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New Ticketing System

This section describes the new Ticketing system which provides users access to Accounts, Notes and Contacts, Tickets and the tools available to manage the Tickets. Users can access Ticketing by navigating to Config > Ticketing. The Ticketing System offers the following tools:

  • Tickets - Allows users to create, view, mass update/edit Tickets​, add notes, attachments to tickets that are also utilized by agents​ and associate tickets to any contact and/or account.

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  • Tickets Dashboard - Allows users to get an overview of the actions performed on the tickets. This overview includes the data pertaining to number of open tickets, new tickets created, tickets addressed within SLA’s, volume and peak hour charts​. The dashboard can be filtered to Segments (All, Agent or Agent Team ownership), Priorities, Labels, Type and a Date Range​. The dashboard displays built in KPIs that shows average Tickets created, average First Response, Average Replies and SLA metrics.

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  • Tickets Admin - Allows users to define Ticket defaults, Ticket Types, and Screen Configurations​. Users can define Ticket defaults that include Priorities with SLA hour definitions, Status with resolution or comment requirements, Labels and Ticket Types​. Screen display allows users to define fields displayed on the highlight screen and information to be displayed for an agent or other users for each defined Ticket Type​.

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rootRelease Notes

Excerpt Include
Product Webinars
Product Webinars

New Coaching and e-Learning Options
  • Config: Enables you to configure the following options:
    • Defaults for account types and classifications
    • Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
    • Screen display

This document provides an overview of the new features and enhancements to existing features of the LiveVox User Portal in the LiveVox U11 release.


Table of Contents

New Features in LiveVox User Portal U11

This section describes the new features in the LiveVox U11 release.


New Accounts Editor
New Accounts Editor

New Accounts

Account Editor

This version introduces the new Accounts editor that allows creation of account level entities supporting You can use the Account feature on the Configure tab to create account-level entities to support the relationship of multiple contacts (that is, contact management records) to one account. The following options are available as part of this editor:with a single account. In addition, you can associate contacts, tickets, and notes to an account, and define custom variables​.

The editor contains the following options:

  • Accounts: Enables you to view, create, and modify Accounts - Allows the users to view, edit existing accounts and create new accounts.

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  • Accounts Dashboard - Allows the users to get an overview of Account activity. Users can : Enables you to view the following details of the number :
    • Count of accounts
    • Count of accounts created
    , total number
    • Count of accounts
    , count of the tickets opened with each account and a count of closed tickets for each account​. The accounts dashboard can be filtered by Agent or Agent Team ownership, Account Classifications or Types as well as a dynamic Date range
    • with open tickets
    • Count of accounts with completed tickets

You can filter the dashboard by segment, classification, type, and date range.

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  • Accounts Admin - Allows users to configure the Account defaults (Type, Account Classification) and Service Level Agreements for Ticketing and Screen display. It allows users to identify the custom fields that can be added and edited​.
    • For example: Platinum, Gold, Silver, etc. Users can set their own values and this can be used as a filter parameter in search screens. These search parameters are available on Accounts and Accounts Dashboard.

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  • Screen display allows users to define the display fields on the highlight screen and the information to be displayed for an agent or other users.

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  • Accounts is a parent entity that allow users to associate Contacts, Tickets, Notes and define custom variables​.
  • Accounts option is available under Config tab if the Accounts add-on is enabled.
New Coaching and e-Learning OptionsNew Coaching and e-Learning Options

To access the Account editor, you must enable the Account feature.  To add the feature to your site, contact your Account team.

New Coaching and e-Learning Options
New Coaching and e-Learning Options
Coaching and e-Learning Options

You can use the Assessor feature in the Quality Assurance section of the WFO tab to deliver and track coaching that is integrated with individual quality-monitoring evaluation scorecards. This provides better guidance to agents and helps enhance their skills.

You can also perform the following actions:

  • Mark a recording as an item for the Content Library and a coaching task.
  • Identify and note a specific section of the call for coaching.
  • Add external links and documents in the following file formats to the Content Library: CSV, DOC, PDF, and PPT.

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Content Library supports multiple search criteria to enable you to search for specific content.

  • Assign the items from the Content Library to one or more agents for review.

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To access the Assessor screen, you must enable the e-Learning feature. To add the feature to your site,  contact your Account team.

New Ticketing System
New Ticketing System
Ticketing System

You can use the Ticketing feature on the Configure tab to provide users access to accounts, notes, contacts, and tickets, along with the tools to manage the tickets.

  • Tickets: To view, create, and bulk update tickets; add notes and attachments to tickets that are used by the agents; and associate tickets with any account or contact.
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  • Tickets Dashboard: To view the following details:
    • Count of tickets.
    • Count of open tickets.
    • Count of completed tickets.
    • Count of replies.
    • Count of customers helped.
    • Count of contacts helped.
    • Count of tickets completed within the SLA limit.
    • Count of tickets that exceeded the SLA limit.
    • Count of tickets approaching the SLA limit (within 20%).
    • Average duration of first response.
    • Average count of tickets.
    • Average count of replies.
    • Volume of tickets (that is, total and completed).
    • Peak-hour and peak-day charts.
    • Top agents and agent teams.
    • List of tickets.

You can filter the dashboard by segment, priority, label, type, and date range.
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  • Tickets Config: To configure:
    • The defaults for ticket priorities, statuses, labels, and types.
    • The screen display.

You can select the fields to be displayed on the highlight screen and the data to be displayed for an agent or other users for each defined ticket type.
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To access the Ticketing system, you must enable the Ticketing feature.  To add the feature to your site, contact your Account team.

Voicemail Recording Report

You can use the Voicemail Recording Report feature in the ACD Reports section of the Review tab to download or play back group voicemails based on configurable optional user powers.


You cannot download or play personal voicemails.

The report provides the following features for Managers, Auditors, Client Auditors, Report Admins, Superusers, and System Administrators:

  • Access to the Voicemail Recording Report.
  • Ability to download voicemail recording.
  • Permission to stream (that is, play back) voicemail recording.

The report supports multiple searches based on the following search parameters:

  • Dates: The date range with a maximum duration of 90 days.


    This parameter is available only in voicemail 2.0.

