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Auto Schedule Jobs

You can auto-schedule shifts for agents so that the system automatically picks agents based on availability.

You can view the status of the auto-scheduled jobs, go to Agent Scheduling > History > Auto Schedule Jobs.

Downloadable Knowledge Base (KB) Articles

Your customers can now download the KB articles through the web widget. In addition, as they scroll down the list of KB articles on the widget, the list expands to display more articles.

Email Address and SMS Code Restriction

You can now assign an email address or SMS code to specific services so that only the assigned address or code is available to the agents who are signed in to those services when the agents send an email or SMS (transactional). 





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rootLiveVox U15 Release Notes

Automated Reports


This document provides an overview of new features and enhancements to existing features of the LiveVox User Portal in the LiveVox U15 release.


Table of Contents

New Features in LiveVox U15 User Portal 

This section describes the new features in the LiveVox U15 release.


Agent Monitoring Control

You can now individually enable or disable the call monitoring options (monitor, coach, or barge) on the monitor dashboard at the client level. To facilitate this feature, on the Settings tab of the Client window, the Agent Monitoring section is added. This section displays the following checkboxes, which are selected by default:

  • Monitoring Enabled
  • Coaching Enabled
  • Barging In Enabled

The Start Monitor button on the Agents widget of the voice monitor dashboard appears only if any of these checkboxes are selected.

Agent Forecasting

You can create staffing forecasts based on historical data or anticipated workload for different channels such as voice, email, SMS, and chat. You can create a historical forecast for a single day or multiple weeks or months. Based on the forecasts created, you can schedule shifts for agents and assign the workload to agents. To facilitate this feature, in the Agent Scheduling window, the Forecasts tab is added.


You can access the Agent Scheduling window from either the WFO tab or the Configure tab:

  • WFO > Workforce Management > Agent Scheduling 
  • Configure > Agents > Agent Scheduling




Agent Thread Limits

You can now configure Speech IQ to automatically generate and share reports at a specific frequency and time. These automated reports are updated in real time and delivered to the selected email recipients in a comma-separated value file. specify the number of unresolved chat, email, and SMS threads that each agent can handle. To facilitate this feature, the following changes are made:

The Add Automated Report button is added to the Search window that appears when you click the Advanced Search icon (Advanced Search iconImage Removed) in any report window.


To view a report window, on the WFO tab, go to Speech IQ > Reporting, and then select the type of report for which you want an automated report to be generated.

in the Agent Details window, the Channels section of the Info tab is now the Channels tab. When you select a channel, the following fields appear:

  • Max SMS Threads: The default value is 5. You can select any value between 1 and 10. 
  • Max Email Threads: The default value is 10. You can select any value between 1 and 10. 
  • Max Active Chats: The default value is 5. You can select any value between 1 and 10. 


    This field is applicable only to the chat between the agent and your customers.


The Agent Details window appears when you double-click a row containing an agent on the General tab of the Agents window.

Automated Reports

You can now configure Speech IQ to automatically generate and share reports at a specific frequency and time. These automated reports are updated in real time and delivered to the selected email recipients in a comma-separated value file. To facilitate this feature, the following changes are made:

  • The Add Automated Report button is added to the Search window that appears when you click the Advanced Search icon (Advanced Search iconImage Added) in any report window.


    To view a report window, on the WFO tab, go to Speech IQ > Reporting, and then select the type of report for which you want an automated report to be generated.

  • The Automated Reports option is added to the Configuration subsection in the Speech IQ section of the WFO tab. When you click the Automated Reports option, the Automated Reports window appears, displaying all scheduled reports.

Auto Schedule Jobs

You can auto-schedule shifts for agents so that the system automatically picks agents based on availability.

You can view the status of the auto-scheduled jobs, go to Agent Scheduling > History > Auto Schedule Jobs.

Customized Contact Views

You can now easily segment, track, prioritize, or manage contacts when viewing a contact table by creating customized views of contacts (contact filters) for yourself and your agents. To facilitate this feature, the Contact Views subsection is added to the Contacts section of the Configure tab.

When you click the Contact Views subsection, the Contact Admin window appears, displaying the following tabs:

  • Views: Enables you to create, modify, copy, and delete filters.
  • Design: Enables you to specify the filter criteria and the fields to display in a filter. In addition, this tab enables you to restrict the visibility and editing of the filter to selected users.
  • Preview: Enables you to preview the filter.

Downloadable Knowledge Base (KB) Articles

Your customers can now download the KB articles through the web widget. In addition, as they scroll down the list of KB articles on the widget, the list expands to display more articles.

Email Address and SMS Code Restriction

You can now assign an email address or SMS code to specific services so that only the assigned address or code is available to the agents who are signed in to those services when the agents send an email or SMS (transactional). 


When the agents respond to an email or SMS, by default, the email address or SMS code used in the response are the same as those associated with the original email or SMS thread, and the agents cannot modify that address or code.

To facilitate this feature, the following changes are made:

  • In the Email Channel window, on the Addresses tab, if you double-click a row displaying an email address, the Email Channel window for the address appears. The Services tab of this window enables you to assign the address to services.
  • In the SMS Channel window, on the Codes tab, if you double-click a row displaying an SMS code, the SMS Channel window for the code appears. This window enables you to assign the code to services.

Email and SMS Messagebook

You can now define which email and SMS message templates your agents can use for each Agent Desktop when sending or responding to a message. To facilitate this feature, the following changes are made in the Agent Desktop window:

  • The Messagebook Enabled checkbox is moved to the General tab. The checkbox indicates if the voice messagebook button is available on the Agent Panel for calls.
  • The Messagebook tab is always displayed (as opposed to being displayed only when you selected the Message Enabled checkbox). This tab enables you to add only the deployed messages that are assigned to the following types of standard contact flows (that is, standard contact flows whose names begin with the following text):
    • Email
    • Messagebook
    • SMS
    • WhatsApp

Email and SMS Threads on the Monitor Dashboard

You can now actively manage conversations by agents to ensure that your customers' queries are resolved quickly. To facilitate this, you can perform the following actions on email and SMS threads on the monitor dashboard:

  • Assign a thread that is in the group inbox to an agent.
  • Reassign a thread that is in an agent's inbox to another agent.
  • Move a thread that is in an agent's inbox to the group inbox.

In addition, on the Inbound tab of the Email and SMS sections of the monitor dashboard, in the Email Inbox Monitor and SMS Inbox Monitor tables, the following buttons are added:

  • Move to Queue
  • Assign to Agent

Email Billing Report

You can generate the Email Billing Report to identify the count of emails that you have launched in a specific duration. You can generate the report based on various parameters. To facilitate this enhancement, on the Review tab, in the Billing Reports section, the Email Billing Report option is added.

Emergency Service

You can add the address of your call center and assign a phone number to be used in case of an emergency. This feature enables your agents to make an emergency 911 call from any manual service in the call center. To facilitate this feature, the following changes are made:

  • In the Client window, on the Billing tab, in the UCaaS section, the Emergency Services option is added.
  • When viewing a call center, in the Call Center Details window, the Emergency Services tab is added.

Export and Import of Accounts and Tickets

You can now manually export and import accounts and tickets. In addition, you can enable your agents to import accounts and tickets. To facilitate this feature, the following changes are made:

  • In the Accounts window, the Settings icon (Settings iconImage Added) displaying the Export Accounts and Import Accounts options is added.

  • In the Ticketing window:

    • On the Accounts menu, the Export Accounts and Import Accounts options are added.
    • On the Tickets menu, the Export Tickets and Import Tickets options are added.


      The Ticketing window appears when you go to Ticketing > Tickets on the Configure tab.

