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The Agent Scheduling editor allows you to create shift calendars and assign agents to specific shifts. You can publish this shift schedule and make it available for the agents and other managers. You can create and manage agent work schedules, mass assign shifts, generate shift assignment assignments and shift reports. Expand below to learn about the available options.

titleAgent Scheduling Settings

You can use the Settings tab of the Agent Scheduling window to define the work schedule for agents, approval workflows for requests sent by agents, and thresholds for compliance. Depending on the settings, agents can perform the following actions on the Agent Desktop:

  • View their work calendar
  • Request leave
  • Request swapping of shifts
  • You must configure these settings before you create a shift.
  • All times will be are displayed in Eastern Time.

titleConfiguring General Settings

To define a shift (such as the first day of the week, time format, start and end time, and the duration of break); allow shift notifications; and to allow agents to swap shifts and request leaves, in addition to configuring the respective approval workflows:

  1. Click the Settings tab.
  2. On the General subtab, specify values in the following fields.

    • First day of the week: This field contains the days of the week as options. Select the day when you want the work week to begin for a shift.

    • Time format: If you want the time in the shift to appear in the 12-hour time format, select 1:00 pm. If you want the time in the shift to appear in the 24-hour time format, select 13:00.

    • Open time: Select the start time of the shift.

    • Close time: Select the end time of the shift.

    • Default break duration: Select the duration of the break.

    • Show Reminders: Select this check box if you want agents to be notified when their shift begins. You can configure the time in minutes.
    • Allow agents to swap shifts: Select this checkbox only if you want to enable agents to request swapping of their shifts with other agents.


      The agent who receives a shift swapping request can accept or reject the request.

    • Require manager approval for swaps: Select this checkbox only if you want the shift swapping requests to be sent to the shift manager for approval.


      The shift manager is the user that appears in the Manager for approvals field on the Shift Details tab of the Agent Scheduling window.

    • Allow agents to request time off: Select this checkbox only if you want to enable agents to request leave
    • Require manager approval for time off requests: Select this checkbox only if you want leave requests to be sent to the leave manager for approval.


      The leave manager is the user that appears in the Manager column for the respective leave category on the Time Off Categories tab of the Agent Scheduling window.

  3. Click Save.
    The general settings are configured.

To view, approve, or reject the requests sent by agents, use the Work Queue option in the WFO tab.

titleCreating a Leave Category

To create a category for leave (for example, PTO, sick leave, and training):

  1. Click the Settings tab, and then the Time Off Categories subtab.
    A table appears, displaying the following columns:
    • Time Off Category
    • Description
    • Manager
  2. Click New.
    The Create Time Off Category window appears.
  3. In the Name field, enter the time-off category name.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description of the category.
  5. From the Manager drop-down list, select the name of the manager who must be notified of the leave request..
  6. Click Save.
    The leave category is created.

To delete a leave category:

  1. Select the leave category you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button.
    The Warning window appears.
  3. Click Yes.

titleCreating a Work Area

To create a work area for a shift (for example, IT, sales, security, and support):

  1. Click the Settings tab and then the Areas subtab.
    The Areas window appears.
  2. Click New.
    A blank row appears in the table.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for work area.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description of the area.
  5. Click Save.
    The work area is created.

To delete a work area:

  1. Select the leave category you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button.
    The Warning window appears.
  3. Click Yes.

titleConfiguring Scheduling Constraints

You can use scheduling constraints to define parameters such as the agent's minimum shift duration, maximum shift duration, minimum time between shifts.

  1. Click the Settings tab and then the Scheduling Constraints subtab.
  2. Specify values in the following fields:



    Agent's minimum shift duration (in minutes)Enter the minimum shift duration for an agent. The value automatically gets converted to hours and displayed. The minimum value for this field is 15 minutes.
    Agent's maximum shift duration (in minutes)

    Enter the maximum shift duration for an agent. The value automatically gets converted to hours and displayed. The minimum value for this field is 15 minutes.