  • Call Center
  • Service
  • Phone Dialed
  • Account
  • Sort By: To sort the generated list by voicemail start time, mailbox, account, or phone.
  • Transfer Connect Duration: The specific call length.
  • Service Type

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When you click the Generate Report button, the report containing the following data is generated:

  • Mailbox
  • Account
  • Phone: The phone number used to contact the account, or the caller ID of the inbound call.
  • Date
  • Start Time: The time that the call was connected to the agent, represented in hours, minutes, and seconds.
  • Duration: The duration of the recorded conversation, represented in seconds.
  • Status: The current status of the recording. The value 1 indicates that the voicemail is played; the value 0 indicates that the voicemail is not played.
  • Audio Play: The internal audio player to listen to the recording through the browser, without downloading the audio file.
  • Audio Download: The link to download the audio file.

In addition, you can download the report to a CSV, Microsoft Excel, or PDF file.

Outbound Campaign Dashboards

You can use the Email and SMS dashboards, which appear in the Call Centers and Service Groups subsections (at all levels) in the Monitor section, to view an overview of the current state of the unattended email and SMS campaigns.

The Email dashboard contains the following data: 

  • Delivered Rate: The rate of emails delivered to the customer.
  • Unsubscribe Rate: The rate of emails from which customer the unsubscribed.
  • Open Rate: The rate of emails opened by the customer.
  • Click Rate: The rate of emails in which the customer clicked a link.
  • Suppressed Rate: The rate of emails suppressed due to the Do Not Call (DNC)/suppression list.
  • Bounced Rate: The rate of emails not delivered to the customer.
  • Performance: A chart representing the aforementioned rates, along with the count of emails launched and the count of emails remaining.

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The SMS dashboard contains the following data: 

  • Delivered: The count of SMSes delivered to the customer.
  • Suppressed: The count of SMSes suppressed due to the DNC/suppression list.
  • Failed: The count of SMSes that were not delivered. 
  • Performance: A chart representing the aforementioned data, along with the count of SMSes launched and the count of SMSes remaining.

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Standard Screen Recording Jobs

You can use the Screen Recording link in the Jobs section of the Client editor to configure the bulk screen recording job.  The job delivers screen recordings, along with an index file, to the Screen Recording Out SFTP Server as a compressed file every day at the scheduled time, based on your time zone preference . The screen recording jobs generate records for the previous day.

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When you click the Screen Recording link, the Configure Screen Recording Job window appears, containing the  General and Job History tabs.

The General section contains the following fields:

  • Description:  Contains the description of the bulk screen recording job.
  • Enabled: To enable the screen recording standard job, select the check box. To pause or terminate the job, clear the check box.
  • Index File Format: The custom file format, which is created using the Report Writer, to be included in the screen recording zip file.
  • Output Index File Name: The name of the generated index file, along with the extension (for example, livevox.txt.). This should be a text file.

  • Output Screen Recording File Name: The name of the generated screen recording file, along with the extension containing the batch of screen recordings (for example, This must be a zip file.
  • Compress Zip: To enable the compression of the recording, select the check box.


    The generated zip file is smaller in size because compression occurs at the recording level.

  • Split By Call Center : To split the standard screen recording jobs by call center, select the check box.


    The zip files are stored in the specific call center zip file.

  • Call Center: The call center when using the Split By Call Center option for standard screen recording jobs.
  • Password Enabled : To enable password protection for the zip file, select the check box.
  • Password : Your password.
  • Decrypt Screen Recordings: To enable decryption of recordings, select the check box. When the recordings are encrypted using the LiveVox PGP key, this option enables the recordings to be decrypted before the zip process. If you want an encrypted file, clear the check box.
  • Minimum Screen Recording Duration: The

With this release, Assessor provides a mechanism for delivering and tracking coaching that is integrated with individual quality monitoring evaluation scorecards. Users can utilize these options to provide better guidance to agents and help enhance their skills.

  • Assessor users can mark a recording as an item for the Content Library and a Coaching task. They can identify and note a specific section of the call for coaching.
  • Users can add documents in PDF, CSV, PPT, Word formats and external links to the Content library.

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  • Content Library supports multiple search criteria which allows the users to search for specific content.
  • Users can assign library content to one or more agents for review.

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  • E-Learning options are available under WFO tab if the E-Learning add-on is enabled.
New Ticketing SystemNew Ticketing System
  • Ticketing option is available under the Config tab if the Ticketing add-on is enabled.
  • Contact your Account team or Client Services to discuss the add-on product setup for your site.
AnchorNVRRNVRRNew Voicemail Recording Report

This version provides a new Voicemail Recording Report as part of LiveVox ACD Reports. This report allows you to download or playback group voicemails based on configurable optional User powers. Personal voicemails are not available to play or download.

The report provides three new optional features for Managers, Auditors, Client Auditors, Report Admins, Superusers, and System administrators:

  • Access to Voicemail Recording Report
  • Ability to download voicemail recording
  • Permission to stream (playback) voicemail recording

The Voicemail Recording Report is available under the Review tab and supports multi-search for the following search parameters:

  • Dates: Date range. Only available with voicemail 2.0. Start and end time frame of 90 days.
  • Call Center: Desired call center
  • Service: Service to retrieve associated recordings
  • Phone Dialed: Phone number to retrieve associated recordings
  • Account: Account number to retrieve associated recordings
  • Sort By: Sort the generated list by Voicemail Start Time, Mailbox, Account Number, or Phone number
  • Transfer Connect Duration: Search for calls within a specific call length range
  • Service Type: Service type to retrieve associated recordings

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Once you generate the report by clicking the Generate Report button, the report is generated with the following fields:

  • Mailbox: Mailbox Identifier
  • Account: Account number for the record
  • Phone: Phone number used to contact the account or the inbound call's caller ID
  • Date: Date of the call
  • Start Time: Actual time the call was connected to the agent in Hours, Minutes, and Seconds
  • Duration: Total time of the recorded conversation in seconds
  • Status: Current status of the recording. 1 indicates that the voicemail is played; 0 indicates that the voicemail is not yet played.
  • Audio Play: Internal sound player. Listen to the recordings through the browser without downloading the file.
  • Audio Download: Link to download the sound file
  • Export to PDF Excel CSV: Export reports to PDF, Excel, CSV file types
AnchorOutbound Campaign DashboardsOutbound Campaign DashboardsOutbound Campaign Dashboards

This version introduces new Email and SMS campaign dashboards that provide an overview of the current state of the unattended Email and SMS campaigns. The Email and SMS dashboards are displayed when you are in the Monitor tab of the navigation panel under Call Centers and Service Groups at all levels. 

