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A Contact View is a filter for displaying the Contacts that meet predefined criteria in a customized table. Views are intended to help you and your agents to easily segment, find, track, prioritize, or manage the records, without the need to manually search for a specific set of records.

You can define a Contact View based on the properties of a Contact. In addition, you can define who can view or modify a Contact View.

A Contact View appears as an option in the Select a predefined view field in the Contacts section that appears when you click Ticketing Tickets on the Configure tab. For agents and agent teams, a Contact View appears as an option in the Select a predefined view field in the Contact List section on the Agent Desktop.

titleCreating a Contact View

To create a Contact View:

  1. On the Views tab, on the Views subtab, click New.
    The New Search View window appears.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name to identify the identify the View throughout the LiveVox Portal platform and the Agent Desktop.

  3. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description of the View.

  4. Click Save.
    The View is created and is available on the Views subtab. The Design subtab appears to enable you to design the View.

titleNext Step

Design the Contact View.

titleDesigning a Contact View

To design a Contact View:

  1. Access the View.
  2. On the Filter Criteria subtab, in the fields, specify those values based on which you want the records to be filtered. 


    To design a Contact View based on advanced filter criteria (conditional logic), use the Advanced Criteria Mode option. For more information, see the Advanced Filter Criteria topic in the Product Documentation.

  3. Fill the Fields to Display, Restrict Editors, and Restrict Visibility subtabs.

    • For information about the subtabs, see the Subtabs Used When Designing a View topic in the Product Documentation.
    • The Summary section on the Design subtab displays the changes that you make on each of its subtabs, in real time.

  4. Click Save.
    A message stating that the View is updated appears.
