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Segmentation allows for the contacts in a parent campaign to be filtered into separate children campaigns based on data in the contact fields.  In addition, a segmentation template may also be used against the Contact manager to filter a list of contacts.  Templates are defined by source, transaction for campaign uploads, and contact for contact lists.  Once a source is defined, you will only be available to use them against that source.


Segmentation is a powerful tool to filter campaigns in LVP, for advanced configuration options see

in the Administrative User GuideSegmentation fields such as Phone, Phone 1, Phone 2, (through Phone 10), SMS, and other custom fields support E.164 format.

titleCreating a new segmentation
  1. To set up a new segmentation click Add in the bottom left corner of the Segmentation panel. This will open the Add Segmentation panel.
  2. Define the target source for the new segmentation:
    • Transaction - The segmentation template will apply to campaign file uploads.
    • Contact - The segmentation template will apply to Contact manager lists.
  3. Define the segmentation name in the Name field.
  4. Define the filename that the segmentation will apply to in the Filename Format field.
  5. Define whether or not the filename convention will be required from the Required check box.
  6. For Contact Source segmentations, define the segmentation sorting by selecting the Sort by checkbox and selecting a contact field from the Sort by drop-down menu.
  7. Click the Add button at the bottom left of the Add Segmentation panel to start setting up a segmentation. This will open the Add Segment panel.
  8. Define the segment's Name, Description, and whether or not the segmentation will be excluded from the Disposition drop-down. To define the segmentation sorting, select a contact field from the Sort by drop-down menu.
  9. To determine the condition by which contacts will be filtered, you need to set up a rule. This can be done by clicking and dragging the and operator visible within the General tab, which brings up the Add Rule pop-out.
    • Logical Operator - Select the logical operator (AND/OR).
    • Not - This option negates the specified Logical Operator.
    • Field - Select previously configured fields from the drop-down.
    • Comparison - Select the relational operator for the rule. The options presented will be dependent on the data type specified for the field.
      • For string type fields:
        • In
        • Not In
        • Starts With
        • Contains
        • Regex or Regular Expression
        • Equal to
        • Ends With
        • Is Null
        • Is Not Null
      • For integer type fields:
        • > - Greater than
        • < - Less than
        • = - Equal
        • >= - Greater or equal
        • <= - Less or equal
        • != - Not equal
        • Is Null
        • Is Not Null
    • Value - Corresponding values configured for the selected criteria.
    • Description -  Displays the logical description of the rule.
  10.  Click the OK button to save a Rule. Click the OK button again to save segments.
  11. Click the Save button to save the segmentation once all segments are set up.

The Segments tab also allows you to search for specific segments by using any single or combination of available filters such as searching with text for a segment's name, service, or rule as well as by applying filters of Voice, AM Option, Schedule or scrub option.
