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U-QM Score Trend

Displays details information about the scoring trend. The following details are displayed:

  • The number of interactions scored.
  • Percentage of scorecards passed.
  • Week and year in which the scoring trend was captured.
Largest Changes by Scorecard

Displays details information about the scorecards that have gone through the largest changes in terms of passing percentage. The following details are displayed:

  • Scorecard name.
  • Passing percentage in the previous period for that scorecard.
  • Passing percentage in the current period for that scorecard.
  • Change in percentage.
Highest Scoring SkillsDisplays details information about the skill name and the pass percentage for that skill.
Lowest Scoring SkillsDisplays details information about the skill name and the pass percentage for that skill.
Largest Changes by Agent Skill

Displays details information about the agent skills that have gone through the largest changes. The following details are displayed:

  • Skill name.
  • Passing percentage in the previous period for that skill.
  • Passing percentage in the current period for that skill.
  • Change in percentage.

Largest Agent Score Changes

Displays details information about the agent scores that have gone through the largest changes. The following details are displayed:

  • Agent name.
  • Passing percentage in the previous period for that agent.
  • Passing percentage in the current period for that agent.
  • Change in percentage.
Agent Skill DetailsProvides information about agent skill detailsskills.