  • In the Designer window, on the Properties subtab of the Desktops tab:
    • For the Accounts element, in the Options section, the Allow Account Export and Allow Account Import checkboxes are added.
    • For the Ticketing element, in the Options section, the following checkboxes are added:
      • Allow Account Export
      • Allow Account Import
      • Allow Ticket Export
      • Allow Ticket Import

  • Accounts and tickets are exported to a CSV file.
  • You can view details such as the status of an import or the date and time when an import started or ended in the User Tasks window. This window appears when you go to User iconImage AddedUser Tasks.

Export Format for Contacts

In Configure > Input / Output > Export Format, you can define the formats for a contact file export. This enables you to export contacts into a file from the Contact Manager.

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The Export Contact widget in the Contacts manager displays the export formats that are defined in the Input / Output configuration. 

External Webpage on Agent Desktop

For sites that do not allow their webpages to be displayed on the Agent Desktop, you can now invoke their external links on the Agent Desktop. To facilitate this feature, the following changes are now made to Designer:

  • On the Functions Library tab, when configuring an API method, in the Method Editor window, on the Response tab, the Callbacks (External URL Pops) subtab is added. This subtab enables you to add a callback method for an external web address (that is, to invoke a callback URL).
  • On the Properties subtab, when configuring a function button, in the Button Setup window, in the Action Type column, the POP URL option is added. This option enables you to display an external webpage on a new browser tab.
  • On the Director subtab, when adding an event, in the Event Properties window, in the Action Type field, the POP URL option is added. This option enables you to display an external webpage on a new browser tab.

Function Call

You can now enable your agents to call multiple functions on their Agent Desktops (for example, create, update, or delete a record in an external application such as Jira or Salesforce, or return data from an external application and display it in a field within LiveVox) through a configurable function button. 


The function button refers to the button that appears on the Agent Desktop, which calls the function that is defined on Designer.

To facilitate this feature, in the Designer window, the following changes are made:

  • On the Properties subtab of the Desktops tab for the following elements (components), the Buttons section displaying the Configure button is added:
    • Accounts
    • Contacts
    • Ticketing


      When you click Configure, a Buttons Setup window appears, displaying the following columns:

      • Component: The section on the Agent Desktop in which you want the Function button to appear. Depending on the element, this column contains the following options:
        • Accounts List
        • Contacts List
        • Tickets List
      • Label: Name for the button (for example, Create Jira Ticket).
      • Icon: Image to represent the button.
      • Action Type: Type of action associated with the button. This column contains the following options:
        • API: Calls an API (for example, Insert Jira).
        • PAGE: Displays a page within the Desktop.
      • Target Page: The Designer page to appear when the agent clicks the button. This column is required if the action type is PAGE.
      • API: API (from the Functions Library tab) to be used when the agent clicks the button. This column is required if the action type is API.

      • Method: API method (from the Functions Library tab) to be used when the agent clicks the button.
      • Confirm: Checkbox to indicate if a confirmation message must appear when the agent clicks the button.

  • On the Functions Library tab:
    • For an API Name, the LIVEVOX option is added to the Authentication Method field of the Authentication tab. This new option appears if the value in the Base URL field contains livevox.
    • For an API Method:
      • The main settings (such as URI and content type) appear on the new General tab.
      • The Accept field containing the following options is added to the General tab:
        • application/json
        • application/xml
      • The following tabs appear as panels on the new Request tab:
        • Headers (formerly labeled Method Headers)
        • Query Parameters
        • Path Parameters
        • Payload
      • The Response tab containing the following new panels is added:
        • Parameters
        • Callbacks (Web Services)
        • Callbacks (Alerts): Enables you to define the messages that you want to be displayed on the Agent Desktop when a function call succeeds or fails.

KB Question and Trending

You can now assign questions to a Knowledge Base (KB) article and display the most popular articles and/or questions on the KB portal of your web widget or Agent Desktop. To facilitate this feature, the following changes are made:

  • In the Knowledge Base Config window, on the Knowledge Portals tab, when you create or modify a KB portal, the following fields appear:

    • Show top questions: Enables you to indicate if top-ranked questions appear on the portal.
    • Show top content: Enables you to indicate if top-ranked articles appear on the portal.
  • In the Knowledge Base Config window, on the Settings tab, the Questions section appears to enable you to create questions that could be commonly or frequently asked.
  • In the Knowledge Base Content Manager window, when uploading an article, the Questions section appears to enable you to assign or create questions for an article.
  • In the Knowledge Portal window, depending on the configuration of the portal, top-ranked articles and questions appear.

Lookup Module

The account_lookup and phone_lookup modules are now replaced with the lookup module, whose features are as follows:

  • Performs a lookup within services or contacts to associate an interaction with a relevant contact record based on the variable you define.
  • Supports multiple channels such as inbound chat, email, and SMS.

To facilitate these features, in the Advanced section of the contact flow (formerly called the call flow), the account_lookup and phone_lookup modules are removed and the lookup module is added.

  • The lookup module uses variables that are selected through the Expression Builder window. Therefore, when creating a contact flow that will use the lookup module, select the Support Expressions checkbox.
  • Some of the default system variables used by the lookup module are PHONE DIALED (for chat, email, SMS, and voice, SMS) and ACCOUNT (for chat). For email, PHONE DIALED represents your customer's email address; for chat, PHONE DIALED represents the phone number specified by your customer and ACCOUNT represents the account number specified by your customer.

Monitor Dashboard for Chat Queues

You can now monitor the chat queues of your agents, including the state of chat threads and any ongoing chats, in real time. To facilitate this feature, the Chat tab is added to the monitor dashboard.


The chat monitor dashboard is available at the enterprise, call center, and service levels.

The chat monitor dashboard displays the following statistics:

  • Available Agents: Count of agents who are ready to respond to chat threads (that is, agents who are logged on to a service for which the chat channel is configured, who are in the Ready state, and for whom the chat channel is enabled). 


    The chat channel is considered to be configured for a service if the Chat Routing Token field of the service contains a value.

  • Average Chat Wait Time: Average time that customers wait before their chat threads are connected to agents.
  • Average Resolution Time: Average time taken to resolve chat threads. 

    • Resolution time is the difference between the time that a chat session initiated by a customer connects to an agent and the time that the agent ends the session by marking the thread resolved or by dispositioning it.
    • Even after a customer has left a chat session, the thread is considered unresolved until the agent ends the session.

  • Chats In Queue: Count of incoming chat threads that are waiting to be connected to an agent.


    This count includes any chats that have hit the contact flow (IVR) and are waiting to be connected to an agent; the chat thread may include bot interactions from the contact flow (formerly called the call flow).

  • Chats With Agent: Count of active (unresolved) chat threads in the agents' inboxes.
  • Total Chats: Count of all chat threads initiated by customers.

In addition, the chat monitor dashboard displays the Chat Monitor table, which provides information about active chat threads. The table displays the following columns:

  • Agent: Contains the name of the agent if the value in the Thread Status column is With Agent.

  • Duration: Duration for which the thread has been active.

  • Profile: Contains an icon to view the Contact Details window of the customer who is a participant in the thread.
  • Queue: Token (department) to which the thread routes.


    A department enables a chat thread to be linked to the appropriate service.

  • Thread: Contains an icon to view the Chat Detail window, which contains the entire chat conversation that constitutes the thread.
  • Thread Status: Contains the current status of the thread, which is one of the following values:
    • In Queue: Indicates that the thread is waiting to be connected to an agent.

    • With Agent: Indicates that the thread is connected to an agent and the agent is yet to resolve the thread. That is, the thread is in the agent's inbox.