    Agent's minimum minutes between shiftsEnter the minimum duration that you want to provide between shifts.
    Maximum number of hours per day for an agent

    Enter the maximum number of hours per day that can be assigned to an agent.

    Maximum hours per week for an agent

    Enter the maximum number of hours per week that can be assigned to an agent.
    Number of minutes after a shift starts that the first break can be scheduledEnter the number of minutes after a shift starts that the first break can be scheduled. The minimum value for this field is 15 minutes.
    Number of minutes before a shift ends that the last break can be scheduledEnter the number of minutes after a shift ends that the last break can be scheduled. The minimum value for this field is 15 minutes.
    Is a meal break required?

    Select an option to provide details of the meal break.

    How many minutes does a person need to be scheduled to be eligible for a meal?Enter the duration for which an agent needs to be scheduled on the job to be eligible for a meal break. The value automatically gets converted to hours and displayed. 
    What is the duration of the meal?Duration of the meal break. The value automatically gets converted to hours and displayed. 
    Is the meal paid?Whether the meal is paid for by the company.
    Is a break required?Select an option to provide details of the break.
    How many minutes does a person need to be scheduled to be eligible for a break?Enter the duration for which an agent needs to be scheduled on the job to be eligible for a break. The value automatically gets converted to hours and displayed. 
    What is the duration of the break?Duration of the break. The value automatically gets converted to hours and displayed. 
    Number of minutes between meals and/or breaksEnter the gap between meals or breaks. 
    Maximum number of employees on break at one timeSelect how many agents can be on a break at one time.
    Average agent hourly costEnter the cost per hour for an agent.

  3. Click Save.

titleDefining Compliance Thresholds

Compliance thresholds are used to highlight statistics that are out of compliance, based on the values you define.


Compliance thresholds are indicated by red cells in reports.

To define thresholds for compliance:

  1. Click the Settings tab, and then the Adherence Thresholds subtab.
  2. Specify values in the following fields as required.

    • Adherence Percentage: Enter a value that indicates an agent's conformance with the scheduled tasks for the contact center, in percentage. The value represents the time The formula used to calculate this value is as follows:
      (Time spent working / Total scheduled time) x 100
      Example: If you expect your agents to conform to the scheduled tasks 85 percent of the time, enter the value 85.

    • Occupancy Percentage: Enter a value that indicates an agent's occupancy for the contact center, in percentage. The value represents the time during which an agent handles calls and performs related activities in the ready state, The formula used to calculate this value is as follows: (Time spent in the ready state / Total available time) x 100
      Example: If you expect your agents to handle calls or perform other scheduled tasks 95 percent of the total time that they are available to do so, enter the value 95.

    • Utilization Percentage: Enter a value that indicates an agent's utilization for the contact center, in percentage.  The value represents the amount of time during which an agent handles calls and performs related activities in the ready state,  expressed  The formula used to calculate this value is as follows: (Time spent in the ready state / Total scheduled time) x 100
      Example: If you expect your agents to handle calls or perform other scheduled tasks 90 percent of the total time that they are scheduled to do so, enter the value 90.

    • Conformance Percentage: Enter a value that indicates an agent's conformance with the scheduled work duration for the contact center, in percentage. The value represents the time during which an agent works, expressed  The formula used to calculate this value is as follows: (Time spent working / Total scheduled time) x 100
      Example: If you expect your agents to work 98 percent of the total time that they are scheduled to do so (including starting early or finishing late), enter the value 98.


      The conformance percentage might be higher than 100% if agents work for a duration that exceeds the scheduled work duration.

    • Schedule Adherence Tolerance: Enter the amount of time that indicates the gap between two events that are initiated by agents and must be reported, in seconds.

      Example: If you want the time between the last reported event and the event that must be next reported to be five seconds, enter the value 5. This ensures that any event that occurs five seconds after the last reported event is reported.

  3. Click Save.
    Compliance thresholds are defined.
