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The chat monitor dashboard provides the following statistics for the current day, in real time:

  • State of chat threads.
  • Chat queues of agents, including the state of chat threads.

In addition, the dashboard provides information about active chat threads.

titleChat Statistics

The chat monitor dashboard displays the following statistics.

Available Agents

Number of agents who are ready to respond to chats (that is, agents who are logged on to a service for which the chat channel is configured, who are in the Ready state, and for whom the chat channel is enabled). 

The chat channel is considered to be configured for a service if the Chat Routing Token field of the service contains a value.

Average Chat Wait TimeAverage time that customers wait before their chat threads are connected to agents.
Average Resolution Time

Average time taken to resolve chat threads. 

  • Resolution time is the difference between the time that a chat session initiated by a customer connects to an agent and the time that the agent ends the session by marking the thread resolved or by dispositioning it.
  • Even after a customer has left a chat session, the thread is considered unresolved until the agent ends the session.

Chats In Queue

Number of incoming chat threads that are waiting to be connected to an agent.

This count includes any chats that have hit the Contact Flow (IVR) and are waiting to be connected to an agent; the chat thread may include bot interactions from the Contact Flow.

Chats With AgentNumber of active (unresolved) chat threads in the agents' inboxes.
Total ChatsNumber of all chat threads initiated by customers.

In addition, the chat monitor dashboard tab displays the Chat Monitor table, which provides information about active chat threads. The table displays the following columns.

AgentName of the agent if the value in the Thread Status column is With Agent.
DurationDuration for which the thread has been active.

Icon to view the Contact Details window of the customer who is a participant in the thread.


Token (department) to which the thread routes.

A department enables a chat thread to be linked to the appropriate service.

ThreadIcon to view the Chat Detail window, which contains the entire chat conversation that constitutes the thread.
Thread Status

Current status of the thread, which is one of the following values:

  • In Queue: Indicates that the thread is waiting to be connected to an agent.
  • With Agent: Indicates that the thread is connected to an agent and the agent is yet to resolve the thread. That is, the thread is in the agent's inbox.

    If the agent to whom a thread is connected logs off, the thread is no longer considered to be with the agent.


You can filter the rows in the table based on the values in the following columns, by using the Search box:

  • Agent
  • Queue
  • Thread Status

The monitor dashboard for a call center provides an overview of all dialing, email, SMS, and chat activities across all the services associated with the call center in real time.


For voice, email, and SMS channels, the widgets that appear on the Outbound, Blended, or Inbound tab are based on the Graphical User Interface (GUI) settings. To configure the GUI settings, see the GUI Settings section of the Administrative User Guide.


You can drag a widget to where you want it on the dashboard by using drag iconImage Removed, which appears next to the label of each widget.





You can use the Monitor widget to view call statistics for the current day. The statistics correspond to the overall values for the enterprise. You can view the statistics in a graphical view or a tabular view by using the Flip to Graphical View icon Flip to Graphical View iconImage Removed or the Flip to Table View icon Flip to Table View iconImage Removed, respectively.

titleCall Statistics (Graphical View)

In the graphical view, the following statistics appear based on the tab that you have selected (OutboundBlended, or Inbound):

  • Outbound service statistics with the percentage of outbound calls, longest hold duration, and percentage of contacts whose numbers have been dialed.
  • Blended (outbound and inbound) service statistics with the percentages of outbound and inbound calls and percentages of the average handle and talk time for the service.
  • Inbound service statistics with the percentage of inbound calls and percentages of the average handle and talk time for the service.


titleCall Statistics (Tabular View)

In the tabular view, you can view the statistics for inactive services by selecting the Show Inactive Services checkbox. You can also customize the table by using the Customize Columns icon Customize Columns iconImage Removed and view the following statistics.


For information about how to customize the table, see the Customizing Table on Voice Monitor Dashboard section of the Administrative User Guide.


Percentage of contacts for which dialing is completed.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


Percentage of calls that are abandoned by the customer before speaking to an agent (Total Abandoned Calls / Calls Offered).


Number of agents who are ready to receive calls from an inbound service.


Average time that customers wait in the queue before abandoning calls.