The following panels are available when you select the Email option: 

  • Delivered Rate - Emails delivered to the customer
  • Unsubscribe Rate - Emails from which customer unsubscribed
  • Open Rate - Emails opened by the customer
  • Click Rate - Emails where the customer clicked on a link
  • Suppressed Rate - Emails suppressed due to DNC/Suppression list
  • Bounced Rate - Emails that were not delivered to the customer
  • Performance panel
    • Total Emails launched
    • Total Emails remaining

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The following panels are available when you select the SMS option: 

  • Delivered - SMS delivered to the customer
  • Suppressed - SMS suppressed due to DNC/Suppression list
  • Failed - Emails suppressed due to DNC/Suppression list
  • Performance panel
    • Total SMS launched
    • Total SMS remaining

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AnchorSSRJSSRJStandard Screen Recording Jobs

This version provides a new Screen Recording option to schedule screen recording jobs in bulk. This job delivers Screen Recordings along with an Index file to the Screen Recording Out SFTP Server as a ZIP file every day at the scheduled time, based on your time zone preference. Zipped batched screen recording job configuration is available from the Screen Recording link under Jobs tab of Client editor. Zipped call recording jobs generate records for the previous day.

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General Tab

* required fields

  • Description - Displays the description of the bulk screen recording job.
  • Enabled - Allows you to enable screen recording standard job. If you want to pause/terminate standard job, deselect.
  • Index File Format* - Custom file format, available from the drop-down list, to be included in the screen recording zip file. This custom file format is created by using the Report Writer.
  • Output Index File Name* - Name of the generated index file with the extension. For example, livevox.txt. Text file is preferred.
  • Output Screen Recording File Name* - Name of the generated screen recording file with the extension containing the batch of screen recordings. For example, Must be a zip file.
  • Compress Zip - Allows you to enable/disable compression of recordings. The generated zip file is smaller in size since compression takes place at the recording level.
  • Split By Call Center - Allows you to split the standard screen recording jobs by call center. The zip files are stored in the specific Call Center zip file.
  • Call Center -  Allows to choose the call center(s) when using the Split By Call Center option for Standard Screen Recording jobs.
  • Password enabled - Allows you to enable password protection for the zip file. 
  • Password - Allows you to specify the password.
  • Decrypt Screen Recordings - Allows you to enable/disable decryption of recordings. When the recordings are encrypted using the LiveVox PGP key, this option allows the recordings to be decrypted before the zip process. It is recommended that this option remains selected unless you want an encrypted file.
  • Minimum Screen Recording Duration - Allows you to define minimum screen recording duration to be included in daily batches. For example, the number value 10 processes all recordings with a duration greater than 10 seconds.
  • Maximum Screen Recording Duration- Allows you to define : The maximum screen recording duration to be included in daily batches. For example, the number value 100 processes all recordings with a duration less than 100 seconds.
  • Notification Status as Email to- Email : The email address to which you want to send job status notifications. For example,
  • Run everyday at* - Allows you to define the time to run daily batchesat: The time at which you want the daily batches to run. For example, the value 01:00 schedules the job to run at 1:00 AM A.M. (local time).

  • Execute 4 time times per day - Allows to run : To run the job 4 four times a day. The job runs at 6 , with six-hour intervals if the Execute 4 times per day option is enabled, select the check box.

Job History Tab

Tracks The Job History section tracks the standard screen recording job and its status (that is, success or failure).

Users In addition, you can now view the screen recording steps from the Jobs editor.

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AnchorWork QueueWork QueueWork Queue

The Edit Job Step window now contains a read-only drop-down list box labeled Screen Recorded (screen_recorded), containing the following options:

  • Don't care: This is the default value.
  • True
  • False


To set up the required option, contact the LiveVox Customer Care team.

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Work Queue
Work Queue
Work Queue

Agents can use the QM Work Queue to review the tasks that are assigned to them by their managerManager users can assign tasks to Agents. These tasks are delivered to the Agent Work Queue for agent review.

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Assigning Library Content to Agent

  • User You can assign the content added to the Content Library to one or more agents for review, acknowledgementacknowledgment, and completion.
  • User is You are notified when task is completed by the agentan agent completes a task
  • Questions by agents regarding e-learning or coaching tasks are assigned back to the user, which can be addressed by the user and re-assigned back to you. You can address them, and then assign them to the agent.

Agent Scheduling Tasks

  • Agent offers shift swap - agents can offer shift swap request to other agentAgents can now request to swap shifts with other agents. The agent receiving the swap request can accept or reject the request. If  If the swap request is accepted by the other agent and user ( manager ) approval is required, a notification task is sent to the user manager for approval.  Any action (accepting or rejecting the request) taken by the user results in When the manager approves or rejects the request, a notification task back is sent to both agentsthe requesting agent and the agent that received the request.

Work Queue Performance Report The

You can use the Work Queue Performance report allows users Report option in the Quality Assurance Reporting section of the WFO tab to view the details of all Work Queue tasks and filter by specific criteria to see view the current status of a task. Users In addition, you can generate Agent, Arbitrator and Manager task performance report. Navigate to WFO > Quality Assurance Reporting > Work Queue Performance Report from the navigation panel, to access the Work Queue Performance Report.

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task performance reports for agents, arbitrators, and managers.

