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The monitor dashboard for service groups provides an overview of all dialing activities across all your service groups in real time.

titleManaging the View

You can

drag a

manage the view on the Voice monitor dashboard as needed.

  • If you want to change the position of a widget within the dashboard, you can drag the widget to where you want
it on the dashboard
  • by using
  • the dotted table icondrag iconImage Modified, which appears next to the label of each widget.
  • If you want to monitor the agents who are available (Ready state), as well as monitor the agents who are unavailable (Not Ready state), at the same time, you can do so by creating multiple widgets through the GUI settings.


You can use the Monitor widget to view call statistics for the current day. The statistics correspond to the overall values for the service group. You can view the statistics in a graphical view or a tabular view by using the Flip to Graphical View icon Flip to Graphical View icon or the Flip to Table View icon Flip to Table View icon, respectively.

titleCall Statistics (Graphical View)

In the graphical view, the following statistics appear based on the tab that you have selected (OutboundBlended, or Inbound):

  • Outbound service statistics with the percentage of outbound calls, longest hold duration, and percentage of contacts whose numbers have been dialed.
  • Blended (outbound and inbound) service statistics with the percentages of outbound and inbound calls and percentages of the average handle and talk time for the service.
  • Inbound service statistics with the percentage of inbound calls and percentages of the average handle and talk time for the service.

titleCall Statistics (Tabular View)

In the tabular view, you can view the statistics for inactive services by selecting the Show Inactive Services checkbox. You can also customize the table by using the Customize Columns icon Customize Columns icon and view the following statistics.

% Done

Percentage of contacts for which dialing is completed.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.

Abandon Rate

Percentage of calls that are abandoned by the customer before speaking to an agent (Total Abandoned Calls / Calls Offered).

Agents In CallNumber of agents who are connected to calls.
Agents Logged InNumber of agents who are signed into the call center or service.
Available Agents

Number of agents who are ready to receive calls from an inbound service.

Average Abandon Time

Average time that customers wait in the queue before abandoning calls.

Average Handle Time

Average time that agents spend handling the complete interaction, from start to finish.

Average Hold Time

Average time that your customers are placed on hold by agents during calls. 
Average Speed of Answer

Average time that calls remain in the queue until agents answer them (that is, the time that customers wait in the queue). Unlike Average Hold Time, this statistic does not include the time that the caller spends interacting with the IVR (Contact Flow).

Average Talk Time

Average time that agents spend talking to customers. Unlike Average Handle Time, this statistic does not include hold or wrap-up time.

Average WrapUp Time

Average time that agents spend wrapping up calls.

Call CenterName of the call center.
Call Direction

Direction of call (for example, inbound and outbound).


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.

Callback Phone

Callback phone number for the service.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.

Caller ID

Caller ID for the service.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


An icon that displays the following information about a call/transaction in the Calls window:

  • State: State of the call, which can be one of the following:
    • With no agents: Call is in the hold queue and is not yet connected to an agent
    • On hold: Call is placed on hold by an agent
    • With operator: Call is connected to an agent
  • Session ID: ID of the current session
  • Start Time: Start time of the call, represented in HH:MM:SS (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)
  • Connect Time: Time at which the call is connected, represented in HH:MM:SS
  • Bridge Time: Time at which the call is connected to an agent, represented in HH:MM:SS
  • End Time: End time of the call, represented in HH:MM:SS
  • Priority: Priority assigned to the call
  • Agent Skill: Skill assigned to the call
  • Account: Account number associated with the call
  • Phone: Dialed phone number for an outbound call or the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) for an inbound call
  • Name: Name of the agent who is connected to the call
  • Logon ID: Logon ID of the agent who is connected to the call

This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.

Calls Answered Within SL

Number of calls that are answered by agents within the defined service-level threshold.

Calls ConnectedNumber of calls that are connected to agents.
Calls FailedNumber of calls that terminated without a connection.
Calls HandledNumber of calls that are handled by agents, from start to finish.

Calls In Queue

Number of calls that are in the queue, waiting to be connected to an available agent.
Calls OfferedNumber of calls that are offered to agents, which includes both handled calls and abandoned calls.
Calls TransferredNumber of calls that are presented to the service for routing.

Usage fees for the call center or service.

CIPCalls that are in progress.
Completed Number of contacts for which dialing is completed.

Real-time report for the current month.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.

Operator Phone

Operator phone number for the service.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


Real-time report for a user-defined date range.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.

Remaining Number of contacts that are remaining to be contacted.
Service ID

ID of the service.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.

Service Name

Name of the service.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.

Service Level

Sum of the Number of calls that are answered by agents and calls that are abandoned by customers within the defined threshold, divided by the Number of offered calls.


By default, the threshold is 20 seconds. You can, however, modify the value through the Service Level Seconds field, which appears on the Settings tab of the Client or Services window.

Service Type

Type of service (for example, inbound, manual, quick connect, or unattended).


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.

Time On Hold

Longest time that a call was on hold.


Real-time report for the current day.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.

Total/Total Calls

Number of contacts that are loaded from a campaign.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.

Total Abandoned CallsDifference between the Number of offered calls and the Number of handled calls (that is, the Number of calls that customers abandoned before connecting to an agent).


If an active campaign is appended with contacts, the following statistics are accordingly updated on the monitor dashboard:

  • % Done
  • Completed
  • Remaining
  • Total Calls