Average time that agents spend handling the complete interaction, from start to finish.


Average Hold Time


Average time that calls remain in the queue until agents answer them (that is, the time that customers wait in the queue). Unlike Average Hold Time, this statistic does not include the time that the caller spends interacting with the IVR (Contact Flow).


Average time that agents spend talking to customers. Unlike Average Handle Time, this statistic does not include hold or wrap-up time.


Average time that agents spend wrapping up calls.


Direction of call (for example, inbound and outbound).


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


Callback phone number for the service.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


Caller ID for the service.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


An icon that displays the following information about a call/transaction in the Calls window:

  • State: State of the call, which can be one of the following:
    • With no agents: Call is in the hold queue and is not yet connected to an agent
    • On hold: Call is placed on hold by an agent
    • With operator: Call is connected to an agent
  • Session ID: ID of the current session
  • Start Time: Start time of the call, represented in HH:MM:SS (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)
  • Connect Time: Time at which the call is connected, represented in HH:MM:SS
  • Bridge Time: Time at which the call is connected to an agent, represented in HH:MM:SS
  • End Time: End time of the call, represented in HH:MM:SS
  • Priority: Priority assigned to the call
  • Agent Skill: Skill assigned to the call
  • Account: Account number associated with the call
  • Phone: Dialed phone number for an outbound call or the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) for an inbound call
  • Name: Name of the agent who is connected to the call
  • Logon ID: Logon ID of the agent who is connected to the call

This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


Number of calls that are answered by agents within the defined service-level threshold.


Calls In Queue


Usage fees for the call center or service.


Real-time report for the current month.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


Operator phone number for the service.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


Real-time report for a user-defined date range.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


ID of the service.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


Name of the service.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


Sum of the number of calls that are answered by agents and calls that are abandoned by customers within the defined threshold, divided by the number of offered calls.


By default, the threshold is 20 seconds. You can, however, modify the value through the Service Level Seconds field, which appears on the Settings tab of the Client or Services window.


Type of service (for example, inbound, manual, quick connect, or unattended).


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


Longest time that a call was on hold.


Real-time report for the current day.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.


Number of contacts that are loaded from a campaign.


This statistic is available only for outbound and blended services.



If an active campaign is appended with contacts, the following statistics are accordingly updated on the monitor dashboard:

  • % Done
  • Completed
  • Remaining
  • Total Calls



You can use the Agents widget to view statistics of the agent activities in relation to calls for the current day. The statistics correspond to the overall values for the enterprise. You can view the statistics in a graphical view or a tabular view by using the Flip to Graphical View icon Flip to Graphical View iconImage Removed or the Flip to Table View icon Flip to Table View iconImage Removed, respectively. You can also view the details and the dialing activities of an agent.

titleAgent Statistics (Graphical View)

In the graphical view, the following statistics (charts) appears:

  • Agent states: Pie chart of the distribution of agents by state. You can view the number of agents in a given state by hovering over the pie that represents that state. If you do not want to view the statistic of a state in the chart, click that state below the chart.
  • Live connects: Line chart of the number of calls handled by agents for the last half hour (in increments of five minutes). This chart enables you to compare the volume of connected calls with the volume of agents who are logged on.
  • Agent state time: Bar chart of the distribution of total time (in minutes) spent by agents in a state. You can view the duration in each state by hovering over the chart. If you do not want to view the statistic of a state in the chart, click that state below the chart.


titleAgent Statistics (Tabular View)

In the tabular view, you can customize the table by using the Customize Columns icon Customize Columns iconImage Removed and view the following statistics.


Agent team to which the agent belongs.


ID of the service into which the agent is signed.


Name of the service into which the agent is signed.


Current state of the agent, which can be one of the following:

  • Ready: Agent is ready to receive calls.
  • Not Ready: Agent is not ready to receive calls.

  • In Call: Agent is on one or more active calls.

  • Manual Dial: Agent is in the manual dialing mode (on a non-manual service), before dialing is attempted.

  • On Hold: Agent has placed all active calls on hold.

  • Transferring: Agent has been reserved by the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) and is in the process of being connected to a call.

  • Wrap Up: Agent has concluded the call but is yet to assign a disposition (termination) code.