      If the agent to whom a thread is connected logs off, the thread is no longer considered to be with the agent.


You can filter the rows in the table based on the values in the following columns, by using the Search box:

  • Agent
  • Queue
  • Thread Status

New Service Provider

A new service provider is now available to enable you to send SMS or MMS to landline and toll-free numbers.


Through this service provider, a maximum of two attachments can be sent per message, with a total maximum file size of 600 KB. Types of files that can be shared are GIF, JPEG/JPG, PNG, and TXT. In addition, this service provider does not have any message throughput limits.

Notepad for Agents

You can now enable your agents to record notes within their desktops through the Notes checkbox. To facilitate this feature, in the Designer window, on the Properties subtab of the Desktops tab for the Home Bar element, in the Options section, the Notes checkbox is added.

Proactive Web Chat

You can now proactively initiate chat when someone visits your website by displaying a personalized chat invitation message that is triggered by one or more rules based on any of the following parameters: 

  • Address of the current webpage
  • Address of the webpage from where the customer was directed to your website
  • Time spent by the customer on your website
  • Time spent by the customer on the current page on your website

To facilitate this feature, in the Web Widget Detail window, on the Chat tab, the Rules section is added. 


The chat invitation message appears in a pop-up window to the visitors on your website. They can accept or decline the chat invitation by using the Chat Now or Maybe Later button in the window.

Scorecard Categories

You can now create a scorecard category to group similar scorecards by using the Scorecard Categories option. To facilitate this feature, on the WFO tab, in the Speech IQ section, in the Configuration subsection, the Scorecard Categories option is added.

Scorecard Queue

You can now generate a Scorecard Report that displays all the executed auto-score processes and generates a report each time a scorecard is executed by using advanced filter criteria for generating the report. To facilitate this feature, on the WFO tab, in the Speech IQ section, in the Reporting subsection, the Scorecard Queue option is added.

Scorecard Statistics

You can now generate a Scorecard Statistics Report that displays the performance statistics for both manual and automatic scorecards and the data summarizing the results of interactions you have scored. You can analyze the performance results at question and agent levels. You can also view each scorecard's performance (that is, if an agent is unable to answer a particular question on a scorecard or if an agent is unable to meet the business expectations). To facilitate this feature, on the WFO tab, in the Speech IQ section, in the Reporting subsection, the Scorecard Statistics option is added.

SMS Billing Report

You can generate the SMS Billing Report to identify the count of SMSes or MMSes that you have launched in a specific duration. You can generate the report based on various parameters. To facilitate this enhancement, on the Review tab, in the Billing Reports section, the SMS Billing Report option is added.

SMS Through Ticket Workflow

You can now generate SMS notifications based on events (for example, status change) through a ticket workflow. To facilitate this enhancement, the following changes are made:

  • In the Ticketing Config window, on the Design subtab of the Workflows tab, in the Action Type field, the Send SMS option is added.

    • The Ticketing Config window appears when you go to TicketingTickets Config on the Configure tab.
    • When you add the Send SMS action, the following fields appear:
      • Template: Enables you to select an SMS template. Only the message templates associated with the new SMS Notification contact flow appear in the drop-down list.

      • To: Enables you to specify a phone number or select one of the following options:
        • contact.phone1: Phone number of the contact associated with the ticket.
        • ticket.phone1: Primary phone number associated with the ticket.
        • ticket.phone2: Secondary phone number associated with the ticket.

  • In a contact flow (formerly called a call flow), in the Expressions section of the Expression Builder window, the account and ticket fields (both standard and custom) are added to enable you to define the email and SMS messages generated through the ticket workflow.


    The Expression Builder window appears if you select the Supports Expressions checkbox when creating a contact flow.


SMS notifications generated through a ticket workflow are not saved in the Interaction table. In addition, they do not depend on any service, and they comply with the SMS suppression list.

Speech Analytics Data Retention

You can now configure the duration for which you want to retain the Speech Analytics data on the LiveVox platform. To facilitate this enhancement, in the Client window, on the Settings tab, the Days of Speech Analytics field is added to the new Retention Settings section. The default value in this field is 365. You can, however, change the value to a number between 45 and 3653 (days).

Survey Module

You can now initiate a voice customer-satisfaction survey through the new survey module of Contact Flow.

Ticketing Real-Time Dashboard

You can now view real-time statistics of all open tickets in a graphical format. To facilitate this feature, on the Monitor tab, on the Ticketing subtab, the Ticketing Realtime Dashboard option is added.

WhatsApp Campaign

You can now create WhatsApp campaigns.


This feature is currently in the Beta phase of development.

To facilitate the feature, the following changes are made:

  • The whatsapp module is added to the Advanced section of a contact flow (formerly called a call flow).

  • In the Upload Campaign window, on the Basic tab, when you select Messaging in the Campaign Type field, the Subtype field displaying the value WhatsApp appears.


    The Upload Campaign window appears when you click Upload in the Campaigns window.

  • In the Campaign Template details window, when you select Messaging in the Type field, the Subtype field displaying the value WhatsApp appears.


    The Campaign Template details window appears when you click Add campaign template in the Campaign Templates window.

  •  In the Segment window, on the Configuration tab, when you select Messaging in the Campaign Type field, the Campaign SubType field displaying the value WhatsApp appears.


    The Segment window appears when you click Add segment in the Add Segmentation window.

  • On the Settings tab of the Services window, in the Contact Rules section, the Inbound Messaging Message field is added. This field contains the message template for inbound WhatsApp messages.
  • The status of a WhatsApp campaign (for example, if a WhatsApp message is read or delivered) appears in the Result column on the Interactions tab of the campaign, depending on the privacy settings of the WhatsApp accounts. For example, if the Read receipts setting is disabled for a WhatsApp account, the corresponding status is not recorded.
  • The Inbound SMS Code field on the Settings tab of a service used for WhatsApp contains the WhatsApp number for routing inbound WhatsApp messages.

Web Widget Appearance

The web widget is now visually enhanced.


The first image below shows the earlier appearance of the web widget; the second image below shows the new appearance of the widget.

Old Web WidgetImage Added

New Web WidgetImage Added

Work Force Optimization (WFO) Tab 

LiveVox's Speech Analytics platform, SpeechIQ, is now integrated with the LiveVox Portal and displayed on the WFO tab as the Speech IQ section. Quality Monitoring features such as Assessor, Screen Recording, Call Recording, and Speech Analytics are now available within Speech IQ.

In addition, the WFO tab is visually enhanced and its sections are restructured. The quality management options available on the WFO tab are: 

  • Speech IQ
    • Search and Score: Displays the speech/text analytics dashboard and enables you to score the recorded interactions.
    • Reporting: To view, generate, and export all U-QM data reports.
    • Arbitrators: To assign reviewers who are responsible for appraising disputed evaluations.
    • Assessors: To assign reviewers of evaluators of audio recordings by using scorecards. 
    • Audio Note Categories: To configure audio note categories to assist manual scoring. 
    • Automated Reports: To view and modify the automated reports.  
    • Grade Template: To configure grading mechanism based on answers to questions and points. 
    • Interaction Intents: To view the possible intent of the customer to initiate an interaction. 
    • Keyword Lists: To add keywords and create keyword groups to analyze interactions.
    • Scorecards and Scorecard Categories: To create customizable agent scorecards to score and evaluate each agent interaction.
    • Skill Maintenance: To create and view the skills that you can associate with scorecards.
    • Synonyms: To add lists of synonyms of keywords.
    • Dashboard: Displays a consolidated quality monitoring dashboard.
    • Word Cloud: Provides a word cloud that breaks down the most common keywords used by both agents and customers.
  • eLearning
    • Assignment: To perform e-learning content assignment.
    • Config: To configure e-learning assignment types, settings, categories, and sections.
    • Content Library: To upload content to the e-learning library.
  • Workforce Management
    • Agent Scheduling: To create shift calendars and assign specific shifts to agents.
    • Agent Scheduling Adherence Report: To generate historical call volume data of the previous agent resources.
    • Agent Scheduling Forecast Report: To view the scheduling adherence and conformance data for a single day and multiple days.
  • WorkQueue
    • Work Queue: To track the details and progress of scheduling, e-learning, coaching, and acknowledgment tasks.
    • Work Queue Config: To configure work queue tasks.
    • Work Queue Performance Report: To view and generate agent, arbitrator, and manager task performance reports.

