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titleCreating a New Export Format
  1. ClickAdd New Format.
  2. Select or specify values in the following fields:


    Select the required editor from the drop-down list. Currently, you have three options; AgentContact, and Report Map.


    Each format is represented by a unique Format Id once it is created.


    Specify a name for the format. This name is used to refer to the export format throughout the configuration manager.


    Enter the description to provide additional information about the export format.


    Select the desired field delimiter from the drop-down list.

    Line Break

    Select the line break style from the drop-down list.

    Sort By Field

    Select how you want the results to be arranged in the export file, from the drop-down list.

    Sort Order

    Select either Ascending or Descending from the drop-down list to set the order of the results.

    Add Quotes To

    Select an option from the drop-down list to specify if no fields, all fields, or only those containing the delimiter must be placed in quotes.

    Print Header

    Select the checkbox if you want to include a header row in the export file.

  3. Add the mapping to the format. See Adding a Mapping section. 
  4. Click Save Format to create a new export format.

Additionally, the following fields are available, if you select Report Map in the Editor field: 


Report Map helps you to create Call Detail Report (CDR) formats. CDR formats are used to display customized columns of information on all calls and do not perform any analysis. 

Highest Priority Only

Select the desired option from the drop-down list. You have the following options:

  • None: The CDR will have a record for each call attempt made for all accounts.
  • By Account Transaction ID (Y): The CDR will display the records with the "best" result across multiple attempts from a single campaign.
  • By Account (A): The CDR will display the records with the "best" result across all campaigns from which we tried to contact the account (the best result is the last attempt that is considered successful).

Click the ellipsis next to Filters to define filtering options to exclude or include interaction outcomes, groups of outcomes, or results from certain campaign types. The Detailed Result Filter window appears.

  1. To define outcome filtering options, select or specify values in the following fields:
    • Exclude Not Connected: To remove the not connected system outcomes.
    • Exclude Not Made: To remove the not made system outcomes.
    • Exclude Result Type: To remove System, Agent, or neither outcomes.
    • Call Direction: To include only outcomes from an inbound, outbound, or blended service.
    • Campaign Type: To include only outcomes that came from an outbound, callback, inbound, scheduled callback, or manual campaign.
    • Call Type: To include only outcomes that were handled with Preview or a Manual service.
    • Interaction Type: To include only phone calls that were outbound, callback, or an SMS.
  2. In the Detailed Result Filter section, specify a name for the filter in the Filter Name field.
  3. Select a filter type to specify whether to include or exclude the outcome results.
  4. Select the required interaction outcome results from the table by checking the boxes. You can select multiple or all results. 
  5. Click Ok.

The Detailed Results Filter table displays all the interaction outcome results generated by both agent and system for all interaction types. To view the list of Termination Codes mapped to the results, on the Configure tab of LVP, click Services  click either Configure > Services > Services Termination Codes tab tab or Configure > Agents > Termination Codes.

titleViewing an Export Format
  1. Select the required editor from the Editor drop-down list. Currently, you have three options; AgentContact, and Report Map.
  2. Select the required format from the Format drop-down list. All the details about the format and mapped fields in the format, appear.
    1. Format Details
      • Format Id: Shows the unique export format ID
      • Name: Shows the name of the export format
      • Description: Shows the description of the export format
      • Delimiter: Shows the delimiter for export format 
      • Line Break: Shows the line break style
      • Sort By Field: Defines how the results should be arranged in the export file.
      • Sort Order: Sets the sort results in Ascending or Descending.
      • Add Quotes To: Specifies which fields should be placed in quotes
      • Print Header: Indicates whether a header row is included in the export file.
    2. Column Mapping Details
      • ID: The mapping ID
      • Field: The mapped field which represents a column in your export file.
      • Header: The header name assigned to the column.
      • Date Format: The date format applied to a field if any.
      • Number Format: The number format applied to a field.
      • Time Zone: The time zone which applies to date or time fields.
      • Fixed Width Size: The fixed width size of the field if any.
      • Padding Chars: The number of padding characters if Fixed Width Size is configured.
      • Alignment: The alignment style of the column in the export file.
      • Order: The number which specifies the order of the column in the export file.