  • Preview Dialing: Agent is previewing an account and has the option to dial the number presented to them, skip dialing the number, or manually dial a different number.

  • In Call (Inbound): Agent is handling an inbound call.

  • In Call (Direct): Agent is handling a direct inbound call on the secondary line.

  • Not Ready (Voice Mail): Agent is checking the personal or group voicemail.


ID of the agent team to which the agent belongs.


Total Calls


Total Ready Time 



You can search for an agent by specifying at least three consecutive characters of their name in the Name filter box. You can also search for agents in a specific state by specifying at least three consecutive characters of the state in the Name filter field.


titleViewing Agent Details and Dialing Activities

To view the details and the dialing activities of an agent, in the tabular view, double-click the row containing the name of the agent.
The Agent Detail window appears, displaying the following tabs.


Displays the following sections:

  • General: Displays the following information:
    • Duration (in secs): Duration for which the agent has been in the current state
    • Outbound Calls: Number of outbound calls handled by the agent for the current day
    • Inbound Calls: Number of inbound calls handled by the agent for the current day
    • Account: Account number associated with the call
    • Customer Phone: Phone number dialed (outbound) or the ANI captured (inbound)
    • Agent Skill: Agent skill assigned to the call
    • Calls Received: Number of calls handled by the agent for the current day
  • Charts: Displays the following charts:
    • Today's RPCs: Total right party contacts for the current day
    • Today's Online Time: Time that the agent was online for the current day


Displays the Agent Activity Report for the current day. 


Displays the Call Recording Report for the current day. 


Displays the custom fields associated with the agent entity.


titleSwitching Agent State

You can switch the state of one or more agents to Ready or Not Ready. To do so:

In the tabular view, in the rows containing the names of the agents whose state you want to switch, select the checkboxes, and then, as required, click the Ready icon Ready iconImage Removed or the Not Ready icon Not Ready iconImage Removed.
The Agent Panel window appears, in which the Can Be Changed column indicates if you can switch the state of an agent. 


For a given row, if this column does not contain an icon, you cannot switch the state of the agent.


Optionally, in the Message To Agents field, enter your message for the agents, stating the reason for changing their status.

Click Ok.
A message appears to indicate if the state of the agents is switched.


Your message appears on the agent desktops, along with your name and the time that the state was switched.


titleSwitching Agent Service

For one or more agents, you can switch the service into which they are signed. To do so:

In the tabular view, in the rows containing the names of the agents whose service you want to change, select the checkboxes, and then click the Switch Service icon Switch Service iconImage Removed.
The Agent Panel window appears, in which the Allow Switch Service column indicates if you can switch the service of an agent. 


For a given row, if this column does not contain an icon, you cannot switch the service of the agent.


In the Search Service field, select the service into which you want to sign the agents.


Click Ok.
A message appears to indicate if the service of the agents is switched.

  • If an agent is in the Ready or Not Ready state, the agent is immediately switched to the new service. If the agent is in any other state, the agent is switched to the new service only after they change their state to Ready or Not Ready.
  • Your message appears on the agent desktops, along with your name and the time that the service was switched.


titleLogging Agents Off

You can log one or more agents off from their agent desktops unless they are in a call or on hold. To do so:

In the tabular view, in the rows containing the names of the agents whom you want to log off, select the checkboxes, and then click the Log off icon Log off iconImage Removed.
The Agent Panel window appears, in which the Can Be Logged Off column indicates if you can log an agent off. 


For a given row, if this column does not contain an icon, you cannot log the agent off.


Optionally, in the Message To Agents field, enter your message for the agents, stating the reason for logging them off.

Click Ok.
A message appears to indicate if the agents are logged off.


Your message appears on the agent desktops, along with your name and the time that they were logged off.


titleSending a Message to Agents

To send a message to one or more agents:

In the tabular view, in the rows containing the names of the agents to whom you want to send a message, select the checkboxes, and then click the Send Message icon Send Message iconImage Removed.
The Agent Panel window appears, in which the Can Message Be Sent column indicates if you can send a message to an agent. 


For a given row, if this column does not contain an icon, you cannot send a message to the agent.