Enhancements in LiveVox U15 User Portal

This section describes the enhancements to existing features in the LiveVox U15 release.


Advanced Contact Filter

When designing a contact view (filter), you can now specify advanced criteria for filtering based on conditional logic. To facilitate this enhancement, on the Design tab, the Advanced Criteria Mode option is added.

Advanced Search in E-learning Assignment

You can use the Advanced Search option, to filter or view only specific assignments from the list of assignments displayed on the Assignment window.

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Agent Availability on Monitor Dashboard

At the call center level, for an inbound service, you can now view the count of agents who are ready to receive calls from an inbound service. To facilitate this enhancement, on the Voice tab of the monitor dashboard at the call center level, on the Blended and Inbound tabs, in the tabular view of the Call Center widget, the Available Agents column is added. 


You can add this column to the Outbound tab by using the Customize Columns icon (Customize Columns iconImage Added) in the tabular view.

Agent and Call Center Monitor Dashboards

The monitor dashboard for call centers now includes agent data. Due to this, the menu on the Monitor tab contains only the Call Centers and Service Groups options.

Agent Chat Configuration

The Agent to Agent Chat checkbox on the Portal tab of the Client window is now renamed Supervisor to Agent Chat. This checkbox now indicates if a supervisor can initiate a chat with an agent. In addition, the Chat field is added to the new UCaaS section on the Billing tab of the Client window to indicate if an agent can chat with another agent.


The Chat Channel field in the Channels section on the Billing tab indicates if an agent can chat with a customer (web chat).

Agent Scheduling

In the Agent Scheduling window, the Schedules, ShiftsAgents, and Settings tabs are visually enhanced. These changes also include the following:

  • In the Schedules tab, the following updates are done:
    • If shifts that are assigned to multiple agents have the same shift start time, end time, break time, you can select those shifts and mass update parameters such as shift start and end time, break interval. You can also remove shift assignments and add comments to shifts.
    • You can view the available slots and assigned slots. You can also click the available slots and assign the available slots to agents.
    • You can set the day resolution in 5, 10, or 15-minute durations.
  • In the Shifts tab, you can configure breaks for agents starting from 5 minutes and then increase the duration based on your requirement. Also, you can configure scheduling constraints for agents.
  • In the Reports tab, you can generate reports that include time-off categories and non-work time.
  • In the Settings tab, you can configure reminders to inform agents when their shift starts, or when their break is near, or when their break is over, or when their shift ends.

Backoffice Agents Automatically in Ready Status

If you are configuring Knowledge Worker Desktop Mode for your backoffice agents, the Agent Logged In as Ready checkbox in the Agent Desktop editor, is selected by default. This places the agents automatically in the Ready status when they log on. 

Call Center Settings

You can now view all available call centers in the Call Centers window along with cog icon to customize the columns.

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When you double-click a call center row, you are presented with General, Services, and Change History tabs of the call center. The General tab allows you to view or update the general information of the call center. You can also view services information and change history from the respective tabs.

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The Campaigns tab is no longer available in Call Center settings.

Call Flow Editor

The Call Flow Editor is now renamed the Contact Flow Engine to reflect the multiple channels of communication offered by LiveVox.

Call Recording Files

Call recording files are now sent to Speech IQ as soon as the call recording ends, to instantly process the transcripts, sentiment, and speech analytics data. 

Call Recording Report

The file naming convention for the call and screen recordings that you can download is changed to the following format: MMddyyyy_hhmmss_a_phone.mp3.

The new naming convention helps you to match the downloaded call and screen recordings with the records in the generated report. In addition, you can search for a call recording report by its file name.

Campaign Jobs

You can now schedule up to 20 campaign jobs (instead of four) through Contact Manager. In addition, on the Scheduled Campaign Jobs tab of the Contact window, the following columns are now added:

  • Scheduled
  • Service
  • Campaign Type
  • Segmentation Template
  • Campaign Appends Allowed
  • Exclude Parent Segmentation

Chat Web Widget

The chat web widget now contains the following enhancements:

  • When your customers now begin a chat, they are provided with automated interactive messages and options (bot), which aim to condense the conversation based on their response, before they are connected to an agent.


    The interactive messages and options are defined in the contact flow (formerly called the call flow) that is associated with the chat service.

  • Before deciding to chat with an agent, your customers can now attempt to find the information they need by using relevant Knowledge Base articles, which appear as they type their message in the text box on the web widget.
  • You can now enable your agents and customers to send files to each other through web chat. To facilitate this enhancement, on the Chat tab of the Web Widget Detail window, the Enable Filesharing checkbox is added.

    • The Web Widget Detail window appears when you go to Web Widget > Widget on the Configure tab.
    • The maximum individual file size that can be shared is 5 MB.
    • Types of files that can be shared are GIF, JPEG/JPG, PDF, and PNG.
    • Shared files are available to be viewed or downloaded through the Interactions tab of Contact Manager.

  • Your customers no longer need to reopen the web widget to continue chatting with the agent as they navigate to other pages on your website where the widget is deployed. If the web widget snippet is on every page of your website, the widget is transitioned from one page to another.

  • Your customers can now rate a chat by clicking either the thumbs-up icon (positive) or the thumbs-down icon (negative).

    • The rating is considered for the entire chat thread.
    • If they do not rate a chat before it ends, they are prompted to do so when the agent ends the chat.
    • The rating is stored in the Interactions table. To view the ratings, contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team.

Contact Manager

In the Contacts window, the Contacts, Groups, Scheduled Campaign Jobs, and Import/Export Jobs tabs are now visually enhanced. Some of the other changes are as follows:

  • Contacts, Groups, Scheduled Campaign Jobs, and Import/Export Jobs tabs: The Delete button is now replaced with delete iconImage Added, which appears when you hover a row, to enable you to delete the record.
  • Groups tab: In the Contact Group window, the Associated Contacts, Associated DNC, and Associated Services tabs appear only after a contact group is created.

Contact Manager Search 

You can now search Contact Manager for contact records that do not contain any value in a field. To facilitate this enhancement, the following options are added to basic search and advanced search:

  • Is Empty
  • Is Not Empty

These options also appear when searching for contact records in the Edit Rule window, which appears when you modify a segment rule.

In addition, when performing a search in Contact Manager based on the Account for Livevox Result option, you can now add multiple additional search criteria for the option. To facilitate this enhancement, on the Contacts tab of the Contacts window, when you select Account for Livevox Result in the Search field, the ellipsis iconImage Added appears. When you click the ellipsis iconImage Added, the List Value window appears, displaying the following columns:

  • Value: Contains the additional search criteria.
  • Select All: Contains a checkbox for each search criterion. You can select multiple checkboxes.

Contact Notes List

On the Notes tab in the contact details window of the Contacts Editor, you can view only the most recent 5000 contact notes, based on the modification date. 