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You can use the Agent section in the QM Work Queue Performance Reports screen to view the performance details of the agent in processing the workflow tasks. In addition, you can Agent tab of QM Work Queue Performance Report provides Agent's performance details in processing Workflow Tasks. The search panel on the left hand side of the Agent tab allows users to select the search criteria and filter the results based on Agent and/or Task Date Rangethe agents and task date range. The report displays contains the following detailsdata:

  • Task ID
  • Agent ID
  • Task
  • Task Status
  • Task Assignment Date
  • Task Completion Date
  • Number of Days Required to Complete Task

Arbitrator tab provides You can use the Arbitrator section in the QM Work Queue Performance Reports screen to view the performance details of the Arbitrator's performance arbitrator in the Workflow Tasks assigned . The search panel on the left hand side of the Arbitrator tab allows users to select the search criteria and workflow tasks. In addition, you can filter the results based on Arbitrator and/or Task Date Rangethe arbitrators and task date range. The report displays contains the following detailsdata:

  • Task ID
  • Arbitrator ID (System ID)
  • Agent ID
  • Task
  • Task Status
  • Task Assignment Date
  • Task Completion Date
  • Number of Days Required to Complete Task

Manager tab provide details of manager's performance in the Workflow Tasks the You can use the Manager section in the QM Work Queue Performance Reports screen to view the performance details of the manager in the workflow tasks for the scoring of the calls. The search panel on the left hand side of the Manager tab allows users to select the search criteria and  In addition, you can filter the results based on Agents, Arbitrator, Call Date Range, Call Center, Service and/or Task Statusthe agents, arbitrators, call date range, call center, service, and task status. The report displays contains the following detailsdata:

  • Task ID

  • Agent ID

  • Assessor

  • Arbitrator

  • Task

  • Status

  • Assignee

  • Assignment Date

  • Due Date

  • Evaluation Completion Date

  • Score

  • Adjusted Score

  • Service

  • Account

  • Phone

  • Campaign

  • Disposition Code

  • Work Queue options are available under WFO tab if To access the Work Queue Performance Report, you must enable the Work Queue add-on.
  • To discuss the add-on is enabledsetup for your site, contact your Account team.

Enhancements in LiveVox User Portal U11

This section describes the enhancements to existing features in the LiveVox U11 release.


Agent Scheduling Enhancements
Agent Scheduling Enhancements
Agent Scheduling Enhancements

Agent Scheduling enhancements in this release provide greater shift management flexibility with the ability to: 

  • Ability to assign Assign agents to multiple shifts per day.
  • Ability to copy Copy the shift assignment for a specific day or a range of days to another range of days.
  • Ability to change Change the hours for the shift and breaks per shift.
  • Ability to schedule Schedule multiple breaks per shift.
  • New View history in the Change History tab of Agent Scheduling editor that provides the details of the changes made to Shift Assignment, Shift Creation, etc.
  • Ability to allow Allow the manager to accept or decline shift swap requests initiated by the agent.

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Assessor - Export Evaluations
Assessor - Export Evaluations


Export Evaluations

Assessor provides users the ability You can now use Assessor to generate and export the evaluation report with one Evaluation or multiple Evaluations. With this users can get You can also view more details about specific evaluations and utilize the same for training.

Users can To view additional details of the scored calls, click the plus sign icon (+) on the selected evaluation to view additional details of the scored calls. They . You can also view individual evaluation details by double-clicking the specific evaluation which displays the Categories, Questions, Answers, Score, Evaluation and follow-up questions.

Assessor - Multimedia Playback Options
Assessor - Multimedia Playback Options


Multimedia Playback Options

This release offers the following enhancements to You can now use the Audio and Video playback in Assessor to:

  • Ability to increase Increase the speed of playback for the Audio and Video playback in Assessor,.
  • Ability to forward Forward or rewind multimedia by 15 seconds.

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Billing Tab - Enabling Additional Features
Billing Tab - Enabling Additional Features
Billing Tab


Enabling Additional Features

The Billing tab under section in the Client editor now shows displays additional features that a portal has enabled​:.

General Tab Category​General 

  • Encrypted Fields – enables a set : When checked, indicates enablement of five encrypted fields for Contact Manager manager and Ticketing​.
  • Enhanced Call Recordings – stores call recordings into a public cloud​: When checked, indicates call recordings leverage cloud object stores.


  • Work Queue – enables : When checked, indicates enablement of Work Queue options on the voice portal. Users You can view view and access e-learning, agent scheduling, arbitration tasks assigned to them you through Work Queue.


  • E-Learning – enables E-: When checked, indicates enablement of e-Learning options (that is, Content Library, Assignmentassignment) that allows users allow you to create content and assign it to Agents​.

Contact Management​

  • Accounts – enables : When checked, indicates enablement of Accounts Manager for Ticketing ticketing and Contact contact association​.


  • Ticketing – enables Ticketing platform for Users​: When checked, indicates the ticketing platform enablement for users​.

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Bot Engine - Support for V2 of Dialogflow APIs
Bot Engine - Support for V2 of Dialogflow APIs
Bot Engine


Support for V2 of Dialogflow APIs

This version further enhances The existing BOT integration with Dialogflow is further enhanced to take advantage of the latest BOT provider integrated feature set.   Dialogflow provides users provides you with new ways to interact with their the product by building engaging voice and text-based conversational interfaces, such as voice apps and chatbots, powered by AI.

  • Support for the earlier version of the integrated BOT ends on October
  • 23, 2019.
  • For instructions on how to enable the new BOT integration,
contact the Client Services
  • contact the LiveVox Customer Care team at 

Campaign Line Summary Report Enhancement

This version provides newThe new Campaign Pattern option to filter filters the Campaign Line Summary Report . It allows user to so that you can search by a portion of the campaign name. This is useful for running reports for a segmented campaign with a similar filenamefile name

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Cookie and Session Timeout

With this version, if If a cookie or session expires for a monitoring page, then users are redirected to the application redirects you to the login page.

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Contact Manager Enhancements
Contact Manager Enhancements
Contact Manager Enhancements

This release allows users to You can now define a field in the Contact Manager manager as a drop-down list box. This offers the following advantages to users: 

  • Ability to define Define the Data Type for the custom field as a List in Fields editor. List Data Type , allows a user enables you to define values available for each custom field. Once After the set of values are defined, only the configured pickdrop-down list selection is visible to agents and users.

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User You can define a maximum of 10 values for a Listlist.

