viewing and Downloading Email AttachmentsUsers can now view and download any email associated attachments from the interaction on any Email history lookup (Interaction tab in Contact manager, Account Lookup report, and Phone Lookup Report).
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NWWT | NWWT | Web WidgetA new Web Widget feature is now available on the Config tab of the Voice Portal. Chat, Knowledge Base, and Ticketing options are embedded in one single Web widget.
Note |
Web Widget is only available if Chat, Knowledge Base, or Ticketing is enabled on the Billing tab. |
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ControlCallerID | ControlCallerID | Control Caller ID on Manual Call TransfersA new field ‘Manual Transfer Caller ID’ is now added to the Agent Desktop editor to configure the CallerID on manual call transfers. This eliminates compliance and verification risks for clients.
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DialNULL | DialNULL | Dialing NULL AccountsAgents can now dial (Manual and Scheduled Call Backs) NULL accounts ignoring the Contact Management setting at the client level. This enhancement checks only for Account Number Required setting at the desktop level and Phone DND entry. If it is a DND number, an appropriate message appears to the agent.
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NewDNCJobstab | NewDNCJobstab | Support for Email, SMS, Voice Import DNC JobsYou can now configure Email, SMS, and Voice DNC FTP jobs through the DNC editor. The new Jobs tab of DNC editor allows users to create a maximum of 5 jobs each of all DNC types.
Note |
The Jobs tab only appears if the DNC type is set as Dial time DNC. |
Data Management
Copy to Clipboard
Contact Manager and Call Flow fields are now available for selection in the Copy to Clipboard field. A new button has been added to clear the selection.
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Home Bar EnhancementLanguage Localization in Spanish and FrenchOption to Configure Re-playing of Call RecordingHome Bar Enhancement
The system provides the ability to You can define short - cut icons and names in Home Baron the Home bar of Designer.
Language Localization in Spanish and French |
Language Localization in Spanish and FrenchLanguage Localization
in Spanish and French LiveVox provides language localization in Spanish and French
for Designer desktop and Knowledge Base UIsYou can localize Designer desktop and Knowledge Base interfaces to Spanish and French languages
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OTCROCR | OTCROCR | Option to Configure Re-playing of Call RecordingThe system provides the ability to define by desktop property whether call recordings in the Interactions tab of Desktop can be replayed.
New This version provides a new You can use the Export Format editor which allows users to define CSV export formats. This The editor is available under the Input / Output section of Voice Portal. These formats can be used You can export data from different editors to export data. Currently, LiveVox supports to use these formats from the Agents Agent editor.
Users can define a new format from the Export Format editor and use this format when exporting data from the Agents editor by clicking the Export button and selecting this format from the Name drop-down menu.
Also, these export formats are available from Jobs editor when using the Agent Export step.
Job Scheduler
Info |
These export formats are also available from Jobs editor when using the Agent Export option.
Job Scheduler
Agent Export Enhancements
You can use the below-listed options for the Agent Export job. You can view these options from Jobs editor.
- Include Services
- Export Format (agent export format)
Agent Export EnhancementsExport Directory for Standard Jobs
Import Jobs EnhancementsYou can configure contact export directory for standard jobs by using the Contact Manager.
Agent Export Import Jobs Enhancements
This version provides the below-listed options for the Agent Export job. You can view these options from Jobs editor.
- Include Services
- Export Format (agent export format)
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CMJobs | CMJobs | Export Directory for Standard JobsContact Manager now allows users to configure contact export directory for standard jobs.
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ImportJobs | ImportJobs | Import Jobs EnhancementsThe Contact Manager import jobs now include the following enhancements:
Improved time out for large data importsDetailed failure and success messagesAccess to import logsThe Contact Manager import jobs now include the following enhancements:
- Improved time out for large data imports
- Detailed failure and success messages
- Access to import logs
- Support for filename wildcards and moving the completed files to FTP
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| NewDNCJobstab |
| NewDNCJobstab |
Support for Email, SMS, Voice Import DNC Jobs
You can now configure Email, SMS, and Voice DNC FTP jobs through the DNC editor. The new Jobs tab of DNC editor allows users to create a maximum of 5 jobs each of all DNC types.