Contacts Element of Designer

The Contacts element of Designer has the following enhancements:

  • Contact Screen Pop: You can configure the name, header position, and theme for the screen pop that displays the Contact Flow data. 
  • Contact Detail:
    • You can create groups and modify their order.
    • You can modify the labels of all fields.
  • Contact Directory:
    • You can configure the Contact Directory screen. 
    • You can modify the labels of the phone position fields.
    • You can define which phone position fields appear on the Agent Desktop.
    • You can manage phone, SMS, and email consent.
  • Contact Highlight:  
    • You can add custom fields from the Contact Manager.
    • You can modify the labels of all fields.
    • You can display the information from contact flow variables and the Transaction table.

DNC (Do-Not-Call) Lists in Input Filter

When adding an input filter, you can now select SMS numbers, phone numbers, and email addresses as targets to create a field-mapping template for importing Do-Not-Call lists to the LiveVox Portal.

Email Through Ticket Workflow

When configuring a ticket workflow to generate an email, you are now required to select only the email template and the recipient's email address.

Function Library

When creating API requests that include the OAuth or OAuth2 authentication method on Designer: 

  1. In the request from the LiveVox database to your endpoint devices, you can now use the grant type either in the header or in the body.
  2. In the response from your endpoint devices to the LiveVox database, you can now use the access token variable either as accessToken or as access_token.

Inbound Email Routing

You no longer need to create separate domains for each inbound email inbox because inbound emails are now routed to services based on email addresses instead of domains. Due to this, for each email-based service, the IB Email Domain field on the Settings tab of the Services window now uses a unique email address for routing inbound emails to the service (as opposed to the unique email domain). As a result, multiple services can share the same domain in the email addresses, which are now used as routing tokens.

LiveVox Support

The LiveVox Portal has the following changes:

  • The LiveVox Support option is renamed LiveVox Customer Care.
  • The LiveVox Support window is renamed LiveVox Customer Care.
  • The Customer Support section in the LiveVox Support window is renamed Customer Care.
  • The email address in the LiveVox Support window is changed to
  • The Toll-Free Support Line in the LiveVox Support window is renamed Toll-Free Customer Care Line.
  • The Report Problem option is removed.
  • The Corporate Headquarters address is changed.

List Data Type

You can now add up to 50 values (instead of 10) to the LIST data type when configuring a field through the Field settings.


To access the Fields settings, on the Configure tab, go to System > Fields.

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) Support

You can now enable your agents to send/receive SMSes (mass and transactional) with attachments (multimedia content) through an Agent Desktop With Extended Panel. To facilitate this enhancement, in the sms - Property(s) window (that is, the sms module) of a contact flow (formerly called a call flow), on the Message Properties tab, the following property is added: Files to be Attached.

  • When you add a value (file) to this property, the sms module functions as an MMS module.
  • To access a contact flow, go to Messaging > Contact Flow on the Configure tab. 
  • The sms - Property(s) window appears when you double-click the sms module in the Advanced section of the Contact Flow window.
  • The maximum size of an MMS message that can be sent (including both text and files) is 5 MB.
  • Types of files that can be sent are GIF, JPEG/JPG, and PNG.
  • Shared files are available to be viewed or downloaded through the Interactions tab of Contact Manager and in the Call Detail Report (CDR).

Report Writer

Report Writer is now supported within the Export Format settings. To facilitate this enhancement, the following changes are made:

  • On the Configure tab, in the Input / Output section, the Report Writer subsection is removed.
  • In the Export Format window, the Editor field contains the Report Map option. 

Scheduled Callback Routing

IVR Scheduled callbacks without an assigned agent skill will now launch and be sent to any available agent. The schedule callback module of Contact Flow now enables you to specify the agent skill ID (classification ID) property based on which scheduled callbacks are routed.

  • When the agent skill ID is blank (null) or not specified, the call is routed to any available agent.
  • When the agent skill ID is the classification ID, the call is routed to the skilled agent defined in the STRICT_CLASSIFICATION or STRICT_OVERFLOW service groups.

Screen Pop on U-CRM Agent Desktop

You can now enable an agent to view customer data through the home bar. To facilitate this enhancement, in Designer, on the Properties tab for the Home Bar element, the Screen Pop checkbox is added.

Secure Payment Capture

When an agent enters Advanced Secure Payment Capture, call and screen recordings are no longer paused as the agent will only hear flat sounds in place of dual-tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF) tones.


Call and screen recordings pause as normal in Basic Secure Payment Capture.


The Segmentation section now has the following enhancements:

  • You can delete a segmentation directly from the table by using the new Delete icon.
  • When adding or modifying a segment, a segment query editor appears in place of the graph.
  • The Manage Criteria button is removed. You can view existing criteria on the Segments tab.

Segmentation Criteria

You can now add multiple segmentation criteria for the Dialed in last 'x' days for Livevox Result field. To facilitate this enhancement, when adding a value for the field, in the Value window, the TFH Result section appears, displaying the following columns:

  • Value: Contains the additional criteria.
  • Select All: Contains a checkbox for each criterion. You can select multiple checkboxes.
  • Only one Dialed in last 'x' days for Livevox Result field or Dialed in last 'x' days field can be added for each segment.
  • The Dialed in last 'x' days for Livevox Result option appears in the Field drop-down list box of the Criteria window when the value in the Source field is Contact.
  • The Criteria window appears when you click Add Criteria in the Manage Criteria window.

Session Recording

The SIP-based media recording is fully functional now. The session recording now supports the use of SIPREC also during a session refresh. 

SMS Pacing

You can now control the rate at which SMSes are sent to your customers for an SMS service. To facilitate this enhancement, in the Revise Limits window, the SMS tab displaying the Max SMS Per Second field is added.


The Revise Limits window appears when you click the Revise icon (Revise iconImage Added) on the Activity widget of the voice monitor dashboard.

SMS Response Code

To improve tracking, a manual SMS response or an automated SMS response (excluding one generated through a campaign) to an inbound SMS is now sent from the short/long code that was used for the inbound SMS (that is, the number to which your customer sent the SMS). This enhancement ensures that your agents use the correct number to respond to SMSes when you have multiple codes.


When the SMS module is used by a campaign, the SMS code configured in the module is used.

Support for External Links for E-Learning

You can now upload the contents to the E-Learning content library by specifying external links.

To upload the contents, navigate to WFO > E-Learning > Content Library. Click the Upload Content button, you will be presented with the Content Form window with the new option External URL.

Image Added

Ticketing Filters

When designing a ticket view (filter), you can now specify advanced criteria for filtering based on conditional logic. In addition, on the Tickets tab, the New Ticket View icon (New Ticket View iconImage Added) and the Edit Ticket View icon (Edit Ticket View iconImage Added) are added to enable you to create and modify a ticket view, respectively.

Ticketing Workflow

Ticketing Workflow now has the following enhancements:

  • You can trigger a workflow only when a certain field in the ticket is updated. When creating a new event, if you select the Update Ticket trigger in the Involves any of these events field, the workflow is triggered only when a specific field in the ticket is updated.
  • The ticket labels that appear when you add a condition to a workflow are more readable.
  • When updating a ticket field, the mode of selecting a date for the date fields is enhanced.
  • When creating a work queue task, you can specify the due date and due time for the task.
  • While sending an email, you can specify the CC and BCC recipients for the email.