In the Message To Agents field, enter your message for the agents.

Click Ok.
A message appears to indicate if your message was sent to the agents.


Your message appears on the agent desktops, along with your name and the time that the message was sent.


titleChatting with Agents

You can chat with a maximum of 10 agents. To chat with one or more agents:


In the tabular view, in the rows containing the names of the agents with whom you want to chat, select the checkboxes, and then click the Chat icon Chat iconImage Removed.
The Chat window appears, displaying the names of the selected agents in the Agents section.

Select the agent with whom you want to chat, enter your message in the text box, and then press Enter.
Your message is sent to the agent.

  • If the agents reply to your messages after you have closed the Chat window, the number of missed messages appears next to the Chat icon on the Agents widget Chat icon with count of messagesImage Removed.
  • If you navigate away from the LiveVox Portal, the agents cannot send you messages.


titleAgent Monitoring

In addition to monitoring agent statistics, as a manager, you can monitor a call through the following monitoring options:

  • Monitor: Listen to a call between your agent and customer in real time.

  • Coach: Listen to a call between your agent and customer, and guide your agent as they handle the call, without the customer hearing the conversation between you and the agent.
  • Barge: Voluntarily participate in the call between your agent and customer by interacting with both the agent and the customer.
  • You can monitor your agents if you have any of the following roles:
    • Manager
    • Superuser
    • Sysadmin
  • You can use the monitoring options (Monitor, Coach, and Barge) even when an agent is not on a call (Not Ready state).

  • The agent or the customer is not notified through any sound when you enter or exit a call through any of the monitoring options.

Before you can monitor an agent, ensure that the following checkboxes in the Agent Monitoring section on the Settings tab of the Client window are selected as required:

  • Monitoring Enabled
  • Coaching Enabled
  • Barging In Enabled

To monitor an agent:

  1. In the tabular view of the Agents widget of the voice monitor dashboard, click Start Monitor.
    Alternatively, you can double-click the row containing the name of the agent whose call you want to monitor, and then, in the Agent Details window, click Connect.


    This step is required to establish an audio pathway.

    The Enter Phone Number window appears, displaying the following fields:

    • Phone Number: Uses your Direct Inward Dialing (DID) number to establish the pathway.
    • Extension: Your extension. This field is optional.
    • Connect using computer: Uses your computer audio to establish the pathway.
  2. Either enter a value in the Phone Number and/or Extension fields or select the Connect using computer checkbox, and then click Ok.

    • Do not enter a special character in the Phone Number or Extension field.
    • If you select the Connect using computer checkbox, your phone receives a call stating: This is a LiveVox Call.
    • LiveVox supports voice connectivity over Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox through the Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) technology.

    A message stating that the monitoring is initiated appears.

  3. In the Monitor column of the row containing the name of the agent whose call you want to monitor, or in the Agent Details window for the agent, click any of the following icons or buttons (monitoring options) as required:

    • Monitor Monitor iconImage Removed
    • Coach Coach iconImage Removed
    • Barge Barge iconImage Removed
      A message stating that the selected monitoring action is launched appears.
    • When you are monitoring a call, on the Agents widget, the cell in the Monitor column of the row containing the name of the agent appears green.
    • You can switch among the monitoring options. For example, you can click Barge after you have clicked Monitor or Coach.
    • You can switch the monitoring to a different agent.

If the audio path was established through the phone number (DID) mode, you can navigate to a different monitor dashboard (including for other levels) or to any window on the LiveVox Portal, with your connection remaining intact. You can end the monitoring by manually disconnecting your call. However, if the audio path was established through the computer (WebRTC) mode, you are disconnected when you navigate away from the current monitor dashboard.


titleCampaign Control

You can use the Campaign Control widget to view and control the campaigns. 