Note |
The Jobs tab only appears if the DNC type is set to Dial time DNC |
Support for filename wildcards and moving the completed files to FTPKnowledge Base
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| Knowledge Base Research |
| Knowledge Base Research |
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Knowledge Base Research | Knowledge Base Research | Knowledge Base ResearchThis version of the voice portal introduces the new Knowledge Base to the LiveVox product suite. This feature provides agents and users a self-assistance service. The Knowlege Base Portal operates in Web Widget, Agent Desktop, and LVP. The knowledgebase provides valuable information to customers and prospects. For instance, users might include knowledge in each department, directions and tips for using your products and services, FAQs, and content that can provide in-depth solutions.
Users can view if they have the knowledge base enabled on the Client editor's billing tab. To access the Knowledge Base section on the voice portal, go to Configure> Knowledge Base menu. The Knowledge Base (KB) offers the following sections on the voice portal:
Config: Allows users to define the following:- Categories
- Sections
- KB Forms
Content Library: Allows users to load content through the KB Content page. This is also available on the WFO tab.Knowledge Base Research
A new Knowledgebase (KB) is added to the LiveVox product suite. The knowledge base is a centralized database for capturing and sharing knowledge. Agents and users can create content that can be used by other agents to support customers during their support calls. The Knowlege Base Portal is available in Web Widget, Agent Desktop, and LVP.
To verify if the knowledge base feature is enabled, see the Billing tab of the Client section. To access the Knowledge Base section on the voice portal, go to Configure > Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base (KB) offers the following features:
- Config: Allows users to define Categories, Sections, and KB Forms
- Content Library: Allows users to load content through the KB Content page. This is also available on the WFO tab.
- Search: Displays a KB Form that allows users to search the KB.
Enhanced Screen Recording Storage
To further enhance the reliability and availability of screen recordings, LiveVox now uses cloud object stores. To verify the enabled Enhanced Screen Recording Storage option for the portal, go to Configure > Service > Client > Billing > General.
Note |
If the Enhanced Screen Recording Storage option is not already enabled, the LiveVox team will schedule your site to be enabled for this enhancement. This transition is the default for all customers |
Search: Displays a KB Form that allows users to search the KBReporting
Account Lookup Report Enhancement
The You can use the account lookup report now displays to view the search criteria and newly added empty results table. After generating a report, the table is populated with results.
Addition of New Schedule Callback Fields
New The Report Writer now contains new fields relating to schedule callback transactions are added in the Report Writer to generate Call Detail Report for current and past days. This ensures that the clients achieve 100% schedule callbacks from customers.
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FilterReports | FilterReports | Filter Reports Using Agent SkillCall Recording and Screen Recording Reports are enhanced to filter the results using an agent skill name. This enables Quality Monitoring or Assurance teams to narrow the scope of their queries.Schedule Callback transactions to include them in configured Call Detail Reports. The availability of this data now ensures clients have scheduled callback data for reporting and audit purposes.
- Active
- Agent ID
- Agent Skill ID
- Agent Team IDs
- Call Priority
- Callback Phone Number
- Created Date
- Scheduled Callback Time
- Scheduled Callback Timezone
- Status
Inbound Phone Volume Report
This version provides The LiveVox Inbound Reports section features a new Inbound Phone Volume Report as part of LiveVox Inbound Reports. This report shows aggregated results by phone numbers for inbound calls. The records . The report reflects results by the dialed phone number (DNIS) level for inbound calls associated within a service. Additionally, you can query the report by specifying the dialed phone number (DNIS). Records are retained for the past 90 days . This report is and can be generated with a start and end time frame date no greater than 31 days.
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SCRPE | SCRPE | Screen and Call Recording Playback Enhancement Key inbound metrics reflected by this new report include:
- Total Calls
- Offered
- Handled
- Abandoned
- Abandon %
- Service Level
- Avg. Speed of Answer
- Avg. Abandon Time
- Total Talk Time
- Hold Time
- Wrap-Up Time
- Handle Time
Screen and Call Recording Playback Enhancement
You can now playback Screen and Call recordings with synchronized audio and video.
Site Management
You can now playback Screen and Call recordings with synchronized audio and video.
