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titleSearching for an Account View

To search for an account view, in the Accounts Config window, on the Views subtab (on the Views tab), in the Filter box, enter the name or description of the account view (at least three two characters) of the account view.


The Settings tab of the Accounts Config window enables you to define the behavior of the uploading process of accounts and define the types and classifications of an account.


titleCreating an Account Type

The type of an account is determined by the Type field in an account record. You can create the options (account types) for the Type field. 

To create an account type:

  1. In the Accounts Config window, on the Settings tab, in the Types section, click New.
    The New Type window appears.
  2. In the Please enter Type name field, enter a name for the account type (for example, Change Log, Prospect, or Support).


    The value that you enter in this field appears as an option in the Type field of an account.

  3. Click Save.
    The account type is created, and it appears in the table in the Types section.
  • The order in which the types appear in the Types section represents the order in which they appear as options in the Type field of an account. You can modify the position of a type by dragging the name of the type in the Types section to the position you want.
  • In the Types section, you can:
    • Modify the name of a type by clicking the Name cell in the row displaying the type and then entering the name you want.
    • Search for a type by entering in the Filter box the partial or complete name of the type.
    • Delete a type by hovering over the row displaying the type and then using the delete iconImage Removed.

titleModifying an Account Classification or Type
  • To modify the name of an account classification or type: In the Accounts Config window, on the Settings tab, in the Classifications or Types section, in the row displaying the account classification or type, click the Name cell, and then enter the name you want.
  • To define the position of an account classification or type in the Classification or Type field of an account: In the Accounts Config window, on the Settings tab, in the Classifications or Types section, drag the row displaying the account classification or type to the position you want.


    The order in which the account classifications and types appear in the Classifications and Types sections represents the order in which they appear as options in the Classification and Type fields of an account. You can also identify the order by the values in the Order column in the sections (for example, the value 1 in the Order column indicates that the corresponding account classification or type appears in the first position in the Classification or Type field of an account).

titleSearching for an Account Classification or Type

To search for an account type or classification: In the Accounts Config window, on the Settings tab, in the Classifications or Types section, in the Filter box, enter the name of the account classification or type (at least two characters).

titleDeleting an Account Classification or Type

To delete an account classification or type: In the Accounts Config window, on the Settings tab, in the Classifications or Types section, hover over the row displaying the account classification or type, and then click the delete iconImage Added.


titleCreating an Account Classification

You can define the options that appear in the Classification field of an account by creating account classifications (for example, Gold, Platinum, or Silver). Each of the account classifications that you create is displayed as an option in the Classification field of an account.

To create an account classification:

  1. In the Accounts Config window, on the Settings tab, in the Classifications section, click New.
    The New window appears.
  2. In the Please enter classification name field, enter a name for the classification, and then click Save.
    The classification is created, and it appears in the Classifications section. This classification appears as an option in the Classification field of an account
  • The order in which the types appear in the Classifications section represents the order in which they appear as options in the Classification field of an account. You can modify the position of a type by dragging the name of the classification in the Classifications section to the position you want.
  • In the Classifications section, you can:
  • Modify the name of a classification by clicking the Name cell in the row displaying the type and then entering the name you want.
  • Search for a classification by entering in the Filter box the partial or complete name of the classification.
  • Delete a classification by hovering over the row displaying the classification and then using the delete iconImage Removed
    1. .
    titleCreating an Account Classification

    You can define the options that appear in the Classification field of an account by creating account classifications (for example, Gold, Platinum, or Silver). Each of the account classifications that you create is displayed as an option in the Classification field of an account.

    To create an account classification:

    1. In the Accounts Config window, on the Settings tab, in the Classifications section, click New.
      The New window appears.
    2. In the Please enter classification name field, enter a name for the classification, and then click Save.
      The classification is created, and it appears in the Classifications section. This classification appears as an option in the Classification field of an account.


    The SLAs tab of the Accounts Config window enables you to define the service-level agreement (SLAs) for tickets that are associated with accounts based on the account classification and ticket priority.


    If a ticket whose priority is high is associated with an account whose classification is Platinum, the SLA of the ticket is defined by the account SLA for the respective priority and classification (as opposed to the ticket SLA for the respective priority, which is defined on the Settings tab of the Ticketing Config window).

    To create an account SLA:

    1. In the Accounts Config window, on the SLAs tab, click New.
      The New Service Level Agreement window appears.
    2. Specify values in the following fields as required.

      titleField Descriptions

      Account ClassificationAccount classification for which you want the SLA to be applicable.
      Ticket Priority

      Ticket priority for which you want the SLA to be applicable.

      Time Duration (Hours)

      Value (in hours) for the SLA. By default, this field displays the SLA value that is defined for the selected ticket priority. You can, however, modify the value.


      The SLA value is defined for a ticket priority through the SLA Hours cell in the Priorities section on the Settings tab of the Ticketing Config window.

      Include Saturday

      Indicates if Saturdays are included in the SLA. By default, this checkbox displays the status that is defined for the selected ticket priority. You can, however, modify the status.


      The status is defined for a ticket priority through the Include Saturday cell in the Priorities section on the Settings tab of the Ticketing Config window.

      Include Sunday

      Indicates if Sundays are included in the SLA. By default, this checkbox displays the status that is defined for the selected ticket priority. You can, however, modify the status.


      The status is defined for a ticket priority through the Include Sunday cell in the Priorities section on the Settings tab of the Ticketing Config window.

    3. Click Save.
      The SLA is created, and it appears on the SLAs tab.
