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Using the Tickets dashboard, you can also drill down through a ticket. When you click on a specific ticket on this dashboard, the details of that ticket are displayed in the Configure > Ticketing > Tickets window.

Filtering Data

You can filter the data by field and view insights according to your selection.


  1. Go to the Analytics tab and click Tickets.
  2. Filter the data by using one of the following fields:



    Date RangeDate range to filter key performance indicators (KPIs).
    ChannelChannel used for contacting the customer (voice, email, SMS).
    PriorityTicket priority (high, medium, or low).
    LabelThe label on the ticket.
    Ticket TypeThe type of ticket.
    Ticket Agent Name of the agent who created the ticket.
    Ticket Agent TeamName of the team to which the agent who created the ticket belongs.

After you filter the data, the KPIs on the dashboard reflect the selected filter criteria.

Viewing KPIs

KPIs allow you to analyze tickets. You can set alerts for KPIs so that an email is triggered when a KPI reaches the specified limit.


  1. Go to the Analytics tab and click Tickets.
  2. View the following KPIs on the dashboard:

    Ticket CreatedThe number of tickets created.
    Ticket ClosedThe number of tickets closed.
    Resolution TimeThe average time taken to close a ticket.
    Ticket SLA Achieved RateThe rate at which the ticket service-level agreement (SLA) was achieved.
    Ticket SLA Exceeded RateThe number of tickets that exceed the SLA.
    SLA Exceeded TimeTime - in median hours - by which the SLA was exceeded.

  3. If you want to set an alert for a KPI, click the bell icon on the KPI.
  4. Specify when do you want to receive the alert and then click Set Alert.

Exploring Trends

The dashboard displays the following fieldstrends

Tickets Created TrendDisplays the tickets created by date.
SLA and Resolution Time TrendDisplays the resolution time of the tickets by SLA.
Priority TrendDisplays the tickets according to priority (high, medium, or low).
