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The Screen tab of the Ticketing Config window enables you to configure the display of the main area of a ticket and the Detail tab of a ticket for a specific ticket type.

To configure the ticket display:

  1. To configure the display of the main area of a ticket:

    1. On the Screen tab, double-click the ticket type for which you want to configure the display.
      The Ticket Highlight and Ticket Detail subtabs appear for the ticket type.

    2. On the Ticket Highlight subtab, in the Available section, select the fields that you want to be displayed in the main area of a ticket, and then click the right arrow icon The selected fields appear in the Selected section.


      You can filter the fields in the Available section using the Filter box.

    3. In the Selected section, select the field that you do not want to be displayed in the main area of the ticket, and then click the left arrow icon .The selected field is removed from the Selected section, and it appears in the Available section.

    4. To define the position of a field in a ticket, in the Selected section, drag the field to the desired position. 


      The order in which the fields appear in the Selected section represents the order in which they appear in a ticket. 

    5. To modify the properties of the selected fields, in the Selected section, click the cell containing the property you want to modify, and then specify the desired property.

      • You can revert your changes by clicking Reset.
      • You can preview your changes by expanding the Preview section.

  2. To configure the display of the area on the Detail tab of a ticket, perform the previous step on the Ticket Detail subtab.


    The Group column in the Selected section represents that section on the Detail tab in which the field appears (for example, Description, General, or Scope). You can modify the value in this column by clicking the cell displaying the value and then selecting the desired section.

  3. Click Save.
    The display of the main area and the area on the Detail tab of a ticket for the selected ticket type is configured.


Permissions allow managers to determine which agents have access to which Ticket Forms, either by agent team or at the desktop level.

To add a permission:

  1. Click the Edit button.
    The Editor window appears.
  2. Select a Label from the drop-down list.
  3. Select a Permission from the drop-down list.
  4. Select the appropriate user (for example, select either the Users, Teams, or Agents).
  5. Select Users/Team/Agents from the Available box and move it to the Selected box.
  6. Click Save.

A new permission is added to the Permissions tab.

  • If you have selected Label and have not selected any user, by default, the permission is visible to all users.
  • To modify a user permission, double-click the permission and select the required user and modify the user rights.

titleStatus Rules

You can change the status of a ticket using the LabelTicket Type, and Status parameters on the Status Rules tab. 

To change the status of a ticket:

  1. Click the Edit button.
    The Editor window appears.
  2. Select a Label, Ticket Type, and Status from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the status from the Available box and move it to the Selected box.
  4. Click Save.

A new status rule is added to the tab.


To modify a status rule, double-click the rule and select the status and then modify the status in the Editor window, and then Save the changes.


The Settings tab enables you to define how a ticket and associated fields are uploaded to LiveVox. 

titleBulk Ticket Upload

If you want a ticket that already exists in LiveVox to be overwritten when the same ticket is uploaded to LiveVox, in the General section, select the  Bulk Ticket Upload checkbox. Otherwise, clear the checkbox.


titleDefining Types

You can define the options that appear in the Type field of a ticket by creating ticket types. Each of the ticket types that you create is displayed as an option in the Type field of a ticket.

To create a ticket type:

  1. On the Settings tab, in the Types section, click New.
    The New window appears.
  2. In the Please enter type name field,  enter a name for the type, and then click Save.
    The type is created, and it appears in the Types section. This type appears as an option in the Type field of a ticket.
  • If you do not want a type to appear as an option in the Type field of a ticket, in the Types section, in the row displaying the type, clear the Public checkbox.
  • The order in which the types appear in the Types Types section represents the order in which they appear as options in the Type field of a ticket. You can modify the position of a type by dragging the name of the type in the Types section to the desired position.
  • In the Types section, you can:
    • Modify the name of a type by clicking the Name cell in the row displaying the type and then entering the new name
    • Search for a type by entering the partial or complete name of the type in the Filter box.
    • Delete a type by hovering over the row displaying the type and then clicking the delete icon.
