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This report may only be generated with a start and end time frame no greater than 31 days. LiveVox The platform may provide results for additional time frames upon request. Data can be generated from up to 90 days prior. By default, all times are in UTCAll the time values in the report are based on the time zone setting at the client level.

titleSearch Criteria:

No fields are required for a basic search. 

  • Date Range:  Enables you to type in dates in the format of MM/DD/YYYY or choose dates using the calendar button. Clicking on the calendar button opens the Date Picker interface.
    1. Under the Range tab, you can select the date range.
    2. Under the MultiSelect tab, you can select multiple sequential or non-sequential dates. 
  • Call Center: Select a call center with a drop-down menu.
    • Multiple Call Center Selection: Clicking on the link next to the Call Center drop-down menu opens the multiple call center selection screen.
      • Click a call center row from the Available column to move it to the Assigned column.
      • Click the Assign All button to add all the available call centers to the Assigned column.
      • Click a call center row from the Assigned column to remove the assigned call center. It will be moved to the Available column.
      • Click the Remove All button to remove all the assigned call centers. They will be moved to the Available column
  • Service:  The Service drop-down lists only inbound and blended services. You can select a required service from the Service drop-down menu. If a particular call center is selected before selecting a service, services(Inbound and Blended) only available for that particular call center will appear.
    • Multiple Service Selection: Clicking on the link next to the Service drop-down menu will open the multiple service selection screen:  
      • Click a service row from the Available column to move it to the Assigned column.
      • Click the Assign All button to add all available services to the Assigned column.
      • Click a service row from the Assigned column to remove it from the assigned services. It will be moved to the Available column.
      • Click the Remove All button to remove all the assigned services. They will be moved to the Available column.
  • Service Group: The service Group is the system that defines which outbound services agents should be logged into to receive the calls from inbound services as well as outbound blending.  Adding the ability to group the reports’ metrics based on the service group allows better visibility into the agents’ efficiency across all services (including inbound) they may have been working.
    • The Service Group selection appears in the search criteria only if there are existing Service Groups. Otherwise, the option is hidden.
  • Caller Id Pkg: Allows you to select the required Caller ID (CID) package from the drop-down menu. If a specific CID package is selected, the generated report shows data only for phone numbers in the CID package. 
  • From Phone: Allows you to specify inbound phone numbers. You can specify up to 10 inbound phone numbers separated by a comma.
  • SL Target (%): When selecting an SL (Service Level) target percentage, all Service Levels below this target will be shown in red.
    • The Inbound Phone Volume Report includes the Service Level metric. Service Level is critical for managing inbound traffic.  It is defined as the percentage of inbound calls that are answered or abandoned within a defined time threshold.  A customizable Service Level target threshold is supported at both the client and service levels.  Each service has a single SL target and the service level overrides the client level. 
    • The default value for SERVICELEVEL_SECONDS is set to 20 for all clients. 
