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The Ticketing Config window enables you to define the forms, workflows, views, settings, and display for tickets.


The Forms tab enables you to configure the fields that appear on tickets


, accounts, and contacts. Agents


using the U-CRM


Agent Desktop can use web forms when creating accounts, contacts, and tickets. 

The Forms tab contains the following subtabs:

  • Design: Used to design the form
  • Settings: Used to create and design the appearance of the form
  • Preview: Used to preview your design
  • Activity: Used to view the tickets that were created using the form
  • Change History: Used to view the history of the form

titleCreating a Form

On the Agent Desktop, you use a form to configure the template used for a ticket. 

To create and design a form:

  1. On the Ticketing Config screen, click the Forms tab and then click New.
    The Create Form window appears.
  2. Specify the values in the following fields. 

    1. Name: Specify the name for the form.
    2. Description: Provide information about the form. This field is optional.
    3. Published: Select this checkbox if you want the form to be automatically published when it is created.
  3. Click Save.
    The form is created, and the Design subtab opens.



The Settings subtab enables you to update the window title and Submit button, and add attachments.

To update the settings:

  1. Specify values in the following fields.

    • Form titles: Specify a form title. This title is displayed on the web form when an agent creates a record on the U-CRM Agent Desktop

    • Submit button: Specify the text for the button.

    • Success text: This message is displayed when creating a ticket.
    • Error text: Specify the error message.
    • Form: Select the form color.
    • Fields: Select the field color.
    • Submit button: Select the Submit button color.
    • Columns: Select the columns from the list.
    • Enable Attachments: If you enable this option, the Attachments box appears.
    • Max # number of Attachments: Specify the number of attachments that you can attach.
    • Required: Enable this option if the attachments are mandatory.


titleChange History

The Change History tab contains a table with the history of all changes made to the service. The table contains the following columns.



Changed ByName of the user who modified the form
Changed OnDate and time when the user modified the form, represented in Eastern Time
Short Description

A short description of the modification done to the form.


You can configure a workflow for tickets so that they undergo a standard process that reduces manual work, saves time, and minimizes errors. A ticket workflow ensures that all tickets are handled in a consistent and timely manner. The Workflows tab of the Ticketing Config window enables you to configure workflows for tickets based on certain conditions when the ticket is created or updated, or when a nightly run is initiated. You can configure a ticket workflow to generate any of the following events:

  • Send an email or SMS
  • Create a work queue task
  • Update a field in a ticket
  • Call an API function
  • Stop the workflow

The Workflows tab displays the following subtabs:

  • Workflows: Enables you to create a workflow.
  • Design: Enables you to configure a workflow.
  • Activity: Enables you to view all the tickets to which a workflow is applied.
  • History: Enables you to view all the changes made to a workflow.

titleCreating and Designing a Workflow
  1. On the Workflows subtab of the Workflows tab, click New event.
  2. Specify values in the fields, and then click Save.
    The ticket workflow is created, and the Design subtab appears.
  3. Click New Event.

  4. Specify values in the following sections, as required:

    • Involves these events: Actions when you want the workflow to be triggered (for example, when the ticket is created or updated, or when a nightly run is initiated). If you select the Update Ticket trigger, the workflow is triggered only when a specific field in the ticket is updated.
    • Tickets with these properties: Properties for the tickets on which you want the workflow to be applied. The default value is Always, which indicates that the workflow is applied to tickets regardless of their properties. You can modify the value by using the Edit button.
    • Perform these actions: Resulting actions for the workflow, such as:
      • Send SMS: Sends an SMS.
      • Send Email: Sends an email.
      • Create WQ Task: Creates a work queue task.
      • Update Ticket Field: Modifies the value in a field in the ticket. 
      • Call Function: Calls an API function.
      • Stop Workflow Execution: Stops the workflow.
        After you specify a value in the Action Type field, click Add, and then specify values in the fields that appear.

        • When you add the Send SMS action, the Send SMS to section appears, displaying the following fields:
          • Template: Enables you to select an SMS template. The message in the selected template appears in the section.

          • To: Enables you to specify a phone number or select one of the following options:
            • contact.phone1: Phone number of the contact associated with the ticket.
            • ticket.phone1: Primary phone number associated with the ticket.
            • ticket.phone2: Secondary phone number associated with the ticket.
        • When you add the Send Email action, the Send EMAIL to section appears, displaying the following fields:
          • Template: Enables you to select an email template. The message in the selected template appears in the section.