Site Management
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ACDMode | ACDMode | Disable Edit for ACD ModeTo preserve the configuration of HCI modes, the ACD Mode drop-down list under the General tab of the Services editor has been disabled for editing for the Service Type=HCI. By default, the Strict HCI option is selected.
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| PortalChanges |
| PortalChanges |
LiveVox Portal Navigational Changes
The LiveVox portal has the following navigational changes:
- Consolidated Call CenterCenters, Service Groups, and Agents sub-tabs in on the Monitor tab to a single drop-down menu. The drop-down listmenu displays Call Centers as the default value.
- Moved Accounts and Ticketing dashboards from the Configure tab to the Monitor tab.
- Renamed Dial Dialing Config in the Configure tab to Voice.
- Added new nodes sections in the Configure tab for Email, SMS, Web Widget, and Knowledge Base with their corresponding children.
- Added Agent Schedule Adherence and Agent Schedule Forecast History options under Quality Assurance Reporting of WFO tab.
LiveVox Portal Billing Tab Changes
TheThe Billing Billing tab tab under Client editor has the following changes:
- Added a new card channels Channels section with the following options:
- Voice Channel
- SMS Channel
- Email Channel
- Chat Channel
- Renamed the Ticketing card section to Customer Care.
- Moved the Transcribe option to the Speech card section. The Quality Assurance card section is now removed because it is redundant.
- Moved the E-Learning option to the WFO card section and the Chat option to new the Channels card section. The Agents card section is now removed because it is redundant.
- Moved the Advanced Agent Scheduling option to the WFO cardsection.
GUI settings UI
GUI settings UINew Settings Interface
This version provides a new settings The GUI Settings screen of the LiveVox Portal now has an updated interface.
Password Reuse Restriction Count
A new field 'named Passwords Reuse Restriction Count' has been added under is now added to the Security tab of the Client Editorsection. It specifies the number of previous passwords that the user or agent cannot reuse when resetting the password. The minimum and the default value for this field is 4 and the maximum value is 25.
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| New Trusted Partners Model |
| New Trusted Partners Model |
Trusted Partners Model
You can now use the new Trusted Partners functionality in the Voice Portal's Management suite to view which clients and user access levels within those clients may act as a partner for them.
A new Trusted Partners tab is added in the Client editor. The Trusted Partners tab displays the details of the third party company or to another LV portal that is set up for users where:
Trusted Partner – is a Model A Trusted Partner is a model to manage the relationship between LV clients.
A Partner
– is
a LiveVox a LiveVox client that needs to have access rights to another LiveVox client to audit or measure their work.
A LiveVox client that may perform work on behalf of another LiveVox client or be part of the same company but have multiple LV portals and want the relationship defined so access across the portals is possible.A new Trusted Partners tab is added in the Client editor. The Trusted Partners tab displays the details of the third-party company or to another LV portal that is set up for users.
You can now load Account and Ticket data using the Input Filter. The Input Filter includes the following features:
- New Target options for Accounts and Tickets
- Dynamic columns depending on the table
- Ability to use a specific input filter created for Accounts or Ticketing
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| Ticketing Enhancements |
| Ticketing Enhancements |
Ticketing Enhancements
The ticketing feature is now updated to include the following enhancements:
You can now create a ticket form by utilizing a combination of pre-configured as well as custom fields for the form intake process. The user can publish the form within the Web Widget.
You can now see the following fields on the ticket form as default:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Ticket Type (Drop Down Field = to Ticket Types in Platform)
- Message
You can add additional text, numeric or drop-down fields into the form, all of which will be mapped into a ticket when the form is completed.
Ticket Submission Page
You can now define a completion (Thank You) message to the consumer when the form is submitted by the consumer into the contact center.
Submission Event
When a customer (end-user) submits the form, the form opens a new ticket on the platform with New as the default status.
Workflow Events
You can now create automation/workflow events that route tickets to appropriate teams when created. Each Workflow is named and a dashboard showing all workflow events is visible to administrators.
- Ticket Type
- Status Type
- Agent Team
- Action
- Evaluate at Creation or Edit
Users or agents logging into the Ticketing Platform can now view only the tickets assigned to them or their team. All metrics and statistics reflect their ability at the highest level.
