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titleDial-Time Phone DNC

You can configure the system to search a DNC/suppression list for the phone number/email address that is about to be dialed, messaged, or emailed. This search occurs immediately before dialing or sending SMS/email. The system does not make the call, message or email if the phone number/email address is found in the DNC/suppression lists. 


The maximum number of dial-time DNC records that you can add to a DNC list is 10,000,000.

titleSearching your DNC/Suppression List
  1. Select the Contact Group from which you want to search the phone number or email address according to supersession type.
  2. Enter the phone number or few digits of phone number (wildcard search) when searching for Phone Number DNC list or SMS suppression list. Or enter the email ID or few characters of email ID (wildcard search) when searching for Email suppression list.
  3. Results with any portion matching your search value will appear.
    For Example: Searching 415 would display 4156716055 and 9156714150.

 If the Contact Group is selected as ALL, it will display matching phone or email address across all the Contact Groups.

titleAdding DNC/Suppression List Entries

Main forms of adding new entries to the DNC list:

titleManual Entry
  1. Click Add.
  2. Select the type of suppression list under which you want to add the entry. The available options are: Phone, SMS, EMAIL, and Jobs.
  3. Select the Contact Group from the drop-down list so that a phone number or email address (may be available in different portfolios) will be restricted to the specified Contact Group associated with it. If a phone number within Phone DNC, SMS suppression list, or email address within email suppression list does not have a Contact Group associated, it will be restricted on dial/message/email time regardless of DNC Contact Group mapping within Service editor.
  4. Click on the calendar icon to select Expiration Date whichallows you to define the duration for the availability of specific phone number or email address in DNC/suppression list.
  5. Enter the Phone Number or Email Address.
  6. Click Save to add the entry.
titleFile Upload

You can add DNC entries in batch by uploading the DNC file  (.CSV file).

  1. Click Import.
  2. Click on the File field and select the file you want to upload. 
  3. Select the Include Header? checkbox if the DNC file contains a header row.
  4. Click Import to import the DNC entries.

You can upload a file containing up to 100k records. If a file exceeds this limit, the upload will be rejected displaying an error.

titleAgent Call Disposition

This optional feature facilitates the process of adding data to the DNC list. When an agent selects a termination code set for DNC insertion, the system will enter the phone number in DNC list with/without Expiration Date depending on the termination code. Contact for details.

titleOpt-Out by customers
The system automatically adds entries in SMS and Email suppression list in the following scenarios:
  • SMS Suppression Entries - When the consumer sends inbound SMS with specific keywords like Stop, Cancel, or Unsubscribe, the system automatically adds the phone number to SMS suppression list and revokes the corresponding SMS consent.
  • Email Suppression Entries - When the consumer clicks unsubscribe link, marks the email as spam, or sender receives a hard bounce, the system automatically adds the consumer to the email suppression list and revokes any associated consent.
titleEditing DNC/Suppression List Entries

Double-clicking on the DNC/suppression list entry will allow you to edit Contact Group, Expiration Date, Phone Number/Email Address.

titleDeleting DNC/Suppression List Entries
  1. Use the Search option to find the DNC entry.
  2. Select Delete checkbox for single/multiple entries in Phone Number tab or select the row in SMS or Email tab.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click OK to confirm the deletion of the selected entries.
  • For SMS, when the consumer re-opts back with keywords Start, Begin, Confirm, Subscribe, Continue, the suppression list entry is removed and consent is added back.
  • For consumers to re-opt back into email messaging, they must confirm via an Opt-In message.
titlePhone Number Tab
This tab shows DNC list for the phone numbers that are about to be dialed. The search occurs immediately before dial time. The dialer does not make the call if the phone number is found in the DNC list.
  • Phone - Displays the DNC phone number.
  • Contact Group - Displays the name of the contact group for which the phone number is suppressed.
  • Expiration Date - Displays the expiry date of a specific phone number in DNC list.
  • Delete - Select the checkbox to remove the DNC list record.
titleSMS Tab

This tab shows the SMS suppression list. If the phone is in the suppression list, the SMS is not sent to the consumer except for Opt-In template.

  • ID - Displays the unique SMS suppression ID.
  • Contact Group - Displays the name of contact group of phone for which the SMS is suppressed.
  • Phone - Displays the phone number for SMS suppression.
  • Expiration Date - Displays expiry date of specific entry in suppression list.
titleE-Mail Tab

This tab shows the email suppression list. If the email ID is in the suppression list, the email is not sent to the consumer except for Opt-In template.

  • ID - Displays the unique email suppression ID.
  • Contact Group - Displays the name of contact group of email address for which the email is suppressed.
  • E-Mail  - Displays the email address for email suppression.
  • Expiration Date - Displays expiry date of specific entry in suppression list.
titleJobs Tab

You can configure Email, SMS, and Voice DNC FTP jobs through the DNC editor. The tab allows you to create a maximum of 5 jobs each of all DNC types. It automates DNC import process. 


Contact your Account Manager to create required FTP folders for your site. For importing a file, see Uploading Files Using the FTP Browser section of the Administrative User Guide.

titleAdding DNC Job

To add the DNC Job:

  1. Click the Add button. You are presented with Job pop-up.
  2. Under the General tab, select the Enabled option to activate the job.
  3. Select the Header in file? checkbox if the DNC file contains a header row. 
  4. Select the DNC type under which you want to add the job entry. The available options are: Voice, Email, SMS.
  5. Enter the File Name Pattern. File Name Pattern supports prefix (e.g. abc%), postfix (e.g. %abc), and infix (e.g. %abc%).
  6. Enter valid email addresses in the Email List field. It sends emails to email addresses once the job is activated.
  7. Click Ok button.
  8. Click the Save button.
titleUpdating DNC Job

To update the DNC job:

  1. Double-click the job row which you want to update.
  2. Modify all the required fields. For information about fields, please refer to the Adding DNC Job section.
  3. Click the Save button.
titleDeleting DNC Job

To delete the DNC job:

  1. Select the required job by clicking on the row.
  2. Click the Delete button, you will see the job row in red color.
  3. Click the Save button.
titleViewing DNC Job History

History tab (available when adding or updating the DNC job) allows you to track DNC job and its status (Success or Failure).