  • Ability to view View the list field as a drop-down pick list box in Contact Manager manager as defined in the Fields editor. Once After a List Data Type is configured, users you can import or select only the defined values. If a user attempts you attempt to import with a value that is not part of the list, then the column is ignored​.
  • Ability to use Use segmentation and basic or advanced search to display drop-down fields list boxes as defined in the Fields editor.
  • Users can define Define if an agent can edit modify the pickdrop-down list or not.
  • Agents have the ability to can view the pickdrop-list, once its down list after it is defined in the Contact Manager​manager​.

Contact Manager - Increase in Import Jobs
Contact Manager - Increase in Import Jobs
Contact Manager


Increase in Import Jobs

With this version, the You can now use the Import/Export Jobs tab allows you  section to create up to six Contact manager import jobs.

Contact Segmentation Sorting
Contact Segmentation Sorting
Contact Segmentation Sorting

With this version, you You can now sort campaigns created from contact from Contact manager with segmentation by contact fields.  

  • Sorting of records can be configured at both the Parent parent and Child child segment-level within Segmentation.
  • The sort is prioritized in a the waterfall fashion mode with the segment-level sort taking precedence.
  • A Service service must have its sort set to ‘default’ default for a campaign to dial in the sorted order.

    titleSegmentation sorting

    Users You can select to sort segmentation by contact fields from the segmentation Segmentation screen when selecting a segmentation.

    1. Select a contact field from the Sort by dropdown menudrop-down list box
    2. Check Select the Asc.  check box to sort by ascending order.    Uncheck Clear the check box to sort by descending order.

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    titleSegment sorting

    Users You can now select to sort a segment by contact fields from the segment screen Segment screen when selecting a segment.

    1. Select a contact field from the Sort by drop-down menulist box
    2. Check Select the Asc.  check box to sort by ascending order.    Uncheck Clear the check box to sort by descending order.

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Encrypted Fields in Contact Manager and Fields Editor
Encrypted Fields in Contact Manager and Fields Editor
Encrypted Fields in Contact Manager and Fields Editor

This feature provides the following enhancementsYou can now:

  • Allows users to define Define encrypted fields for sensitive data.
  • Allow users to define Define which components and roles have read /or write access to these the encrypted fields.

When Encrypted Fields encrypted fields are enabled on the Client level, users now have the ability to you can view and re-label up to five dedicated encrypted fields in the Fields editor under the Contact entityin the contact entity.

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The You can use the Fields editor provides the ability to edit modify and define what applications will have read /or write access to these the encrypted fields.  

titleEditing Encrypted Fields
  1. Select the encrypted field from the list of available fields.
  2. Enter a new label if requiredneeded.
  3. From On the Edit Encrypted Columns screen, select the Encrypted Field Permission Permission  option.
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  4. From On the Encrypted Field Permission screen, check the read /and write permissions for the listed roles and components.
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To verify the encrypted fields are enabled, go to Configure>Client/Service>Client>Billing tab. When enabled, under in the General section, the Encrypted Fields will be checked option will display a checkmark next to it.

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  • When you encrypt a field in the Contact Managermanager, the field is encrypted at the Application application level.
  • Encrypted fields are never exported in reporting or data dumps.

Modifying the Designer Desktop

In U10 and later versions of the LiveVox Portal (LVP), you cannot modify the Designer Desktops that were created in U9.


You must recreate such Designer Desktops by using the Designer tool.

Enhanced Agent Details Screen

In this version, the Agent details page is redesigned to enhance the The Agent Details window has been redesigned to improve user experience.  

You can now add a This version allows you to add an agent profile picture when the an agent is created.

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Previously, the Agent Details included contained the following configurable tabs:

  • Info
  • Agent Skill Mapping
  • Change History
  • Profile Picture
  • Service Mapping
  • Scheduled Callback

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With this versionNow, the Agent Details contain the following configurable tabs have been consolidated as follows: :

  • Info
  • Skills
  • Services
  • Change History
  • Schedule Callback

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The Change Password option has been moved from the Info tab section to the main screen.  Clicking on the  Change Password  link presents the below screen:

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Info Tab

Info tab has a new Channels section. 

When you click  the  Change Password link, the following screen appears.

Image Added

Info Tab

The Info section contains the new Channels subsection. 

Image Added

By default, voice channel is enabled. Disabled channels appear with gray icons. You can enable SMS, Email, and Chat channels by clicking the respective icons. The following screen shows the Channels subsection with all the channels enabled for an agent.


To enable SMS, Email, and Chat channels for an agent, the channels must be a part of your contract and enabled on the Billing section of the Client editor. For more information, contact your sales account executive.

Image Added Image Removed

Skill Tab

Previously, the Agent Skill Mapping tab was subsection appeared as belowfollows.

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With this versionNow, the Agent Skill Mapping tab subsection is renamed as Skill. The mapping view includes a new design on the mapper feature without arrows. Users You can click on the skill on the list to move to the other list. The You can click the Assign All and Remove All buttons to move all the skills from one list to the other. AdditionallyIn addition, a search field is added to filter both lists at the same time , and facilitate users enable you to find the skill they are looking foryou want.

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Services Tab

Previously, the Services Mapping tab was subsection appeared as belowfollows.

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With this versionNow, the Service Mapping tab subsection is renamed as Services. The mapping view includes a new design on the mapper feature without arrows. Users You can click on the service from the list to move to the other list. There are still an The  Assign All and Remove All buttons are still available to move all the services from one list to the other. AdditionallyIn addition, a search field is added to filter both lists at the same time , and facilitate users enable you to find the service they are looking foryou want.

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Change History Tab

Previously, the Change History tab was subsection appeared as belowfollows.

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With this versionNow, the Change History tab is subsection appears as belowfollows.

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Schedule Callback Tab

Previously, the Schedule Callback tab was subsection appeared as belowfollows.

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With this versionNow, the Schedule Callback tab is subsection appears as belowfollows.

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Enhanced User Details Screen

In this version, the User details page is redesigned to enhance The User Details page has been redesigned to improve user experience. 

This version allows you to add an user You can now add a profile picture when the a user is created.

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Previously, the User Details included contained the following configurable tabs:

  • General
  • Optional Powers
  • Audit History
  • Change History
  • Profile Picture

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With this versionNow, the User Details configurable tabs have been consolidated as follows: contain the following configurable tabs:

  • Info
  • Optional Powers
  • Audit History
  • Change History

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The Change Password option has been moved from the General tab subsection to the main screen.  Clicking on the When you click the  Change Password  link presents the below screen: link, the following screen appears.

