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  1. Click New.
  2. Select Alert Type from the drop-down menu.
  3. Provide a name for the new alert in the Alert Name field and click Create.
  4. In the Settings tab, provide all the necessary information for the alert.
    1. In the General Settings section add a name for the alert in Alert Name field. Enter the Alert Subject Line that you wish to send as the email subject line.
      1. Enable options such as Active using the check box based on your requirement.
      2. Set the interval, condition, and when notification alert must be sent.
    2. In the Schedule section, select the Day and set the Start Time and End Time.
    3. In the Parameters section, select the necessary options for the alert to trigger based on the Alert Type.
titleSchedule Adherence

Adherence Category - Select from the Available list and move to Selected list using the  key.

Alert Filter - For each of the options, select from the Available list and move to Selected list using the  key.

  • Agent Teams - Select the applicable agent teams.
  • Agents - Select the applicable agents.
  • Area - Select the area for the alert.
  • Call Centers - Select the call centers for the alert.
  • Shift - Select the shift for the alert.