  • You can search for a campaign by using using the Name filter box, which appears on the widget when at least 11 campaigns are present. To begin a search, enter at least three characters in the box.
  • To view additional details of a campaign, on the Campaign Control widget, double-click the row containing the campaign.
titleFiltering Campaigns

You can filter the campaigns on the Campaign Control widget by using the Filter By field, which contains the following options for criteria:

  • Today's: Displays all the campaigns uploaded on the current day.
  • Active: Displays all the campaigns uploaded on the current day and contain numbers to be contacted.
  • Playing: Displays all the campaigns containing numbers that are being contacted.


titleCampaign Statistics

The following statistics appear on the Campaign Control widget:

  • Loaded: Number of valid contacts loaded from the campaigns.
  • Remaining: Number of contacts in the campaigns who are remaining to be contacted.
  • % Completed: Percentage of contacts in the campaigns that have been contacted.

You can customize the table on the widget by using the Customize Columns icon Customize Columns iconImage Removed and view the following columns. 


Percentage of contacts in the campaign that have been contacted.


Answering machine options for the campaign. This column contains one of the following values:

  • Don't Leave Messages
  • Leave Messages
  • Transfer all Connections


Date and time when the campaign was built. 


Following icons to control the campaign:

  • Build Campaign Build Campaign iconImage RemovedProcesses (builds) the contacts in the campaign, changing the campaign state from Ready to build to Ready.
  • Pause Campaign Pause Campaign iconImage Removed: Temporarily stops the campaign, changing the campaign state from Playing to Paused.
  • Play Campaign Play Campaign iconImage Removed: Plays the campaign, changing the campaign state from Ready or Paused to Playing.
  • Stop Campaign Stop Campaign iconImage Removed: Permanently stops the campaign, changing the campaign state from Playing or Paused to Done.

The icons are disabled until their functions are applicable to the campaign.

  • A stopped campaign is reported and must be requeued to begin contacting.
  • The icons are disabled for deactivated campaigns.
  • If you attempt to pause or stop a system-generated campaign (such as inbound, manual, transactional email, transactional SMS, and scheduled callback), you are prompted to confirm your action.


Number of valid contacts loaded from the campaign.


Depending on the value in the Scrub column, the value in this column is either the same as that in the Uploaded column or less than that in the Uploaded column.


State of the campaign. This column contains one of the following icons:

  • Ready to build Ready to build iconImage Removed: Campaign is not yet processed for contacting.
  • Loading Loading iconImage Removed: Campaign is loading.
  • Ready Image Removed: Campaign is built and is ready to play based on the schedule.
  • Playing Playing iconImage Removed: Campaign is active and calls are being placed.
  • Paused Paused iconImage Removed: Campaign is paused and is ready to resume playing.
  • Done Done iconImage Removed: Campaign is completed or stopped; however, it is yet to be reported.
  • Reported Reported iconImage Removed: Campaign is completed or stopped, and it is reported.
  • Scheduled Scheduled iconImage RemovedCampaign is scheduled to play at a predefined time.
  • Deactivated Deactivated iconImage RemovedCampaign has encountered errors.


Number of contacts in the campaign who are remaining to be contacted.

  • Before the campaign is run, the value in this column is the same as that in the Loaded column.
  • When the campaign is run, the value in this column is dependent on that in the Completed column.


  • None: No phone number in the campaign is scrubbed.
  • Wireless: Scrubs all wireless phone numbers in the campaign so that all landline numbers are contacted.
  • Landline: Scrubs all landline numbers in the campaign so that all wireless phone numbers are contacted.
  • Segmented Wireless: Uses different contact strategies, based on the position of a phone number, to contact both landline and wireless numbers from the campaign. This mode is achieved by shifting the wireless numbers to positions 16 through 30 of the phone number list of an account. That is, all wireless numbers from positions 1 through 15 are scrubbed.



If an active campaign is appended with contacts, the following statistics are accordingly updated on the widget:

  • %Completed
  • Completed
  • Loaded
  • Remaining
  • Uploaded
The Loaded and Uploaded values are updated regardless of whether the campaign is playing.


titleAgent Averages

You can use the Agent Averages widget of the voice monitor dashboard to view a chart of the distribution of the average time spent by the agents who are signed into outbound services, in a specific state (such as In Call, Not Ready, Ready, or Wrapup). You can view this statistic in real time or for the last half hour by using the Real Time or Last 30 Minutes options in the drop-down arrow on the widget.

The value that appears next to a state outside the chart indicates the average time that the agents have spent in the state; this value is represented in the following format: hours: minutes: seconds. The value in the parentheses indicates the same value in percentage.