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Info Tab With this version, General

tab is renamed as The General  subsection has been renamed Info.

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Optional Powers Tab

This version provides A manager will now have the below additional Optional Powers for Manageroptional powers.

  • Access to Ticketing - Provides : Provides access to the ticketing system.
  • Access to Accounts - Provides : Provides access to the account tool.

Users with access to reporting have the following additional optional Call Recording powers.:

  • Access to Voicemail Recording Report - Provides : To provide access to the Voicemail Recording Report.

  • Permission to stream (playback) voicemail recording - Allows to : To view link and stream recordings from the Voicemail Recording Report.

  • Ability to download voicemail recording - Provides ability to : To view link and download recordings from Voicemail Recording Report.

The below screenshot shows following screen displays all available optional powers for Managersmanagers.

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Audit History Tab

Previously, the Audit History tab was subsection appeared as belowfollows.

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With this versionNow, the Audit History tab is subsection appears as belowfollows.

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Change History Tab

Previously, the Change History tab was subsection appeared as belowfollows.

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With this versionNow, the Change History tab is subsection appears as belowfollows.

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Enhanced Call Recording Storage


In the earlier versions of LiveVox, the Call Records are stored on disk. In this version, clients can opt to store call recording objects into a public cloud (AWS S3).

To further enhance the reliability and availability of call recordings, LiveVox now uses cloud object stores. 


If this is not already checked, the LiveVox team will schedule your site to be enabled for this enhancement. This transition is the default for all customers

This is a billable feature. Contact Client Services to set up cloud call recording storage for your site


To verify the enabled Enhanced Call Recording Storage option for the portal, navigate go to Configure > Client / Service > Client > Billing > General Configure>Client / Service>Client>Billing>General.

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Jobs Tab Does Not Display Passwords

To further strengthen security offering, users will you can no longer be able to view passwords for jobs regardless of their your permissions. This applies to call recording, FTP, FTPS, Screen Recording, and SFTP jobs from Jobs tab the  Jobs  subsection of the Client editor. 

The below example following screen shows the the Show Password checkbox check box available for the standard call recording job.

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With this versionNow, users you cannot view the password for the jobs from the Jobs tab subsection.

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New Fields in ADN Commands

Users You can now configure Contact and Call Flow fields in the expression builder ( Extended Panel and Desktop Native tabs of the Agent Desktop desktop with Extended Panelextended panel).

Contact and Call Flow fields in Extended Panel Tab

Users You can configure Contact and Call Flow fields for widgets which has that contain Request Parameter.

To configure these fields:

  1. Navigate Go to Configure > Agents > Agent Desktop > Extended Panel.
  2. Select the widget which has that contains Request Parameters.
  3. Click the Expression Builder link.
    The Expression Builder
    pop-up window appears.
  4. Click the arrow in on the upper-right corner . Here, users get newly available of the window, where you can view the new Contact and Call Flow fields to add in Expression Builderto the builder.
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Contact and Call Flow fields in Desktop Native Tab

When adding the an entry to Desktop Native Commands, this version provides new Source field a new field, Source, appears with the following options: Default, Contact, and Call Flow. Also, this version adds Source as In addition, a new columnSource, is added to identify the source associated with the command.

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If the value in the Source is field is Default or Contact, the fields are available in the Data drop-down (refer above screenshot)list box. If the value in the Source field is Call Flow, users you can configure the call flow variables by clicking the link next to the Data option field.

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New Field in CDR Plugins

In this version, the The CDR Plugins format includes now contains a new field, LCID Package ID, which returns the LCID package ID for the call.

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New Field for Inbound Email Routing

This version provides a new option The IB Email Domain under in the Settings tab subsection of the Services editor . It allows users enables you to specify a unique inbound email domain for inbound email routing. You can route this domain to only one service. 

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New Entities in Fields Editor
New Entities in Fields Editor
New Entities in Fields Editor

In this version, users You can now configure custom fields for the following new entities:

  • Account - Custom : Custom fields added to the Account entity can be utilized for Accounts.
  • Ticket - Custom : Custom fields added to the Ticket entity can be utilized for Ticketing.
  • Agent - Custom : Custom fields added to the Agent entity can be utilized through the Details tab subsection of the Agent editor.

Users You can add new custom fields, define label and data type for these fields, and associate them to the respective entity.

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LiveVox currently offers 100 additional custom fields that can be added to Account/Ticket records, and 20 custom fields to an Agent profile.

Simplified Process for Creating Scripts
Simplified Process for Creating Scripts
Simplified Process for Creating Scripts

The process of creating scripts using Designer is now simpler with a new Designer UI. The following enhancements are available:

  • Designer has now contains a main tool bar for   Desktop, Scripts Scripts, Functions  Functions Library, and Images Library resources. Below each are specific tabs to support functionality of each component. and Images Library resources.


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With this versionNow,

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  • The New Desktop search option

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  • The Design tab lets you  Design section enables you to construct your desktop by dragging components into the canvas. A different set of components is supported for desktops and scripts.

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  • The The Properties tab  section shows the properties of the component selected in the canvas below. The  Properties tab is also auto displayed by section automatically appears when you double-clicking click the component within the Desktop page.

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  • The The Events tab  section shows the user /or system events, if any, associated with the selected component.

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  • The new Preview tab  Preview section is used to view what the Desktop page or Script will look like when in actual use.
    • The Preview option allows enables you to walk through or test the script. It provides a means for ensuring that the script encompasses the desired flow, business rules, and logic that the user intended, before moving the script into production. You can preview the script From Beginning or From Current Pagescript from the beginning or from the current page. The preview runs in its own tab.

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  • The File menu option provides the ability to perform the following functions:

    • Create a new script.
    • Search for and Open open a specific script.
    • Edit an existing Modify a script.
    • Save the current script.
    • Delete a script.
    • Import a script.
    • Export a script.

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  • The Script tab allows The Script section enables you to review the properties of an existing script, review the flow and transitions of the script, manage the data elements of the script, and set the reporting parameters of the script.
  • The new new Images Library option allows  option enables you to include images in their scripts. These may be logos that you wish want to add to the canvas, or icons, or pictures that you want to include them in your script.