User Interface Enhancements to Call Center Settings

The Call Center section is now enhanced as below. To go to Call Center section,  navigate to Configure > Services > Call Centers

  • Provides the list of all available call centers with the customizable call center grid. To customize call center grid, use the cog icon (Image Added) available in the upper-right corner. Image Added
  • When you select a call center, you are presented with General, Services, and Change History tabs. The General tab allows you to view or update the general information of the call center. You can also view services information and change history from the respective tabs.
    Image Added
  • The Campaigns tab is no longer available in Call Center settings.

User Interface Enhancements to Reports

The reporting section is now enhanced as follows:

  • ACD Reports section name is updated to Agent Reports.
  • There are user interface changes in the following reports:
    • Agent Summary Report

    • Agent Team Summary Report

    • Clicker Efficiency Report

    • Estimated Billing Duration Report

    • Call Monitoring Report 

    • Call Transfer Report 

    • Voicemail Recording Report.

    • Email Campaign Summary Report

    • Service Efficiency Report

    • Call Statistics Report

    • Recording Events Report

  •  Common UI enhancements to above specified Reports.
    • You are provided new Export and Print buttons.
    • You are provided a new Date Picker window which can be opened by clicking on the calendar icon. Calendar icons for From and To date and Advanced Date Configuration link is removed.
    • You can now customize Result columns by clicking on the cog (Image Added) icon (exception Recording Events Report and Call Statistics Report).
  • Specific UI enhancements to each report 
    • Agent Summary Report: Successful Operator Transfer result field is renamed Successful Op Transfer. The below images shows the sample generated report.
      Image Added
    • Agent Team Summary Report: Successful Operator Transfer result field is renamed Successful Op Transfer. The below images shows the sample generated report.Image Added
    • Clicker Efficiency Report: The below image shows the sample generated report.
      Image Added
    • Estimated Billing Duration Report: The below image shows the sample generated report.
      Image Added

    • Call Monitoring Report: First Monitoring Type result filed is renamed to Monitoring User. Also, the Original Account Number filed removed from the Search Criteria and  Result. The below image shows the sample generated report.
      Image Added

    • Call Transfer Report: The Original Account Number filed removed from the Search Criteria and  Result. The below image shows the sample generated report.
      Image Added

    • Voicemail Recording Report: Audio play / Download columns combined into one. The below image shows the sample generated report.Image Added

    • Email Campaign Summary Report: Graphical presentation is available under the Charts section with Delivered and Other data. Results are presented in the form of tiles. The below image shows the sample generated report.
      Image Added

    • Service Efficiency Report: The below image shows the sample generated report.
      Image Added
      The below image shows the sample graphical report.
      Image Added

    • Call Statistics Report: Graphical presentation of Call Statistics is updated with a single line graph. The below image shows the sample generated report.
      Image Added

    • Recording Events Report: The below image shows the sample generated report.
      Image Added

Voice Monitor Dashboard

The voice monitor dashboard on the Monitor tab has the following enhancements:

  • The height of the Agents widget in the tabular view is increased to display more agents in a single view.
  • You can use the Name filter field on the Agents widget to also filter the agents by their state.
  • You can access the multimedia recordings of an agent through the Agents widget. To facilitate this enhancement, in the Agent Details window, on the Call Recording tab, the Multimedia column is added.
  • The height of the Service Monitor widget in the tabular view is increased to display all statistics without the need to scroll through the widget or go to the next page within the widget.
  • You can drag a widget to where you want it on the dashboard by using drag_widgetImage Added, which appears next to the label of each widget. The new position of the widget is retained even after you refresh the page.
  • If you changed the view of a widget from graphical to tabular or vice versa and then refreshed the page, the new view is retained.

The Voice tab of the monitor dashboard is now enhanced as follows:

  • You can manually switch among the inbound, outbound, and blended direction modes through the respective tabs.


    The default view is still based on the number of calls per direction.

  • The Monitor and Agents widgets display the data in graphical view regardless of the number of assigned call centers or services. You can also switch to the tabular view.
  • The data on the Agent Detail tab of the Agent Detail window is categorized into General and Charts sections.


    The Agent Detail window appears when you double-click a row on the Agents widget.

  • The Service Monitor widget displays charts that represent the daily inbound statistics for the service. You can also switch to the tabular view.
  • On the Activity widget:
    • The Revise button, which was used to revise limits, is replaced with the Revise icon (Revise iconImage Added). 
      • The Revise Limits window contains the Voice and SMS tabs.
    • Change History icon (Change History iconImage Added) is added for viewing the changes made to pacing.
  • The Outcomes & Costs widget is split into two sections (Outcomes and Costs).
  • In the Campaigns widget, the filtering options (Today's, Active, and Playing) appear in a drop-down list box.
  • The dashboard is scrollable, eliminating the need to resize or drag the widgets.

Voicemail Recording Report

The Voicemail Recording Report now has the following enhancements:

  • You can download up to 5 recordings from the generated report by selecting them and clicking on a new Bulk Download button. The output is a zip file.
  • Downloaded recording audio file name format is improved. The new format is <date>_<phone number>.mp3. For Example, 05_13_2020_2_31_36_AM_6503517485.mp3
  • Under the Status result column, you can view the status of voicemail (heard by the agent or not heard) with icons (Image Added/Image Added).
  • You can use Image Addedicon to play the voicemail audio or Image Added icon to download the voicemail.

Image Added

  • The Automated Reports option is added to the Configuration subsection in the Speech IQ section of the WFO tab. When you click the Automated Reports option, the Automated Reports window appears, displaying all scheduled reports.
  • Anchor

    When the agents respond to an email or SMS, by default, the email address or SMS code used in the response are the same as those associated with the original email or SMS thread, and the agents cannot modify that address or code.

    To facilitate this feature, the following changes are made:

    • In the Email Channel window, on the Addresses tab, if you double-click a row displaying an email address, the Email Channel window for the address appears. The Services tab of this window enables you to assign the address to services.
    • In the SMS Channel window, on the Codes tab, if you double-click a row displaying an SMS code, the SMS Channel window for the code appears. This window enables you to assign the code to services.
    AnchormbmbEmail and SMS Messagebook

    You can now define which email and SMS message templates your agents can use for each Agent Desktop when sending or responding to a message. To facilitate this feature, the following changes are made in the Agent Desktop window:

    • The Messagebook Enabled checkbox is moved to the General tab. The checkbox indicates if the voice messagebook button is available on the Agent Panel for calls.
    • The Messagebook tab is always displayed (as opposed to being displayed only when you selected the Message Enabled checkbox). This tab enables you to add only the deployed messages that are assigned to the following types of standard contact flows (that is, standard contact flows whose names begin with the following text):
      • Email
      • Messagebook
      • SMS
      • WhatsApp
    AnchoremailemailEmail Billing Report

    You can generate the Email Billing Report to identify the count of emails that you have launched in a specific duration. You can generate the report based on various parameters. To facilitate this enhancement, on the Review tab, in the Billing Reports section, the Email Billing Report option is added.