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| Workflow Support for Email/SMS |
| Workflow Support for Email/SMS |
Workflow Support for Email
You can now use the Ticket Workflow to send transactional emails. The update includes the following features:
- Users can define if an event can trigger an email within the Ticket Workflow editor.
- Users can define what email message is triggered.
- Any email sent through the workflow is associated with the Ticket Interaction history.
Agent Schedule Adherence Dashboard
You can use the Agent Schedule Adherence dashboard to monitor if the agents are adhering to scheduled working hours. Schedule adherence is measured by taking the total time a call center agent is available and dividing it by the time they are scheduled to work, expressed as a percentage.
Note |
Agent Schedule Adherence Dashboard is a billable component to agent scheduling. To use this dashboard, request to enable the Advanced Agent Scheduling option on the Billing tab. |
Agent Scheduling Enhancements
Agent Scheduling now allows you to accept or decline time off requests initiated by an agent. Agents can set themselves as unavailable by using the Agent Scheduler application on their U-CRM desktop. An action is triggered and a notification is sent to the manager of the agent in their Work Queue. The Manager can Accept or Reject the request. The master calendar in Agent Scheduling reflects the updated schedule based on the action of the manager user, and agents receive a status update notification in their work queue.
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Input Filter - Import Support for Ticketing and Accounts | Input Filter - Import Support for Ticketing and Accounts | Import Support for Ticketing and AccountsYou can now easily load Account and Ticket data using the Input Filter. The Input Filter now provides the following features:
- New Target options for Accounts and Tickets
- Different columns depending on the table table
- Ability to use a specific input filter created for Accounts or Ticketing
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Ticketing Enhancements | Ticketing Enhancements | Ticketing EnhancementsThis version provides the following ticketing enhancements:
You can now create a ticket form by utilizing a combination of pre-configured as well as custom fields for the form intake process, the user is able to publish the form within the Web Widget.
You can now see the following fields on the ticket form as default:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Ticket Type (Drop Down Field = to Ticket Types in Platform)
- Message
You can add additional text, numeric or drop-down fields into the form, all of which will be mapped into a ticket when the form is completed.
Ticket Submission Page
You can now define a completion (Thank You) message to the consumer when the form is submitted by the consumer into the contact center.
Submission Event
When a customer (end-user) submits the form, the form opens a new ticket on the platform with a default status of 'New.'
Workflow Events
You can now create automation/workflow events that route tickets to appropriate teams when created. Each Workflow is named and a dashboard showing all workflow events is visible to administrators.
- Ticket Type
- Status Type
- Agent Team
- Action
- Evaluate at Creation or Edit
Users or agents logging into the Ticketing Platform can now view only the tickets assigned to them or their team. All metrics and statistics reflect their ability at the highest level.
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Workflow Support for Email/SMS | Workflow Support for Email/SMS | Workflow Support for Email/SMSThis version allows Ticket Workflow to trigger transactional Email / SMS.
- Users are now able to define on the Ticket Workflow editor if an event can trigger an Email or SMS.
- Users are now able to define what Email or SMS message is triggered.
- For SMS, users are now able to define what phone number is SMS'd since a Contact can have cell numbers residing in different phone positions.
- Any SMS or Email triggered out of the workflow is associated with the Ticket Interaction history.
Info |
Agent Schedule Forecast History ReportAgent Schedule Adherence DashboardAgent Scheduling EnhancementsAssessor Reporting EnhancementsAuto Approval and Auto Reject Options in Work Queue SettingsAbility to Export Search ResultsThird-Party Audio in Quality Monitoring toolWork Queue Auto ManagementAgent Schedule Forecast History Report
Call volume data is now incorporated into agent scheduling in order to schedule agents effectively. A new Agent Schedule Forecast History report is added to the Agent Scheduling application. Users can filter the schedule forecast history for a specific date range and access the below details on an hourly basis:
- Agents Logged In – Total Unique Agent Id's logged in across report range
- Active Time – Waiting for + Incall + Wrapup expressed as HH:MM:SS (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)
- Wait Time – Total wait time for all agents expressed as HH:MM:SS
- Talk Time – Total talk time for all agents expressed as HH:MM:SS
- Wrap Time – Total wrap time for all agents expressed as HH:MM:SS
- Non-Active Time – Logged in but not ready + Pause expressed as HH:MM:SS
- Contacts Offered – Total number of Inbound + total number of outbound contacts
- Successful OP Transfers – Number of OP Transfers across report range
- AVG Abandon Rate/Hr – Average Number of Abandon calls per hour, across report range
- Occupancy % – (Total active time in minutes / (total non-active time in minutes + total active time in minutes)) * 100
- Service Level % – (Successful OP Transfers/contacts offered) * 100
Note |
Agent Schedule Forecast History Report is billable add on the component to agent scheduling. This feature can be utilized if Advanced Agent Scheduling is enabled on the Billing tab. |
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ASAD | ASAD | Agent Schedule Adherence DashboardAgent Schedule Adherence dashboard is a metric used to analyze whether or not agents are working the amount of time they are scheduled to work. Schedule adherence is measured by taking the total time a call center agent is available and dividing it by the time they are scheduled to work, expressed as a percentage. This helps in compliance by ensuring that contact center agents are working efficiently within their set schedules.