If you do not want to view the statistic of a given state in the chart, click that state outside the chart. 


titleAgent Book

You can use the Agent Book widget of the voice monitor dashboard to view the names of all the agents who are signed into the services. The widget displays the following statistics.

  • Outbound Calls: Number of outbound calls handled by the agent.
  • Inbound Calls: Number of inbound calls handled by the agent.

To view additional details, such as the service into which the agent is signed or the call time, hover over the avatar of the agent.

  • This widget is available for an outbound service.
  • The color that appears on the circle of the avatar of an agent indicates the state of the agent. For example, a red circle indicates that the agent is in the Not Ready state.


titleHold Queue

You can use the Hold Queue widget to view the calls that are waiting in the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) queue to be offered to an available agent. You can customize the table that appears on the widget by using the Customize Columns icon Customize Columns iconImage Removed and view the following statistics.



The email monitor dashboard provides the following statistics for active email campaigns for the current day, in real time:

  • State of unattended email campaigns.
  • Email queues of agents, including the state of email threads.

In addition to monitoring the email channel, you can use the dashboard to change the state of email threads by assigning them to agents or moving them to the queue.


titleOutbound Email Statistics

The Outbound tab displays the following statistics.


Percentage of emails that are opened by customers.


By default, these statistics appear for email campaigns that are run in the last 30 days. You can, however, change the length of the campaign by using the View Campaigns From field, which contains the following options:

  • Today's
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 30 days
  • Last 90 days

In addition, you can select the campaign for which you want to view the outbound statistics by using the View Campaigns field, which contains a list of all active campaigns.


titleInbound Email Statistics

The Inbound tab displays the following statistics.


In addition, the Inbound tab displays the Email Inbox Monitor table, which provides information about active email threads. The table displays the following columns.


Name of the agent if the value in the Thread Status column is With Agent.


Icon to view the Contact Details window of the customer who is a participant in the thread.


Current state of the last message on the thread, which is one of the following values:

  • Unread: Indicates that an agent has not read the message or has marked the message as unread.
  • Read: Indicates that an agent has read the message.
  • Replied: Indicates that the last message was sent by an agent.


Current status of the thread, which is one of the following values:

  • In Queue: Indicates that the thread is in the group inbox.
  • With Agent: Indicates that the thread is in the agent's inbox, regardless of the status of the agent (that is, logged on or logged off).

You can filter the rows in the table by using the Search box.

titleAssigning or Reassigning an Email Thread 

You can assign an email thread that is in the group inbox to an agent, or you can reassign an email thread that is in an agent's inbox to another agent. To do so:

  1. On the Inbound tab, in the Email Inbox Monitor table, select the row containing the thread that you want to assign to an agent.
  2. Click Assign to Agent.
    The Select Agent window appears, displaying the IDs and names of agents to whom you can assign the thread.
  3. Select the row containing the name of the agent to whom you want to assign the thread, and then click OK.


    If the inbox of the selected agent is full (based on the configured thread limit for the agent), you cannot assign the thread to the agent.

    The thread is assigned to the agent that you selected, and the name of the agent appears in the Agent column of the Email Inbox Monitor table.

titleMoving an Email Thread to the Queue

You can move an email thread that is in an agent's inbox to the queue (group inbox). To do so:

  1. On the Inbound tab, in the Email Inbox Monitor table, select the row containing the thread that you want to move to the queue.
  2. Click Move to Queue.
    The thread is moved to the queue, and the Agent column of the Email Inbox Monitor table does not display a value.



The SMS monitor dashboard provides the following statistics for active SMS campaigns for the current day, in real time:

  • State of unattended SMS campaigns.
  • SMS queues of agents, including the state of SMS threads.

In addition to monitoring the SMS channel, you can use the dashboard to change the state of SMS threads by assigning them to agents or moving them to the queue.


titleOutbound SMS Statistics

The Outbound tab displays the following statistics.


By default, these statistics appear for SMS campaigns that are run in the last 30 days. You can, however, change the length of the campaign by using the View Campaigns From field, which contains the following options:

  • Today's
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 30 days
  • Last 90 days

In addition, you can select the campaign for which you want to view the outbound statistics by using the View Campaigns field, which contains a list of all active campaigns.


titleInbound SMS Statistics

The Inbound tab displays the following statistics.