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Single Sign On for PDAS
Single Sign On for PDAS
Single Sign-On for PDAS

This version no longer requires a The separate login for PDAS is no longer needed. 

Standard Call Recording Job Enhancements

This version provides a The new Call Center option enables you to choose the call center when using the Split By Call Center option for Standard Call Recording jobs. AlsoIn addition, this version provides another new option to run the job 4 four times a day. The job runs at 6six-hour intervals if the Execute 4 times per day option  check box is enabledselected.

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Term Code Visibility
Term Code Visibility
Term Code Visibility

The Termination Codes editor now supports the option to hide Termination Codes the termination codes within the agent panel.  A  new new column for each code has been added that shows to show whether it should display appear in the agent panel or not.

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This is configurable from the termination code details Termination Code screen.   To enable termination codes in the agent panel check , select the Visible for Agent optioncheck box.

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Ticketing/Account FTP File Import

Imports of client Ticket and Account data into Ticketing and Account services can be scheduled through Jobs Scheduler.


Contact Client Services to To request and create these jobs, contact the LiveVox Customer Care team.

User Interface Enhancements in Account Lookup Report

In this version, the The Account Lookup Report UI is redesigned to enhance improve the user experience.

Previous version had the Advanced Calendar link (link next to To calendar icon)  and calendar buttons for From and To options of Date range. With this version, the advanced link and calendar buttons of From and To options are consolidated into one Previously, the advanced  calendar link appeared next to the To field, separated from the From and To fields.  Now, the link and the fields are changed into a single calendar icon.

Previously, the Account Lookup Report was appeared as belowfollows.

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With this versionNow, the Account Lookup Report is appears as belowfollows.

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Clicking on When you click the calendar icon opens , the Date Picker interface. The Range tab allows user to enter/ window appears. You can use the Range subsection on the window to enter or select the date range to generate the report.

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The MultiSelect tab allows you to select multiple sequential You can use the MultiSelect  section on the window to select multiple  sequential or non-sequential dates. 

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With this versionNow, the mapping view includes a new design on the mapper feature without arrows. This new mapper view is available for selecting multiple call centers, services, and service types. Users You can click the Available option to move it to Assigned the assigned list and vice a versa. New Assign All and Remove All buttons are used to move all options from one list to the other. Additionally In addition, a search field is added to filter both lists at the same time , and facilitate users enable you to find the options they are looking foryou want.

Multiple Call Center Selection


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With this versionNow

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Multiple Service Selection


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With this versionNow

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Multiple Service Type Selection


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With this versionNow

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User Interface (UI)  Enhancements in Agents Editor

In this version, the The Agents editor UI is redesigned to enhance improve the user experience.

For General tab enhancements, refer to the Enhanced Agent Details Screen section.

Agent Mapping Tab

Previously, The the Agent Mapping tab was displayed as: subsection appeared as follows.

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With this versionNow, the mapping view includes a new design on the mapper feature without arrows. Users You can click an available agent row from the left side table to assign it to the service. Assigned Agent is displayed in right side The assigned agent appears on the right table. New Assign All and Remove All buttons are used to move all the agents from one list to the other.
Field name names of search boxes ( ( Available Agent(s) and Assigned Agent(s)) are removed and users search boxes are provided with search boxes for the respective tables.

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Agent Team Mapping Tab

Previously, The the Agent Team Mapping tab was displayed subsection appeared as follows:

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With this versionNow, the mapping view includes a new design on the mapper feature without arrows. Users You can click an available agent row from the left side table(table (that is, the source team) to assign it to the target team. Assigned The assigned agent row moves to the right side table (Target that is, the target team). New Assign All and Remove All buttons are used to move all the agents from one list to the other. Field name names of search boxes (Source Agents and Target Agents) are removed and users are provided with only search boxes are provided for the respective tables.

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Importing Agents

Previously, the Import Agents screen was appeared as below:follows.

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With this versionNow, users you can click in the Select a File to Upload box button to navigate go to the revised /or new agent list. Also In addition, the Ok button is renamed to renamed Update button.

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User Interface Enhancements in Agent Phonebook Editor

In this version, the The Agents Phonebook editor UI is redesigned to enhance improve the user experience.
Previously, the General tab was displayed as: section appeared as follows.

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With this versionNow, the Import and Export buttons are shifted moved to the right - side of the screen. The General tab is displayed as below.

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Previously, the Entities tab was displayed as: subsection appeared as follows.

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With this versionNow, the Entities tab is subsection appears as belowfollows.

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Importing Agent Phonebook

Previously, the Import Agent Phonebook Contacts screen was appeared as below:follows.

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With this versionNow, users you can click in the Select a File to Upload box button to navigate go to the revised /or new agent list. 

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User Interface Enhancements in Call Detail Reports (CDR)

In this version, the The Call Detail Report UI is redesigned to enhance improve the user experience.

Previous version had the Advanced Calendar link (link next to To calendar icon)  and calendar buttons of From and To options of Date range. With this version, the advanced link and calendar buttons of From and To options are consolidated into one Previously, the advanced  calendar link appeared next to the To field, separated from the From and To fields.  Now, the link and the fields are changed into a single calendar icon.

Previously, the Call Detail Report was Report appeared as belowfollows.

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With this versionNow, the Call Detail Report is appears as belowfollows.

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Clicking on When you click the calendar icon opens , the Date Picker interface. The Range tab allows user to enter/ window appears. You can use the Range section to enter or select the date range to generate the report.

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The MultiSelect tab allows you to select multiple sequential You can use the   MultiSelect  section to select multiple  sequential or non-sequential dates. 

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With this versionNow, the mapping view includes a new design on the mapper feature without arrows. This new mapper view is available for selecting multiple call centers, services, and service types. Users You can click the Available option to move it to Assigned the assigned list and vice a versa. New The new Assign All and Remove All buttons are used to move all options from one list to the other. Additionally In addition, a search field is added to filter both lists at the same time , and facilitate users enable you to find the options they are looking foryou want.