    Anchore911e911Emergency Service

    You can add the address of your call center and assign a phone number to be used in case of an emergency. This feature enables your agents to make an emergency 911 call from any manual service in the call center. To facilitate this feature, the following changes are made:

    • In the Client window, on the Billing tab, in the UCaaS section, the Emergency Services option is added.
    • When viewing a call center, in the Call Center Details window, the Emergency Services tab is added.
    AnchorewoadewoadExternal Webpage on Agent Desktop

    For sites that do not allow their webpages to be displayed on the Agent Desktop, you can now invoke their external links on the Agent Desktop. To facilitate this feature, the following changes are now made to Designer:

    • On the Functions Library tab, when configuring an API method, in the Method Editor window, on the Response tab, the Callbacks (External URL Pops) subtab is added. This subtab enables you to add a callback method for an external web address (that is, to invoke a callback URL).
    • On the Properties subtab, when configuring a function button, in the Button Setup window, in the Action Type column, the POP URL option is added. This option enables you to display an external webpage on a new browser tab.
    • On the Director subtab, when adding an event, in the Event Properties window, in the Action Type field, the POP URL option is added. This option enables you to display an external webpage on a new browser tab.
    AnchorkbqtkbqtKB Question and Trending

    You can now assign questions to a Knowledge Base (KB) article and display the most popular articles and/or questions on the KB portal of your web widget or Agent Desktop. To facilitate this feature, the following changes are made:

    • In the Knowledge Base Config window, on the Knowledge Portals tab, when you create or modify a KB portal, the following fields appear:

      • Show top questions: Enables you to indicate if top-ranked questions appear on the portal.
      • Show top content: Enables you to indicate if top-ranked articles appear on the portal.
    • In the Knowledge Base Config window, on the Settings tab, the Questions section appears to enable you to create questions that could be commonly or frequently asked.
    • In the Knowledge Base Content Manager window, when uploading an article, the Questions section appears to enable you to assign or create questions for an article.
    • In the Knowledge Portal window, depending on the configuration of the portal, top-ranked articles and questions appear.
    AnchornspnspNew Service Provider

    A new service provider is now available to enable you to send SMS or MMS to landline and toll-free numbers.


    Through this service provider, a maximum of two attachments can be sent per message, with a total maximum file size of 600 KB. Types of files that can be shared are GIF, JPEG/JPG, PNG, and TXT. In addition, this service provider does not have any message throughput limits.

    AnchorpwcpwcProactive Web Chat

    You can now proactively initiate chat when someone visits your website by displaying a personalized chat invitation message that is triggered by one or more rules based on any of the following parameters: 

    • Address of the current webpage
    • Address of the webpage from where the customer was directed to your website
    • Time spent by the customer on your website
    • Time spent by the customer on the current page on your website

    To facilitate this feature, in the Web Widget Detail window, on the Chat tab, the Rules section is added. 


    The chat invitation message appears in a pop-up window to the visitors on your website. They can accept or decline the chat invitation by using the Chat Now or Maybe Later button in the window.

    AnchorscorecardcategoriesscorecardcategoriesScorecard Categories

    You can now create a scorecard category to group similar scorecards by using the Scorecard Categories option. To facilitate this feature, on the WFO tab, in the Speech IQ section, in the Configuration subsection, the Scorecard Categories option is added.

    AnchorscorecardqueuescorecardqueueScorecard Queue

    You can now generate a Scorecard Report that displays all the executed auto-score processes and generates a report each time a scorecard is executed by using advanced filter criteria for generating the report. To facilitate this feature, on the WFO tab, in the Speech IQ section, in the Reporting subsection, the Scorecard Queue option is added.

    AnchorscorecardstatisticsscorecardstatisticsScorecard Statistics

    You can now generate a Scorecard Statistics Report that displays the performance statistics for both manual and automatic scorecards and the data summarizing the results of interactions you have scored. You can analyze the performance results at question and agent levels. You can also view each scorecard's performance (that is, if an agent is unable to answer a particular question on a scorecard or if an agent is unable to meet the business expectations). To facilitate this feature, on the WFO tab, in the Speech IQ section, in the Reporting subsection, the Scorecard Statistics option is added.

    AnchorsmssmsSMS Billing Report

    You can generate the SMS Billing Report to identify the count of SMSes or MMSes that you have launched in a specific duration. You can generate the report based on various parameters. To facilitate this enhancement, on the Review tab, in the Billing Reports section, the SMS Billing Report option is added.

    AnchorsiqdrsiqdrSpeech Analytics Data Retention

    You can now configure the duration for which you want to retain the Speech Analytics data on the LiveVox platform. To facilitate this enhancement, in the Client window, on the Settings tab, the Days of Speech Analytics field is added to the new Retention Settings section. The default value in this field is 365. You can, however, change the value to a number between 45 and 3653 (days).

    Anchorsm1sm1Survey Module

    You can now initiate a voice customer-satisfaction survey through the new survey module of Contact Flow.

    AnchortrdtrdTicketing Real-Time Dashboard

    You can now view real-time statistics of all open tickets in a graphical format. To facilitate this feature, on the Monitor tab, on the Ticketing subtab, the Ticketing Realtime Dashboard option is added.

    AnchorwwawwaWeb Widget Appearance

    The web widget is now visually enhanced.


    The first image below shows the earlier appearance of the web widget; the second image below shows the new appearance of the widget.

    Old Web WidgetImage Removed

    New Web WidgetImage Removed

    AnchorwfowfoWork Force Optimization (WFO) Tab 

    LiveVox's Speech Analytics platform, SpeechIQ, is now integrated with the LiveVox Portal and displayed on the WFO tab as the Speech IQ section. Quality Monitoring features such as Assessor, Screen Recording, Call Recording, and Speech Analytics are now available within Speech IQ.

    In addition, the WFO tab is visually enhanced and its sections are restructured. The quality management options available on the WFO tab are: 

    • Speech IQ
      • Search and Score: Displays the speech/text analytics dashboard and enables you to score the recorded interactions.
      • Reporting: To view, generate, and export all U-QM data reports.
      • Arbitrators: To assign reviewers who are responsible for appraising disputed evaluations.
      • Assessors: To assign reviewers of evaluators of audio recordings by using scorecards. 
      • Audio Note Categories: To configure audio note categories to assist manual scoring. 
      • Automated Reports: To view and modify the automated reports.  
      • Grade Template: To configure grading mechanism based on answers to questions and points. 
      • Interaction Intents: To view the possible intent of the customer to initiate an interaction. 
      • Keyword Lists: To add keywords and create keyword groups to analyze interactions.
      • Scorecards and Scorecard Categories: To create customizable agent scorecards to score and evaluate each agent interaction.
      • Skill Maintenance: To create and view the skills that you can associate with scorecards.
      • Synonyms: To add lists of synonyms of keywords.
      • Dashboard: Displays a consolidated quality monitoring dashboard.
      • Word Cloud: Provides a word cloud that breaks down the most common keywords used by both agents and customers.
    • eLearning
      • Assignment: To perform e-learning content assignment.
      • Config: To configure e-learning assignment types, settings, categories, and sections.
      • Content Library: To upload content to the e-learning library.
    • Workforce Management
      • Agent Scheduling: To create shift calendars and assign specific shifts to agents.
      • Agent Scheduling Adherence Report: To generate historical call volume data of the previous agent resources.
      • Agent Scheduling Forecast Report: To view the scheduling adherence and conformance data for a single day and multiple days.
    • WorkQueue
      • Work Queue: To track the details and progress of scheduling, e-learning, coaching, and acknowledgment tasks.
      • Work Queue Config: To configure work queue tasks.
      • Work Queue Performance Report: To view and generate agent, arbitrator, and manager task performance reports.

    Enhancements in LiveVox U15 User Portal

    This section describes the enhancements to existing features in the LiveVox U15 release.

    AnchoracfacfAdvanced Contact Filter

    When designing a contact view (filter), you can now specify advanced criteria for filtering based on conditional logic. To facilitate this enhancement, on the Design tab, the Advanced Criteria Mode option is added.