Note |
Agent Schedule adherence is a billable add on the component to agent scheduling. This feature can be utilized if Advanced Agent Scheduling is enabled on the Billing tab. |
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ASE | ASE | Agent Scheduling EnhancementsAgent Scheduling now allows you to accept or decline time off requests initiated by an agent.
Agents can set themselves as unavailable by using the Agent Scheduler application on their U-CRM desktop.
This action triggers a notification to the manager of the agent in their Work Queue.
- The Manager can Accept or Reject the request.
- The master calendar in Agent Scheduling reflects the updated schedule based on the action of the manager user.
Agents receive a status update notification in their work queue.
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EXPREV | EXPREV | Assessor Reporting EnhancementsYou can now export scorecard details with raw score, percentage score, Pass/Fail, and the Acknowledgment and Arbitration flags as well from the Review Tab in Assessor. It also includes the dates/times of reviews.
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AAAAROIWQ | AAAAROIWQ | Auto Approval and Auto Reject Options in Work Queue SettingsAuto Approve and Auto Reject options are now available for manager users to manage Schedule changes requested by agents in Work Queue.
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AAESRL | AAESRL | Ability to Export Search Results You can now export search results to the Score tab.
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TPAQM | TPAQM | Third-Party Audio in Quality Monitoring toolThis version provides a quality monitoring tool for all client channels - LV Emails, LV Chats, and LV SMS interactions, along with third-party audio.
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WQAM | WQAM | Work Queue Auto ManagementThis feature provides auto-approval and auto-reject manager settings for schedule changes requested by agents in Work is a billable component to agent scheduling. To use this report, request to enable the Advanced Agent Scheduling option on the Billing tab. |
Assessor Reporting Enhancements
You can now export scorecard details with a raw score, percentage score, Pass/Fail, and the Acknowledgment and Arbitration flags as well from the Review Tab in Assessor. It also includes the dates/times of reviews.
Enhancement to Work Queue Settings
You can now set the Auto Approve/Auto Reject option for the Scheduling task type in the Work Queue Settings tab. You can also set the number of days before the due date for triggering these options.
Export Search Results
You can now export search results from the Score tab.
Enhancements to U-QM
LV Emails, LV Chats, and LV SMS interactions are now available for compliance and quality scoring. Third-party audio can be injected into U-QM and will be available for compliance and quality scoring.
Review Tab User Interface EnhancementsThe Review tab UI is Updated with the following changes:
- The Export button moved to top-left.
- The toolbar at the bottom removed.
- Filter and Summary titles are removed.
- Now a new advanced search button (
Image Added) is provided to filter the criteria.
Score Tab User Interface EnhancementsThe Score tab User Interface is updated with the following changes:
- Display columns are reordered
- Filter and Summary titles are removed
- Now new advanced search button (
Image Added) is provided to filter the criteria- Included scored and unscored options
- Changed field group name from Consumer to Contact
Score Evaluation User Interface EnhancementsScore Evaluation User Interface is updated with the following changes:
- Popup title of Create Task window is changed to Create Coaching Task for Undefined.
- Notifications messages are available as Coaching Task Created and eLearning Content Created after creating coaching task and eLearning content
- When clicking Show Screen or Show Comments, the screen or comments appear at the Left-hand side beneath the audio bar.