Multiple Call Center Selection


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With this versionNow

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Multiple Service Selection


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With this versionNow,

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User Interface Enhancements in Contact Timings Editor

Previously, the General tab was as below section on the Contact Timing screen appeared as follows.

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With this versionNow, the Add, Copy, Delete, Save, and Cancel buttons are moved under to the General Tab from section from the common area of the Contact Timings editor.

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AlsoPreviously, when deleting the Contact Timing, users were getting the below confirmation pop-upthe following window appeared.

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version displays the confirmation pop-up with the warning signNow, the following window appears.

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Previously, the Change History tab was displayed as below: section appeared as follows.

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Now, the Add, Copy, Delete, Save, and Cancel buttons are do not visible from appear in the Change History tab with this version section.

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User Interface Enhancements in Phrases Editor

Previously, the Select Dialect field on the Generate TTS File pop-up was as below window appeared as follows.

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With this versionNow, the Select Dialect option is with a drop-down menu. The Generate TTS File pop-up is as below field is a drop-down list box.

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Previously, the Upload Audio File pop-up was as below window appeared as follows.

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With this versionNow, the Upload Audio File pop-up is as below window appears as follows.

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U-CRM Redesign
U-CRM Redesign
U-CRM Redesign

With this version the The following enhancements are made to the U-CRM editor:

  • The Desktop toolbar provides a list of all the available components and containers. It also provides a description of the page and component that is currently viewed.
  • Drag the Components into the WYSYWIG WYSIWYG editor (U-CRM editor) or double-click on a page to automatically add the components to the screen.
  • Desktop The desktop-level Change History tab section tracks all the changes​.

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  • Layered toolbars provide a user you with the logical flow to navigate, create, and maintain Agent Desktops​.
  • Desktops tab The DESKTOPS section supports search and bulk delete/update of desktops as well as , along with a paginated view​.

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New Desktop Components​

The following new components are added​ to the U-CRM Desktop Components:

  • Account Dashboard - displays : Displays an Account dashboard to quickly preview Accounts with Tickets Created, Completed Tickets, Accounts Created as well as a graphical display​accounts with tickets created, completed tickets, accounts created, and a graphical representation​.
  • Agent Statistics - displays : Displays a pie chart of Agent agent states for the day​.
  • Enhanced Ticketing Dashboard - displays : Displays an overview of various statistics pertaining to the Ticketing application system, which includes Number of Tickets Open, New Tickets Created, Tickets addressed within SLA’s the count of open tickets, new tickets, tickets addressed within SLAs, and volume and peak-hour charts​.

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Desktop Component Enhancements​

  • Home Bar Search Field can now be configured to search against the Accounts, Tickets, Notes, Contacts or All. Prior to this enhancement, the Search bar on the Home Component allowed to search against Contacts.

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  • Previously, you could use the search bar on the Home Component to search only contacts. Now, you can configure the search bar to search accounts, tickets, notes, or all, in addition to contacts. 

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  • You can configure the Work Queue Component to show only Work Queue Component can now be configured to only show certain tasks​.

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  • Record modifications for Contact, Accounts and Tickets are now able to for contacts, accounts, and tickets can now trigger events such as calling an API​.

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Voicemail 2.0

With the release of Voicemail 2.0, when When callers leave messages, agents can view and play the messages directly from their desktop. Users You can also check group voicemails through the Voicemail report available on the LiveVox portal. The following features are included:

  • Ability to download voicemails in MP3 format.
  • Increased storage capacity of 500 MB.
  • Group voicemail PIN is no longer required. The  The PIN field under the Configure > Services > Phone numbers tab is in Configure>Services>Phone numbers is no longer supported for group voicemail.
  • Greeting messages are now configurable only at the call flow messages /or prompts. Greetings  Greetings can be configured at the module level, using the Prehold Prompt Phrase message property.
  • Visual Voicemailvoicemail.

For more information on Voicemail 2.0, see the Voicemail 2.0 (U10, U11, U12) infosheet.

View Message Threads for Email, SMS, and Chat

With this version, the The Contact History tab section of the Contact manager is manager is renamed to Interactions tab.


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With this versionNow,

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The Interactions tab allows users You can use the Interactions section to view Emailemails, SMSSMSes, and Chat chat interactions as one a single grouped thread.

  • A thread for email is defined as a sequence of responses to the same subject line. Clicking on When you click the email icon (Image Modified) opens , the email thread as shown belowappears.
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    The Details tab section shows the information about each email in the thread.
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  • A thread for SMS is defined as a set of interactions from the same long- or short-code phone number and to a phone number within a 24-hour rolling period. Clicking on When you click the SMS icon (Image Modified) opens , the SMS thread as shown belowappears.
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    The Details tab section shows the information about each SMS in the thread.
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  • A thread for chat is defined as a series of chat interactions within the same session. Clicking on When you click the Chat icon (Image Modified) opens , the chat thread as shown belowappears.
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    The Details tab shows section displays the information about each chat in the thread.

With this version, the The voice interaction icon is changed to Image Removed from Image Removed changed from Image Added to Image Added.

WFO Config Changes
WFO Config Changes
WFO Config Changes

With this version, all configuration All configurations for WFO are performed under in the WFO Config. ​Navigate to WFO > WFO >WFO Config to access the WFO Config. subsection.

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Users You can assigning Assessors assign assessors and Arbitratorsarbitrators, configure Work Queue Settings, creating Audio Note Categories create audio note categories and e-Learning Categories learning categories by selecting clicking the respective tabs.

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Support for Fixed Fields Format for Contact Manager Input Filters
Support for Fixed Fields Format for Contact Manager Input Filters
Support for Fixed Fields Format for Contact Manager Input Filters

Users are You can now able to create a Contact Manager Input Filter manager input filter with a Fixed Field Format​fixed field format​. When the Input Filter input filter format is defined as Fixed Fieldsa fixed field, the Total Length column becomes visible that allows a user , which enables you to define the length of each column​, appears.

In addition to the Fixed Fields fixed field format, users are able to you can now import data into encrypted fields so long as Jobs is if the jobs are permitted to write into the Encrypted Field​. Users are also able to store against List encrypted field​. You can also store against the list data types and select a default value based on a pre-defined predefined list value​. All other functions, such as the Substitute value and Transformations, are still apply​applicable.

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