    AnchorascascAgent Scheduling

    In the Agent Scheduling window, the Schedules, ShiftsAgents, and Settings tabs are visually enhanced. These changes also include the following:

    • In the Schedules tab, the following updates are done:
      • If shifts that are assigned to multiple agents have the same shift start time, end time, break time, you can select those shifts and mass update parameters such as shift start and end time, break interval. You can also remove shift assignments and add comments to shifts.
      • You can view the available slots and assigned slots. You can also click the available slots and assign the available slots to agents.
      • You can set the day resolution in 5, 10, or 15 minute durations.
    • In the Shifts tab, you can configure breaks for agents starting from 5 minutes and then increase the duration based on your requirement. Also, you can configure scheduling constraints for agents.
    • In the Reports tab, you can generate reports that include time-off categories and non-work time.
    • In the Settings tab, you can configure reminders to inform agents when their shift starts, or when their break is near, or when their break is over, or when their shift ends.
    AnchoracacAgent Chat Configuration

    The Agent to Agent Chat checkbox on the Portal tab of the Client window is now renamed Supervisor to Agent Chat. This checkbox now indicates if a supervisor can initiate a chat with an agent. In addition, the Chat field is added to the new UCaaS section on the Billing tab of the Client window to indicate if an agent can chat with another agent.


    The Chat Channel field in the Channels section on the Billing tab indicates if an agent can chat with a customer (web chat).

    AnchorcrfcrfCall Recording Files

    Call recording files are now sent to Speech IQ as soon as the call recording ends, to instantly process the transcripts, sentiment, and speech analytics data. 

    AnchorcrrcrrCall Recording Report

    The file naming convention for the call and screen recordings that you can download is changed to the following format: MMddyyyy_hhmmss_a_phone.mp3.

    The new naming convention helps you to match the downloaded call and screen recordings with the records in the generated report. In addition, you can search for a call recording report by its file name.

    AnchorcmecmeContact Manager

    In the Contacts window, the Contacts, Groups, Scheduled Campaign Jobs, and Import/Export Jobs tabs are now visually enhanced. Some of the other changes are as follows:

    • Contacts, Groups, Scheduled Campaign Jobs, and Import/Export Jobs tabs: The Delete button is now replaced with delete iconImage Removed, which appears when you hover a row, to enable you to delete the record.
    • Groups tab: In the Contact Group window, the Associated Contacts, Associated DNC, and Associated Services tabs appear only after a contact group is created.
    AnchorcedcedContacts Element of Designer

    The Contacts element of Designer has the following enhancements:

    • Contact Screen Pop: You can configure the name, header position, and theme for the screen pop that displays the Contact Flow data. 
    • Contact Detail:
      • You can create groups and modify their order.
      • You can modify the labels of all fields.
    • Contact Directory:
      • You can configure the Contact Directory screen. 
      • You can modify the labels of the phone position fields.
      • You can define which phone position fields appear on the Agent Desktop.
      • You can manage phone, SMS, and email consent.
    • Contact Highlight:  
      • You can add custom fields from the Contact Manager.
      • You can modify the labels of all fields.
      • You can display the information from contact flow variables and the Transaction table.
    AnchordncdncDNC (Do-Not-Call) Lists in Input Filter

    When adding an input filter, you can now select SMS numbers, phone numbers, and email addresses as targets to create a field-mapping template for importing Do-Not-Call lists to the LiveVox Portal.

    AnchorflflFunction Library

    When creating API requests that include the OAuth or OAuth2 authentication method on Designer: 

    1. In the request from the LiveVox database to your endpoint devices, you can now use the grant type either in the header or in the body.
    2. In the response from your endpoint devices to the LiveVox database, you can now use the access token variable either as accessToken or as access_token.
    AnchorlvslvsLiveVox Support

    The LiveVox Portal has the following changes:

    • The LiveVox Support option is renamed LiveVox Customer Care.
    • The LiveVox Support window is renamed LiveVox Customer Care.
    • The Customer Support section in the LiveVox Support window is renamed Customer Care.
    • The email address in the LiveVox Support window is changed to
    • The Toll-Free Support Line in the LiveVox Support window is renamed Toll-Free Customer Care Line.
    • The Report Problem option is removed.
    • The Corporate Headquarters address is changed.
    AnchorreportreportReport Writer

    Report Writer is now supported within the Export Format settings. To facilitate this enhancement, the following changes are made:

    • On the Configure tab, in the Input / Output section, the Report Writer subsection is removed.
    • In the Export Format window, the Editor field contains the Report Map option. 
    AnchorscrscrScheduled Callback Routing

    IVR Scheduled callbacks without an assigned agent skill will now launch and be sent to any available agent. The schedule callback module of Contact Flow now enables you to specify the agent skill ID (classification ID) property based on which scheduled callbacks are routed.

    • When the agent skill ID is blank (null) or not specified, the call is routed to any available agent.
    • When the agent skill ID is the classification ID, the call is routed to the skilled agent defined in the STRICT_CLASSIFICATION or STRICT_OVERFLOW service groups.
    Anchorscp1scp1Screen Pop on U-CRM Agent Desktop

    You can now enable an agent to view customer data through the home bar. To facilitate this enhancement, in Designer, on the Properties tab for the Home Bar element, the Screen Pop checkbox is added.

    AnchorspcspcSecure Payment Capture

    When an agent enters Advanced Secure Payment Capture, call and screen recordings are no longer paused as the agent will only hear flat sounds in place of dual-tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF) tones.


    Call and screen recordings pause as normal in Basic Secure Payment Capture.


    The Segmentation section now has the following enhancements:

    • You can delete a segmentation directly from the table by using the new Delete icon.
    • When adding or modifying a segment, a segment query editor appears in place of the graph.
    • The Manage Criteria button is removed. You can view existing criteria on the Segments tab.
    AnchorsrcsrcSMS Response Code

    To improve tracking, a manual SMS response or an automated SMS response (excluding one generated through a campaign) to an inbound SMS is now sent from the short/long code that was used for the inbound SMS (that is, the number to which your customer sent the SMS). This enhancement ensures that your agents use the correct number to respond to SMSes when you have multiple codes.


    When the SMS module is used by a campaign, the SMS code configured in the module is used.

    AnchortftfTicketing Filters

    When designing a ticket view (filter), you can now specify advanced criteria for filtering based on conditional logic. In addition, on the Tickets tab, the New Ticket View icon (New Ticket View iconImage Removed) and the Edit Ticket View icon (Edit Ticket View iconImage Removed) are added to enable you to create and modify a ticket view, respectively.

    AnchortktwtktwTicketing Workflow

    Ticketing Workflow now has the following enhancements:

    • You can trigger a workflow only when a certain field in the ticket is updated. When creating a new event, if you select the Update Ticket trigger in the Involves any of these events field, the workflow is triggered only when a specific field in the ticket is updated.
    • The ticket labels that appear when you add a condition to a workflow are more readable.
    • When updating a ticket field, the mode of selecting a date for the date fields is enhanced.
    • When creating a work queue task, you can specify the due date and due time for the task.
    • While sending an email, you can specify the CC and BCC recipients for the email.
    Anchorvmd1vmd1Voice Monitor Dashboard

    The voice monitor dashboard on the Monitor tab has the following enhancements:

  • The height of the Agents widget in the tabular view is increased to display more agents in a single view.
  • You can use the Name filter field on the Agents widget to also filter the agents by their state.
  • You can access the multimedia recordings of an agent through the Agents widget. To facilitate this enhancement, in the Agent Details window, on the Call Recording tab, the Multimedia column is added.
  • The height of the Service Monitor widget in the tabular view is increased to display all statistics without the need to scroll through the widget or go to the next page within the widget.
  • You can drag a widget to where you want it on the dashboard by using drag_widgetImage Removed, which appears next to the label of each widget. The new position of the widget is retained even after you refresh the page.
  • If you changed the view of a widget from graphical to tabular or vice versa and then refreshed the page, the new view is retained.