          • To: Enables you to specify an email address number or select one of the following options:
            • Email address of the contact associated with the ticket.
            • Email address associated with the ticket.
          • CC and BCC: Enables you to add CC and BCC email addresses. This is available in both Template and free-form options.
        • When creating a work queue task, you can specify the due date and due time for the task.
        • You can delete an action by using the delete iconnext to the action.

  5. Click Save.
    The workflow is designed, and the event appears on the Design subtab.

    • For the same event (Create Ticket, Update Ticket, or Nightly Run), you can add another design (that is, specify additional ticket properties and actions for the workflow) by using the plus icon  next to the event.
    • You can modify a design by using the pencil icon  next to the design.
    • You can add another event by using the New Event button.
    • You can delete an event by using the delete iconnext to the event.

  • To filter the workflows, on the WORKFLOWS subtab, in the Filter box, specify the text based on which you want to filter the workflows.
  • To modify a workflow, on the WORKFLOWS subtab, click the row displaying the workflow, and then use the Edit button.
  • To apply a workflow to a ticket, you must publish the workflow. To publish a workflow, on the WORKFLOWS subtab, click the row displaying the workflow, and then click Publish.
  • The Edit button is disabled for a published workflow.
  • To copy a workflow, on the WORKFLOWS subtab, click the row displaying the workflow, and then click Copy. If the workflow that you copied is already published, you cannot publish the copy unless you unpublish the copied workflow.
  • To unpublish a workflow, on the WORKFLOWS subtab, click the row displaying the workflow, and then click Unpublish.
  • If a workflow is published, you cannot modify it unless you create another version of it. To create another version, on the WORKFLOWS subtab, double-click the row displaying the published workflow, and then click New Version. The new version of the published workflow will be in the draft state. You can publish the new version; however, doing so deletes the published version.
  • To delete a workflow, on the WORKFLOWS subtab, click the row displaying the workflow, and then use the Delete button.


titleViewing the Workflow History

To view all the changes made to a workflow (including its design), on the WORKFLOWS subtab of the Workflows tab, double-click the workflow for which you want to view the changes, and then click the History subtab.
A table with the changes appears, displaying the following columns:

  • Version: Version of the workflow on which the change was made.


    If any change is made to a workflow after it is published, the version of the workflow is incremented.

  • Changed on: Date and time of the change.
  • Updated by: ID of the user who made the change.
  • Entity: Entity that was changed.

    • The value WORKFLOW indicates that the workflow was changed.
    • The value TRIGGER indicates that the design of the workflow was changed.

  • Ticket Type: Section of the workflow design that was changed.

    • The value EVENT indicates that the Involves any of these events section of the design was changed.
    • The value CONDITION indicates that the On tickets with these properties section of the design was changed.
    • The value ACTION indicates that the Perform these actions section of the design was changed.

  • Operation: Type of change made to the workflow (for example, create, update, publish, unpublish, or delete).
  • Details: Description of the change.


A ticket view is a customized view of a table containing tickets, intended to help you and your agents to easily segment, find, track, prioritize, or manage tickets, without the need for a manual search. You can define a ticket view based on the properties of a ticket and also define who can view or modify the ticket view. 

The following describes the types of ticket views: 

  • Dashboard: Ticket views of this type appear as options in the Select a predefined view field in a ticket dashboard window.
  • List: Ticket views of this type appear as options in the Select a predefined view field on the Tickets tab that appears when you click Ticketing > Tickets on the Configure tab.
    For agents and agent teams, ticket views appear as options in the Select a predefined view field in the ticket list section on their Agent Desktops.


titleCreating and Designing a Ticket View

To create and design a ticket view:

  1. On the Views tab, on the VIEWS subtab, click New.
    The New Ticket Search View window appears.
  2. Specify values in the following fields, and then click Save:

    • Name: Identifies the view.
    • Type: Indicates the type of ticket display (that is, ticket dashboard or ticket list) to which the view is applicable.

    • Description: Provides a description of the view. This field is optional.
      The ticket view is created and is available on the VIEWS subtab. The Design tab appears to enable you to design the view.

  3. On the Design tab, specify values in the fields


  1. .


titleSection Descriptions






Specify Filter Criteria


If you want everyone to be able to modify the ticket view, select the Everyone option.