Number of agents who are ready to respond to SMSes.


Number of resolved SMS threads.


Number of SMS threads in the group inbox.


Number of SMS threads in the inboxes of the agents who are logged off.


Number of all SMS threads, which includes both unresolved and resolved SMS threads.


Number of unresolved SMS threads, which includes threads in both the agent's inbox and the group inbox.

In addition, the Inbound tab displays the SMS Inbox Monitor table, which provides information about active SMS threads. The table displays the following columns.


Name of the agent if the value in the Thread Status column is With Agent.


Icon to the Contact window of the customer who is a participant in the thread.


Current state of the last message on the thread, which is one of the following values:

  • Unread: Indicates that an agent has not read the message or has marked the message as unread.
  • Read: Indicates that an agent has read the message.
  • Replied: Indicates that the last message was sent by an agent.


Current status of the thread, which is one of the following values:

  • In Queue: Indicates that the thread is in the group inbox.
  • With Agent: Indicates that the thread is in the agent's inbox, regardless of the status of the agent (that is, logged on or logged off).

You can filter the rows in the table by using the Search box.

titleAssigning or Reassigning an SMS Thread

You can assign an SMS thread that is in the group inbox to an agent, or you can reassign an SMS thread that is in an agent's inbox to another agent. To do so:

  1. On the Inbound tab, in the SMS Inbox Monitor table, select the row containing the thread that you want to assign to an agent.
  2. Click Assign to Agent.
    The Select Agent window appears, displaying the IDs and names of agents to whom you can assign the thread.
  3. Select the row containing the name of the agent to whom you want to assign the thread, and then click OK.


    If the inbox of the selected agent is full (based on the configured thread limit for the agent), you cannot assign the thread to the agent.

    The thread is assigned to the agent that you selected, and the name of the agent appears in the Agent column of the SMS Inbox Monitor table.

titleMoving an SMS Thread to the Queue

You can move an SMS thread that is in an agent's inbox to the queue (group inbox). To do so:

  1. On the Inbound tab, in the SMS Inbox Monitor table, select the row containing the thread that you want to move to the queue.
  2. Click Move to Queue.
    The thread is moved to the queue, and the Agent column of the SMS Inbox Monitor table does not display a value.



The chat monitor dashboard provides the following statistics for the current day, in real time:

  • State of chat threads.
  • Chat queues of agents, including the state of chat threads.

In addition, the dashboard provides information about active chat threads.


titleChat Statistics

The chat monitor dashboard displays the following statistics.


Number of agents who are ready to respond to chats (that is, agents who are logged on to a service for which the chat channel is configured, who are in the Ready state, and for whom the chat channel is enabled). 

The chat channel is considered to be configured for a service if the Chat Routing Token field of the service contains a value.


Average time taken to resolve chat threads. 

  • Resolution time is the difference between the time that a chat session initiated by a customer connects to an agent and the time that the agent ends the session by marking the thread resolved or by dispositioning it.
  • Even after a customer has left a chat session, the thread is considered unresolved until the agent ends the session.


Number of incoming chat threads that are waiting to be connected to an agent.

This count includes any chats that have hit the Contact Flow (IVR) and are waiting to be connected to an agent; the chat thread may include bot interactions from the Contact Flow.


In addition, the chat monitor dashboard tab displays the Chat Monitor table, which provides information about active chat threads. The table displays the following columns.


Icon to view the Contact Details window of the customer who is a participant in the thread.


Token (department) to which the thread routes.

A department enables a chat thread to be linked to the appropriate service.


Current status of the thread, which is one of the following values:

  • In Queue: Indicates that the thread is waiting to be connected to an agent.
  • With Agent: Indicates that the thread is connected to an agent and the agent is yet to resolve the thread. That is, the thread is in the agent's inbox.

    If the agent to whom a thread is connected logs off, the thread is no longer considered to be with the agent.


You can filter the rows in the table based on the values in the following columns, by using the Search box:

  • Agent
  • Queue
  • Thread Status