If you want only certain users to be able to modify the ticket view, select the Users option, and then, in the Available Users section, select their names, and then click Image Removed.

If you do not want the selected users to be able to modify the ticket view, in the Selected Users section, select their names, and then click Image Removed.


You can revert all of your changes by clicking reset iconImage Removed.

Select Fields to Display


This section appears if you created the ticket view for the List type.


The items that appear in the Selected Columns section represent the columns in the table of tickets that appears when you select the ticket view.

To display additional columns in the ticket table, in the Available Columns section, select the names of such columns, and then click Image Removed.

To hide certain columns from the ticket table, in the Selected Columns section, select the names of these columns fields, and then click Image Removed.

The order in which the items appear in the Selected Columns section represents the order in which they appear as columns in the ticket table. To modify the position of a column, in the Selected Columns section, drag the name of that column to the desired position.


If you want the ticket view to be visible to everyone, select the Everyone option.

If you want the ticket view to be visible to only certain users, teams, or agents, select one of the following options, and then, in the Available Users section, select their names, and then click Image Removed:

  • Users: Indicates that the ticket view is visible to only the selected users.
  • Teams: Indicates that the ticket view is visible to only the selected agent teams.
  • Agents: Indicates that the ticket view is visible to only the selected agents.

If you do not want the ticket view to be visible to the selected users, teams, or agents, in the Selected Users section, select their names, and then click Image Removed.


You can revert all your changes by clicking reset iconImage Removed.

  1. Info

    For information about the fields, see the Subtabs Used When Designing a View topic in the Product Documentation.

  2. Click Save.
    The design of the ticket view is saved.

  1. Tip

    In the Ticketing Config window, on the Views tab, on the VIEWS subtab, you can:

    • Preview a ticket view by double-clicking the row displaying the view and then clicking the Preview tab.
    • Modify, copy, or delete a ticket view by selecting the row displaying the view and then using Edit, Copy, or Delete, respectively.
    • Modify the design of a ticket view by double-clicking the row displaying the view.
    • View a summary of all changes made to a ticket view by double-clicking the row displaying the view and then clicking the Change History tab.
    • Filter the ticket views by entering in the Filter box the text based



The Screen tab of the Ticketing Config window enables you to configure the display of the main area of a ticket and the Detail tab of a ticket for a specific ticket type.

To configure the ticket display:

To configure the display of the main area of a ticket:


    • on which you want to


    • filter the


    • views.



The Selected section displays the following columns:

  • Name: Specifies the name of the field.
  • Data Index: Indicates the internal name of the field.
  • Type: Specifies the characteristic of the field.
  • Required: Indicates if the field must contain a value (mandatory field) to create or update a ticket.
  • Column: Indicates the columnar position of the field in a ticket.


The Screen tab of the Ticketing Config window enables you to configure the display of the main area of a ticket and the Detail tab of a ticket for a specific ticket type.

To configure the ticket display:

  1. To configure the display of the main area of a ticket:

    1. On the Screen tab, double-click the ticket type for which you want to configure the display.
      The Ticket Highlight and Ticket Detail subtabs appear for the ticket type.

    2. On the Ticket Highlight subtab, in the Available section, select the fields that you want to be displayed in the main area of a ticket, and then click the right arrow icon Image Modified


    1. The selected fields appear in the Selected section.


      You can filter the fields in the Available section using the Filter box.

    2. In the Selected section, select the field that you do not want to be displayed in the main area of the ticket, and then click the left arrow icon Image Modified.


    1. The selected field is removed from the Selected section, and it appears in the Available section.

    2. To define the position of a field in a ticket, in the Selected section, drag the field to the desired position. 


      The order in which the fields appear in the Selected section represents the order in which they appear in a ticket. 

    3. To modify the properties of the selected fields, in the Selected section, click the cell containing the property you want to modify, and then specify the desired property.

      • You can revert your changes by clicking Reset.
      • You can preview your changes by expanding the Preview section.

  1. To configure the display of the area on the Detail tab of a ticket, perform the previous step on the Ticket Detail subtab.


    The Group column in the Selected section represents that section on the Detail tab in which the field appears (for example, Description, General, or Scope). You can modify the value in this column by clicking the cell displaying the value and then selecting the desired section.

  2. Click Save.
    The display of the main area and the area on the Detail tab of a ticket for the selected ticket type is configured.


Permissions allow managers to determine which agents have access to which Ticket Forms, either by agent team or at the desktop level.
